Time flies, and it is the day before November 8th.

This day is November 7th.

Early in the morning, the whole Chen Village is misty and rainy, and the sky is drizzling, and it feels a bit cold.

Chen Yuan, Heizi, and Moshenniu set out early to buy vegetables at the morning market in An County.

The early bird catches the worm, and the vegetable stalls in the morning market will only be fresh if you go early.

The three of them drove two cars respectively.

Chen Yuan asked Heizi to drive his pickup truck as well.


Because Chen Yuan had to go to An County High-speed Railway Station today to pick up He Zhifeng, Kou Xi's senior, and Chen Yuan specially asked him to come to help design the house.

After buying the vegetables, Chen Yuan asked Heizi and Moshenniu to go back to Chen Village first.

In the pickup truck.

Heizi and Moshenniu were chatting.

"Mo Niu Sha, your uncle is so awesome. Why is he planning to hold a banquet for a sow when it gives birth?"

When Heizi heard that Uncle Mo was going to hold a banquet for the pig, he was completely shocked.

This is the first time he has seen such a shocking thing since he was a child. It can be said that his worldview has been shattered.

These days, I have seen all kinds of banquets with Chen Yuan, but I have never seen a banquet for a sow giving birth.

Heizi got up early this morning and drove to buy vegetables.

Now he is sitting in the car with Mo Sha Niu, and he is also very excited.

Heizi is also full of expectations for this special banquet.

Heizi wants to see what it will be like for those people in the village to attend this banquet.

"Heizi, what do you know! My uncle did this for the villagers."

"What? For the villagers?"

"That's right, think about it, my uncle held this banquet so that the villagers can eat Chen Yuan's dishes. You also know how delicious Chen Yuan's dishes are now. If my uncle didn't hold this banquet, wouldn't everyone be able to eat them?"

"What you said makes so much sense that I'm speechless."

After listening to Mo Sha Niu's words, Heizi suddenly felt that what he said made sense.

Now the whole village is craving for Chen Yuan's dishes. In order to eat delicious dishes, they are all thinking of ways to hold a banquet.

But now the permanent population in rural areas is too small. Many people either live in the city or leave their hometown to work outside.

At the end of the year, there will be more people in the village.

So it's still difficult to have a banquet now, so they racked their brains to eat banquet dishes.

I really miss the dishes made by Chen Yuan, and I hope that someone in the village will hold a banquet and I can go and eat for free.

Some people feel sorry for Uncle Mo, so they find such an opportunity to let Uncle Mo hold a banquet.

Otherwise, Uncle Mo only gives money to others and does not get back any of his own money, which is really a loss.

Heizi drove the car along the road to Anxian County, talking to Mo Shanniu on the side, and he was not sleepy.

Mo Shanniu said: "Then Chen An went to Haicheng City, hasn't come back yet?"

Heizi replied: "Not yet, didn't you see the circle of friends that guy posted a few days ago, playing at the beach is a bit too much. I heard from his mother that he will be back in a few days, and it seems that he will be engaged when he comes back."

"Engagement? So soon? How long have they known each other?"

Mo Shanniu was a little surprised to hear that Chen An was going to get engaged.

At the same time as being surprised, he was full of envy.

There was also a sense of crisis.

He is much older than Chen An. Others are getting engaged, but he hasn't even managed to get a widow.

When people are compared, it's really impossible to compare.

"How long you know each other has anything to do with engagement? Didn't our parents' generation get together after a blind date, and they lived happily."

"Well, it seems that the previous generation met through blind dates, got married and had children after knowing each other for a few days."

"That's right, my parents also met through blind dates, and they haven't got a marriage certificate yet, but they are still living happily."

Heizi laughed.

He is telling the truth. People before the 1970s and 1980s had simpler thoughts.

At that time, matchmakers were popular. If a man and a woman liked each other, they could get married.

Marriage was simple in that era. It was not like now that there are so many requirements, and the high bride price makes gay men feel ashamed.

Many people have no choice but to stay single for life.

According to statistics, there are more than 30 million unmarried men in China. It's scary to think that so many people have not married.

Mo Sha Niu said happily: "You said Chen An is going to get engaged, so we can have a feast again."

Hei Zi smiled and said: "Of course, we will definitely ask Yuan Zi to cook the feast."

"That's great, we can have a feast again." Mo Sha Niu said happily: "You said Chen An is going to get engaged, so we can have a feast again."

Hei Zi smiled and said: "That's right, we will definitely ask Yuan Zi to cook the feast."

"That's great, we can have a feast again."Niu finally smiled when he heard that there was a feast to eat.

The three of them came to Xintai Farmers Market in An County and started buying vegetables.

They had bought here many times, and many stall owners were familiar with them.

So it was very convenient to buy vegetables. Those stall owners knew that they were cooking a big feast in the countryside, so as long as they went to buy vegetables, they would give the best price.

It didn't take much time to buy vegetables, just over an hour.

After buying the vegetables, Chen Yuan asked Moshaniu and the others if they wanted to have breakfast, anyway, it was still early.

"What are we going to eat?" Heizi and Moshaniu were also very excited.

Since the two of them followed Chen Yuan, they can eat all kinds of delicious food.

"Why don't we go to Zhengdong Street to eat beef noodles." Chen Yuan suggested.

"Okay, okay." How could Heizi and Moshaniu have any objections.

As people from An County, they only heard that the beef noodles on Zhengdong Street were delicious, but they had never eaten them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we should have a good taste.

As soon as they said they would go, the three drove to Zhengdong Street.

Zhengdong Street is also an old street with a long history.

This can be regarded as a business card of An County...

Zhengdong Street is not very lively in the morning, but there are more people eating here at night.

"Yuanzi, where should we go to eat now?"

After parking the car, Heizi and Moshaniu stared at the buildings on this ancient street and were stunned for a moment.

Both of them came to Zhengdong Street for the first time. They didn't expect that there was such an ancient place in their An County.

There are food shops on both sides of the ancient street. Now many shops that make breakfast have opened, and the fragrance is wafting out, making those passers-by swallow their saliva.

Heizi and his friends looked at the food shops on both sides, and their eyes were dazzled.

I think this one is good, and that one is also good.

I have difficulty choosing. I feel that all the shops are delicious. For a while, I don't know which one to eat.

"It's my first time here, but I saw on the Internet that the beef noodles at 'Laojiu Noodle House' are the best, so let's go there to try it."

Chen Yuan said.

As for where exactly the Laojiu Noodle House is on Zhengdong Street, he himself didn't know.

In order to avoid getting lost, Chen Yuan took out his mobile phone and turned on the map navigation.

As soon as he turned on the navigation, he found that the "Laojiu Noodle House" was quite close.

Chen Yuan took his mobile phone and followed the navigation.

Led by the navigation, the three of them came to the shop of Laojiu Noodle House and found that there were still many people eating noodles.

The shop of this noodle house is not very big, only about 30 or 40 square meters, but it is really popular. It is worthy of being an Internet celebrity shop. They all come here to check in and eat noodles.

They lined up to get a number and finally found a table.

The three of them ordered three taels of dry noodles.

The noodles in this noodle house are divided into dry and wet. Dry noodles are similar to those dried noodles, and wet noodles are similar to ramen.

People in An County like to eat beef noodles with dry noodles, which are chewier.

After ordering noodles, they just wait for their noodles to be served.

After waiting for a few minutes, the steaming hot beef noodles were served.

I saw the three large bowls of beef noodles, steaming hot.

A layer of red oil floated on the whole bowl of noodles, which looked very spicy.

The most exciting thing was the beef topping on the noodles.

The beef was stir-fried with red peppers, and ginger was added to suppress the fishy smell in the beef. It tasted spicy and refreshing, very delicious.

The three people were surprised by the beef noodles on the table. They dared to put so much beef in a bowl of beef noodles for only ten yuan. Aren’t they afraid of bankruptcy?

The beef in this bowl of noodles is enough for the Xzhou ramen chef to use for a month.

The surface of the beef noodles was sporadically sprinkled with scallions. The red and green blended together at this moment, making the whole bowl of noodles full of appetite.

At this moment, there was only one word in the minds of the three people: eat...

If there were barrages in their minds, the screen would be full of the word "eat".

The three of them stopped talking and focused all their attention on the noodles.

Holding chopsticks in their hands, they kept picking up the noodles and then put them in their mouths to swallow.


The warm noodles slid down the esophagus, comforting their stomachs as soon as they were swallowed, making people feel extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

The sound of "slurp" was everywhere in Laojiu Noodle House.

This is really a happy sound that can baptize the ears!

For just a ten-yuan noodle, if you are not full, you can add one or two noodles for free, and it is free.

In addition, on a table, there are some vegetarian toppings that can be added for free.

Onions, coriander, spicy dried radish, pickled mustard...

These are all free to add.After the three of them finished eating three taels of beef noodles, they found that their stomachs were not full, so they ordered another portion of noodles.

The additional portion of noodles was one tael of noodles, which did not cost money.


After the three of them finished eating the noodles, they finally felt that their stomachs were full.

They all touched their stomachs and to be honest, they were really full.

When it came time to pay the bill, Chen Yuan paid the bill first, which made Heizi and Moshenniu feel a little embarrassed.

It was really a bit unreasonable to always let Yuanzi treat them.

Next time, the two of them must treat each other to delicious food.

"Heizi, what do you think of this beef noodle?"

"Of course, it's really good."

"I tell you, my favorite part of the noodles is the beef. The portion is really big. It's a conscientious store."

"What a joke, this 'Laojiu Noodle House' is the most famous online celebrity store in our An County after all."


Heizi and Mo Sha Niu walked one after the other, chatting with each other.

Both of them thought that the noodles in Laojiu Noodle House were delicious, and they felt that they were not satisfied.

However, as they walked, they found something wrong.

What's wrong with Yuanzi today? Why didn't he say a word?

Just when the two were wondering, they heard Chen Yuan say.

"Do you think the noodles I cooked are delicious, or the noodles in Laojiu Noodle House are delicious?"


"..."Mo Sha Niu.

Damn, this is a life-threatening question. If you don't answer it well, will you never be able to eat at Chen Yuan's special restaurant in the future?

Heizi: "What a joke! No matter how delicious the noodles at Laojiu Noodle House are, they can't compare to yours."

Mosha Niu: "Bah... What did I just eat? It's not delicious at all. Compared with the noodles you make, it's too low."

Heizi: ...

Heizi stared at Mosha Niu and thought that this guy was really shameless.

In order to flatter Chen Yuan, he actually stepped on Laojiu Noodle House.

Damn, don't you feel guilty?

Just now, he ate more happily than anyone else in the noodle shop, but now he actually said such words.

I have never seen such a shameless person.

Heizi said quickly, "I second your opinion. I agree with what Mo Sha Niu said. No one can cook anything better than what you cook, Yuanzi."

Mo Shanian also said, "That's right. Compared with what you cook, Yuanzi, it's just shit."

Heizi: "..."

Chen Yuan: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to the freezing point. Chen Yuan and Heizi looked at Mo Sha Niu as if he were an idiot.

They wanted to kick this idiot to death.

Did they eat shit just now?

"Uh, you two misunderstood. Actually, that's not what I meant."

Looking at the two brothers' expressions, Mo Sha Niu realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he hurried to explain.

But Heizi and Chen Yuan told him to get out and stay away from them.

They were so disgusted.


After eating the noodles, they walked out of Zhengdong Street.

They were also ready to go back.

Heizi and Moshaniu drove the pickup truck with the money back first, while Chen Yuan had to go to the high-speed rail station to pick up He Zhifeng (Kou Xi's senior).

Because there was no road to Moshaniu's house, the car could only drive to the foot of the mountain, and the vegetables bought in the car had to be moved up, which was also a big project.

Chen Yuan parted with Heizi and drove the mobile RV to the high-speed rail station.

The county town is also more than ten kilometers away from the high-speed rail station.

Chen Yuan looked at the time. It was still early for He Zhifeng's train, so he was not in a hurry.

When the car arrived at the high-speed rail station, He Zhifeng's train had not arrived yet.

Chen Yuan parked the car in the parking lot, set an alarm on his mobile phone, and then lay down in the RV for a nap.

I got up before dawn today, and I watched short videos until late last night. It's really my own fault!

"Hubby, get up~~"

A looping little Lolita voice woke Chen Yuan up.

This was the alarm that Chen Yuan had set in advance. It was almost time to pick up He Zhifeng.

Chen Yuan washed his face in the RV, then got off and waited for He Zhifeng outside the station.

Anxian High-speed Railway Station is also called Anxian High-speed Railway South Station. This station is not a big station, so not many trains will stop here.

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