Everyone was deeply shocked by the scene before their eyes.

There were crowds of people everywhere around the reservoir. If they hadn't seen the fishing rods stretched out, they would have thought that these people were having fun.

What to do? All the good fishing spots were taken.

They thought they were early, but they didn't expect that those people were even earlier than them.

Some people didn't even sleep in order to get a good spot to fish. They ran to the reservoir at two or three in the morning to make a nest and lay in bed for a night.

Today, I finally saw the madness of fishermen. They really took great pains to fish and would do anything.

Chen Yuan walked a long way around the reservoir and finally found a place to fish. Although the location was a bit remote, he could finally cast his rod.

"Hua La La~"

Chen Yuan and his friends had just found a good place and hadn't started fishing yet. They saw a big brother next to them, holding a few handfuls of bait and throwing them directly into the water.

Is this making a nest?

But even if it was a nesting bait, no one did it like him.

Pour a basin of bait directly into the water, isn't that fun?

"Brother, the bait you made is too thick."

Chen Yuan walked over to greet the man and handed him a cigarette.

Chen Yuan himself doesn't smoke, but he always carries cigarettes with him, so that he can offer cigarettes to people and bring people closer together.

Sure enough, when he saw the cigarette handed over by Chen Yuan, the man's face looked much better.

If someone had dared to question his nesting bait before, he would definitely have scolded the other person.

For the sake of the cigarette, the man's attitude was still good.

"Little brother, you don't understand this, right? I'm a professional baiter. I'll let you know what a soul fisherman is later."

"Brother, from your accent, you seem to be from Baili Town. Why did you come here to fish?"

"Hey, you can tell from this, I am really from Baili Town. I heard that the water in the reservoir is deep, so I came all the way here to fish."

"What does the depth of the reservoir have to do with fishing?"

"Hey, you don't understand this, right? No one told you that the deeper the water, the bigger the fish?"

"...I've never heard of this, what's your name, brother?"

"My name is Li Mo, everyone calls me Lao Mo."


Sure enough, the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, it's Lao Mo.

Not to mention, this Lao Mo is really a bit like the fish seller in the storm.

Chen Yuan was so scared that he stopped talking, afraid that this guy would suddenly hand him a lollipop.

Chen Yuan returned to his fishing area, only to see Heizi looking in the direction of Lao Mo, muttering in a low voice: "Where did this idiot come from? Does he know how to fish? Is there anyone who makes a nest like him? With so much bait, the fish are all fed, how can they still take the bait?"

"Okay, stop talking, we are all here to fish, let's understand each other."

Chen Yuan patted his shoulder and comforted him.

Everyone also took out the fishing gear and started to get started.

Chen An was also generous. He actually bought four sets of fishing gear at once, one set for each of the four people in Chencun.

The four people got the fishing gear ready and prepared to start fishing.

"Where is the bait?"

Heizi said impatiently, holding the fishing rod.

You said this guy holding the fishing rod, why is he so excited.

"Here, you can put the bait yourself."

As he said, Chen An took out a few bags of feed and threw them aside.

Heizi took a look and was a little confused: "Anzi, are you sure you can fish here? Doesn't it say that this is sea fishing bait?"

"Tsk, sea fishing bait can't be used for fishing here? They are the same fish, are the fish here picky eaters?"

"What you said makes sense, but what if the fish are really picky eaters?"

Heizi looked at the bags of bait, which were all sea fishing baits. Are you sure the fish in the reservoir are not picky eaters?

"Oh, it's true. Otherwise... let Yuanzi mix some ingredients and let the fish taste his cooking skills. I think the fish will not refuse."

Chen An thought for a while and said.

Just like his father-in-law and mother-in-law couldn't get used to the dishes here after they came, but they liked the dishes made by Chen Yuan very much.

No one can resist what Chen Yuan makes, not even fish.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. Let Chen Yuan prepare the seasoning. Those fish will definitely rush to take the bait."

When Heizi thought of the dishes cooked by Chen Yuan, he drooled a little.

"..." Chen Yuan saw that the other three people all looked at him, and he felt speechless for a moment.

So, he cooked for people, and he also had to cook for the fish?

I don't know what they are thinking. The fish in the reservoir may not appreciate the seasoning he prepared.

He couldn't refuse, because he was the chef among the four.

Anyway, don't treat those fish as dishes, but as guests at the banquet.But when he looked at the baits, he suddenly got a headache.

Those baits were all shrimp powder and sea fishing fabrics. How could he season them and make sure that the fish would not dislike them after they were seasoned?

Chen Yuan had no choice but to mix the various ingredients with some water.

Well, the fishing bait was ready.

Chen An and the others each took some bait and started to fish.

Several people threw all the hooks into the water, stuck the fishing rods on the shore, and then they just lay on the grass leisurely.

"Alas, do young people fish like this now?"

Looking at the four people lying next to him, Lao Mo shook his head helplessly.

It's really that one generation is worse than the next. I'm afraid that no one will inherit the great cause of fishermen in the future.

Just as he was thinking, his float moved and was pulled under the water.

Oh, there's a fish...

Lao Mo was ecstatic and pulled the rod quickly. He really caught a fish. Although it was not big, it was much better than the air force.

Today, Lao Mo also came to this reservoir to fish for the first time.

It was too late, and the good places were all occupied, so he could only come to this remote place to open up new territory.

I thought no one would come to this corner, but there were actually four young people coming here, and they were four rookies.

They didn't know how to fish at all. As fishermen, they would ignore anyone who stuck a fishing rod on the shore.

Lao Mo was in a good mood now. There was a fish on the hook, which proved that there were still fish in this place.

Lao Mo quickly took the fish off the hook and started fishing again.

Lao Mo didn't know whether he was lucky or really had fishing skills.

Then he kept collecting the rod. Although the fish was really small, it was the biggest gain for the fisherman.

"Fuck, are all the fish here dead?"

Heizi felt a little unbalanced when he saw Lao Mo catching fish frequently not far away.

They were all fishermen, and they were in the same waters, so why did others catch so many fish, while they didn't see any fish at all.

"Maybe these fish don't understand how delicious Yuanzi's food is." Chen An said indifferently.

He couldn't blame the bait.


At this time, the waters in front of the four people made a huge noise. The fishing rod in front of Chen Yuan moved, and the float was pulled to the bottom of the water.

Damn, there's a fish, and it seems to be a big fish.


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