After dinner, Chen Yuan checked the shopping list with his uncle. Those vegetables that needed to be refrigerated had to be refrigerated and he would deal with them in the afternoon.

He went home and lay down directly. He didn't know how long he slept before he was awakened by the miserable screams of his second brother.

Did his uncle's family slaughter a pig?

When he rushed to his uncle's house, the butcher in the village was gnawing on the pig's hind legs and blowing air on his second brother.

"Yuanzi, come here. This pig slaughtering feast is left to you."

Chen Ping brought a large bucket of hot water and prepared to give his second brother a hot bath. Seeing his cousin, he hurriedly said happily.

"No problem... Hey, Brother Ping, aren't you and your sister-in-law going back to Yishui City to hold a wedding banquet? Why are you still here?"

According to the prior arrangement, Chen Ping will send his wife back to her parents' home today to attend the bride's wedding banquet. After the wedding ceremony at his cousin's parents' home tomorrow, he will pick up the bride to Chen Ping's side to hold the main wedding banquet.

The custom of marriage in Chen Village is to hold a wedding banquet at the bride's home on the morning of the wedding day, and then go to the groom's home for the main wedding banquet at noon.

My cousin's wife's family is in the neighboring Yishui City, and it takes two or three hours to get there from Chen Village.

Considering the distance from Yishui City to here, the wedding banquet was held at the bride's home one day in advance.

At this time, shouldn't Chen Ping take his wife back to her parents' home? Why is he still plucking pig hair here instead of going to Yishui City?

This made Chen Yuan look a little confused and puzzled.

Chen Ping explained with a smile:

"It's because I want to eat the pig-killing feast you made. Anyway, your sister-in-law's wedding banquet will not be held until the evening, and we can still make it there after eating."

"...That's because the dishes I made are too delicious." Chen Yuan was speechless by his cousin's operation.

Is there nothing to prepare on the bride's side? You two can just rush over there in the evening to go through the formalities?

"Don't just stand there, use the planer to scrape the pig hair. It's hard to scrape it when the water is cold."

At this time, the second brother's belly was made big by the village butcher, bulging like a huge ball. Just pour hot water on it to scrape off the pig hair most easily.

Chen Ping handed his cousin a planer. The iron planer was similar in shape to the green tiles in the countryside before. Holding it with both hands, the pig hair can be scraped off quickly.

Snap, snap...

Three or five rural men, holding the planer in their hands, took advantage of the temperature of the hot water to scrape the whole black-haired pig to a bright white.

After that, the whole second brother was hung on a long wooden ladder, waiting to be gutted.

Suit, pig large intestine, pig small intestine, pig liver, pig kidney... were taken out one by one. These will become the most essential part of the food after being passed through Chen Yuan's ingenious hands.

The local pork raised at home is compact and tastes many times better than the pork in the pig farm!

Chen Yuan was blessed by the system, and no one knew the structure of the pig in front of him better than him.

Maybe in the eyes of others, this is just ordinary, common pork, but in Chen Yuan's eyes, it is countless pork-related recipes!

Braised pork elbow, steamed pork with rice flour, sweet and sour spare ribs, braised pork...

He was a little hungry after seeing it...

Many parts have to be reserved for tomorrow's feast, but a real pig-killing banquet doesn't need these. Pig blood, pig liver, pig intestines, pig heart and other pig offal, relying on freshness and scarcity can win people's hearts, and are rare and delicious ingredients that are indispensable for pig-killing banquets.

As early as 20 years ago, when the butcher came to the owner's house to kill the pig, he would cut a piece of meat as a reward, and the kind owner would also pick some pig offal to give to the butcher.

Now in the countryside, after the butcher is found to slaughter the pig, he is paid directly. For example, in Chen Village, a pig is usually killed for 200 yuan.

It was only the end of the sixth lunar month, and the weather was so hot, so no family in the countryside would slaughter a pig at this time for no reason. Usually, pigs would be slaughtered in the twelfth lunar month for New Year's goods.

If it weren't for his son's wedding banquet, Chen Yuan's uncle's family would not choose to slaughter the pig at this time.

Besides, there are fewer and fewer people raising pigs in the countryside now, and it is difficult to eat authentic local products.

Chen Yuan found a deserted place and took out the dragon head sword from the system space.

In ancient times, there was a butcher who cut up an ox, and now there is Chen Yuan who divides a pig!

Chen Yuan raised his knife and the whole pig was split into two pieces like tofu, and they were lifted onto the chopping board.

Chen Yuan stared at the two pieces of pork with a gleaming look and raised the dragon head sword in his hand.

Which ones were for braised pork and which ones were for braised pork were quickly divided and put into different baskets.

"Fuck, am I sure I'm not seeing things? Yuanzi's knife skills are so amazing, why does it feel like he's not cutting meat, but tofu?"

"I didn't expect that Master Chen is not only good at cooking, but also good at knife skills.It's so amazing that I feel a chill in my crotch when I see it."

"This knife skill is so amazing. How come he feels that Chen Yuan didn't use any force at all, and the bones and flesh separated naturally! "

Seeing Chen Yuan quickly cut up the pork, the onlookers were stunned. Even Lao Zhang, the butcher who had killed pigs for decades, was amazed and admitted that he was inferior.

After cutting up the pork, Chen Yuan stretched his body. Since being blessed by the medicinal power of the "Dragon Spirit Tiger Might Magic Patch", his physical fitness has become average, and he feels that seven times a night is no problem!

The eldest aunt is a very diligent typical rural woman, the kind who can't stay idle for a moment. After handing the little grandson to her daughter-in-law, she took a basin of pig intestines and small intestines and ran to the small river not far from the house to clean them up.

In Chen Village, wedding banquets usually last three days. The day before the main meal, the host family invites relatives and friends to come over for dinner to help and discuss the arrangements for tomorrow.

In Chen Village, this is called "preparation meal".

Generally, the village banquet chef only cooks the main meal, and the preparation meal is ignored.

However, because the chef in charge of the cooking this time is Chen Yuan, he is the nephew of the host family, with this Because of the relationship, he was willing to help prepare the meal even if he didn't pay more. They were all family members, so there was no need to care so much.

The old Chen family just slaughtered a pig today, so the meal was prepared together with the slaughtering feast.

Chen Yuan divided the meat and looked at the time. It was time to prepare the dishes. His cousin and his wife were waiting to finish their meal and rush to Yishui City.

And just when Chen Yuan was cooking.

Village chief Chen Dahe seemed to come here because of the smell. He was invited by Chen Yuan's uncle's family to act as the "accountant" tomorrow.

This "accountant" is the name in Chen Village. Each place has its own name. Some call it accountant, and some call it courtesy book.

There are two "accountants" in Chen Village, one manages money and the other writes.

In recent years, the village has been served by the combination of Chen Dahe and Chen Village Accountant for weddings and funerals.

"Village chief, accountant... Hey, this is Old Yan... What wind blew you here. "

When Chen Jianjun's family saw the village chief and his family coming, they naturally welcomed them. When their eyes fell on a silver-haired old man, the uncle's eyes suddenly fixed, and he was a little bit unbelievable.

"What? Your Chen family doesn't welcome an old man like me!"

Yan Shuhua joked with a laugh.

"How could it be? We can't even invite a person as respected as you! Come to the inner room quickly. It's very hot outside. Have some tea first. The food will be ready soon. This is the dish cooked by my nephew himself. It tastes really good."

"Haha, I came here just for your nephew. Let's go in and talk. Jianjun, this time I want to eat your banquet with a gift."

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