"This fragrance comes from these banquet dishes?"

Zhao Ya couldn't believe that this dish could be so fragrant.

In fact, this was packed by Qian Duoduo.

If you eat it at the banquet, it will definitely be different.

The packed banquet dishes have all kinds of dishes mixed together, so the flavors of all kinds of dishes are mixed together and have become mixed.

So now, this sweet and sour pork ribs have been mixed with the flavors of other dishes and are no longer as fragrant as before.

But for Zhao Ya, this is already a very good dish.

The sweet and sour fragrance kept drilling into Zhao Ya's nose.

It was so fragrant that she couldn't stand it.

She picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in her mouth, and the sauce of the sweet and sour pork ribs burst out in her mouth instantly.

She instantly felt like she was flying, floating in the air, enjoying the sunshine and rain.

This feeling is really wonderful, making her feel relaxed.

Zhao Ya's life was too heavy, and she had always lived in fear.

But she didn't expect that a small piece of sweet and sour spareribs today would relax her body and mind.

It's just a piece of spareribs, but she didn't expect it to have such a great magic. It's really amazing.

The taste of sugar and vinegar spread throughout the mouth, with a hint of sweet meaty aroma. The various flavors were clearly layered, not messy at all, and very layered.

In fact, making this dish is also very particular.

It is best to choose ribs. Ribs are small bones on the ribs. The meat is relatively lean and the meat layer is thin. It tastes fresh and tender.

The most critical point of making this dish, in addition to the selection of ingredients, is the preparation of the sweet and sour sauce.

Whether this sweet and sour spareribs are delicious or not, the sweet and sour sauce is a very critical link.

If the sweet and sour sauce is not well matched, and the ratio of sugar to vinegar in it is not right, it will also affect the taste.

Too much sugar will make you greasy, and too much vinegar will make you sour.

Only when sweet and sour are perfectly matched together can they be sweet and sour and delicious.

The sweet and sour spareribs made by Chen Yuan are full of color, fragrance and taste.

Those ribs are wrapped in a golden coat, exuding a refreshing fragrance that makes people's eyes shine.

When Zhao Ya put it in her mouth, she could instantly feel the faint meaty aroma, mixed with the sweet and sour taste that stimulates the taste buds. When she put it in her mouth, she immediately felt refreshed.

At this time, Zhao Ya seemed to have tasted the most delicious food in the world, and her face was filled with a taste called "happiness".

Feeling the wonderful feeling brought to her by the food in her mouth.

The meat is tender, not greasy, and the taste is moderately sweet and sour.

Even the bones are full of juice. Take a bite and suck it hard, and you can instantly feel the taste of first love.

"Um...are there any more of this dish?"

Zhao Ya finished two pieces of ribs and a bowl of rice. This dish was not only sweet, but also very delicious.

Her mouth was full of oil, and she looked at Qian Duoduo with a feeling of wanting more.

"..." Qian Duoduo.

"..." Qian Xiaoxiao.

The two of them looked at their mother and were stunned for a moment.

In the past, her mother had never eaten as fast as she did today. She often warned her children to chew slowly when eating.

But today, her mother ate so scary.

Qian Xiaoxiao looked at her mother sucking the sauce on the bones, and her mouth was watering with greed.

This dish was too delicious, but there was too little.

When she thought that she would never be able to eat such a delicious dish again, Qian Xiaoxiao suddenly became depressed.

The family finished their meal.

Zhao Ya was still immersed in the delicious ocean of sweet and sour pork ribs, and she really couldn't extricate herself.

"Mom, didn't you just discuss something with us?"

Qian Duoduo was still keeping a clear mind at this moment.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot."

Zhao Ya came back to her senses. She actually forgot such an important thing. It was really speechless.

Qian Xiaoxiao: "..."

Qian Duoduo: "..."

Then, Zhao Ya lowered her voice and said: "You also know that I have been with your uncle Wei for a while. Your uncle Wei wants to marry me. I want to ask if you have any objections."

When saying this, Zhao Ya also felt her face getting hot.

She was too shameless to tell such a thing to the children.

So many years have passed, and she didn't think about finding a man. Now that the children are grown up, she actually told them that she was going to remarry. Who knows what the two children will think of her.

So, after the woman said that, she held her breath and waited for the children's reaction.

Qian Duoduo's reaction was good. Now that she is older, she can understand many things.

Besides, it's going to rain., her mother wants to remarry, what can she do?

Over the years, she has seen how hard it is for her mother to raise them. She doesn't know how much hardship she has suffered, how many cold stares she has suffered, and how she has never enjoyed a day of happiness. Now her mother wants to pursue her own happiness, and as a daughter, she must support her.

But Qian Xiaoxiao's reaction was very strong, and it was difficult for her to accept that her mother wanted to remarry.


Qian Xiaoxiao kicked the wooden stool beside her in anger and ran back to her room without looking back.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room was frozen to the extreme.

Zhao Ya's eyes were red, and the tears fell down, and she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

At this time, Qian Duoduo hurriedly comforted her mother: "Mom, don't be sad, my brother just can't accept it for a while, and it will be fine after a little guidance."

The daughter helped her mother wipe her tears with a tissue, and then walked towards her brother's room.

When she came to her brother's room, she found that the door was locked.

No matter how Qian Duoduo knocked on the door, her brother just wouldn't open it.

"Qian Xiaoxiao... Sister will count to '3'. If you don't open the door, you will never have the chance to eat such delicious food today again."


As soon as Qian Duoduo finished speaking, her brother opened the door.

Duoduo didn't look at her brother, but stared at the old-fashioned wooden door.

She fiddled with the wooden door.


Suddenly, a series of sour sounds rang in the air.

"Qian Xiaoxiao, the hinges of this wooden door should be greased."

Qian Duoduo pursed her lips and said.

"..." Qian Xiaoxiao.

He never thought that the first thing his sister said after knocking on the door was to care about the hinges of the wooden door.

"Xiaoxiao, why don't you agree to mom marrying Uncle Wei? Don't you know how hard it has been for mom to live alone these years? She finally found someone who loves her, and she should have her own happiness."

"Sister, no matter what you say to me, I won't agree to this. No matter how good Uncle Wei is, he can completely replace our dad."

When Qian Xiaoxiao thought about the possibility of calling that guy surnamed Wei "Dad" in the future, he felt uncomfortable all over, and he tried his best to resist.



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