Chen Yuan and the other four were all shocked.

This happened so suddenly, in a split second, that there was no time for people to react.

"Plop", "Plop", "Plop", "Plop".

Four sounds of falling into the water were heard.

Chen Yuan and the others jumped into the water to save people.



Li Mo, who was dragged ashore, vomited a few mouthfuls of lake water. Fortunately, he was fine after vomiting the water.

Chen Yuan and the others were exhausted and finally dragged Li Mo ashore.

This old Mo is really a landlubber!

He can't swim and still comes out to fish. Isn't this sending his head to the Dragon King!

"Fish... The fish didn't run away, right? Who said you can't fish if you can't swim?"

I didn't expect that the first thing that old Mo did after being rescued was to care about whether the fish ran away.

Chen Yuan told him that the fish didn't run away and was caught by them.

This was also thanks to Li Mo's desperate grasping of the fishing rod, otherwise the big black carp would have run away long ago.

"I said you can't swim, what fish are you going to catch!"

Heizi couldn't help but speak, he was the most depressed at the time.

Seeing that the big fish was about to be caught, but the scoop net suddenly had a big hole, and he watched the big fish escape.

At that time, Heizi's heart seemed to be tugged by someone, and it was instantly cold.

Then they heard Chen Yuan's voice calling for help, and they didn't care about so much, and they all went into the water and rescued Lao Mo.

Unexpectedly, Lao Mo still held the fishing rod desperately in his hand.

After safely rescuing Lao Mo, they worked together to catch the big black carp.

The big black carp was also unlucky. After so much trouble, it thought it was going to escape, but it didn't expect to meet a desperate person in this life.

The big black carp had no choice but to accept its fate.

What made everyone extremely happy was that the big black carp weighed more than 30 kilograms, which was just right for cooking at the bachelor party tonight.

Such a big fish, if fully utilized, could be used to make several dishes.

After a lot of tossing and turning, everyone was wet.

They didn't fish for this fish anymore, so they put away their fishing gear and went home.

They were still thinking about asking Li Mo to attend the party tonight, but Li Mo refused to do anything.

He drove back to Baili Town by himself.

Chen Yuan and his friends had no choice but to wait until they had time to go to Baili Town to thank him.

Chen Yuan and his friends drove back to the small square at the entrance of Chen Village.

As a result, Heizi and his friends insisted on getting off the car at the small square in the village. What were they going to do?

The three of them childishly carried the big black carp weighing more than 30 kilograms out of the car, and each of them took turns carrying the big fish on their shoulders, swaggering through the village, and walked towards Chen Yuan's house.

They caught such a big fish today, so they had to show off!

In the past, they often came back empty-handed when they went fishing, and they were embarrassed to go back to the village.

Now they are finally proud of themselves, which is really gratifying.

They have to carry the fish around the village to show the villagers their harvest today.

"Hey, Chen An, did you go fishing today? Did you catch this fish? It's really big."

"Tsk tsk, this fish must be 20 to 30 kilograms. You are really amazing to catch such a big fish."

"This is the first time I have seen such a big fish in my life. It really broadens my horizons."


Chen An and his friends took turns carrying the fish around the village, and immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Many people saw such a big fish for the first time, and they must have gone over to take a look.

The news that Chen An and his friends caught a big fish spread quickly, and many villagers came to see it.

One by one, they all praised Chen An and his friends for being amazing and being able to catch such a big fish.

The three guys carrying the fish were even more proud when they were praised by the villagers, and their faces were filled with bright smiles.

After carrying the fish to Chen Yuan's house, they were very satisfied and felt very happy.

But now they were all wet and felt cold all over.

Everyone went back to their homes and changed their clothes first.

After Chen An and the others left, Chen Yuan looked at the time. It was still early.

The bachelor party would not be held until the evening, so there was plenty of time to prepare now.

He put the fish away first, and then took a hot bath.

After washing his whole body with hot water, he felt extremely comfortable.

Thinking that he had to cook in the evening, Chen Yuan's laziness instantly came.

But it was already past lunch time, and his stomach had already protested.

If he didn't eat something, his internal organs would rebel.

But he didn't want to eat rice now.

Let's have some pasta...…I don’t seem to have eaten pasta anymore, and I miss it.

Since he copied Grandma Wu’s cooking skills, he found that he had become a pasta expert.

Now he completely believed what Gu Hongti said before. When Grandma Wu was young, she was definitely a white-case expert, and those big hotels were vying to invite her to work.

He did it right away, since there was flour at home anyway.

Since he learned how to make pasta, he bought a bag of Fuqiang flour in the supermarket in town, and made some pasta from time to time to reward his stomach.

Sometimes, after eating rice for a long time, he wanted to change his taste.

Chen Yuan quickly "flipped" the recipe in his mind, and finally chose a ramen.

Speaking of ramen, Chen Yuan thought of those jokes on the Internet.

It is said that a cow is enough for ramen restaurants across the country to use for a year.

Of course, this is a popular joke on the Internet, and it is not true.

But it is enough to prove the knife skills of the ramen chef.

The beef slices cut by the chef in the ramen restaurant are really as thin as cicada wings. The beef slices are as thin as paper, as if they can be blown away with a blow.

In terms of knife skills, Chen Yuan believes that he will not lose to others.

If he opens a ramen restaurant, it is estimated that a cow will be enough for him for ten years.

(Funny expression)


Chen Yuan began to knead the dough. The dough for making ramen is also very particular.

It should not be too soft or too hard.

If it is soft, the noodles will not be formed.

If it is hard, it is easy to break the noodles.

The flour for making ramen should be selected with high gluten, so that the dough kneaded will be more chewy and elastic, and the noodles made will be chewy and have a good taste.

After the dough is kneaded, it should be kneaded three times, and only after it is kneaded thoroughly can uniform noodles be pulled out.

The technique of making ramen is also very strict, usually including twisting, folding, stretching and other techniques, which cannot be mastered overnight.

Chen Yuan got the real teachings from Grandma Wu, and his technique was very skillful and relaxed. After making the noodles, he didn't feel tired at all.

Unlike some people, who would have backaches after making ramen once.

Chen Yuan took a look at the pork rib soup in the pot. It looked pretty good, milky and rich, with a refreshing fragrance. You could tell it was delicious at a glance.

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