A man of seventeen or eighteen years old, his balls are all broken...

This is an old saying in An County, which refers to the strong body of a young man.

Li Tao came over with a bag of rice on his shoulder. He looked quite strong, not yet at the age of being drained by a woman, cough...

"Taozi, you bastard, stop right there, I will break your dog legs!"

Just as Li Tao ran over with a bag of rice, he saw a figure following him.

The figure was holding a stick in his hand and chasing after Li Tao.

"Dad... what are you doing?"

The man chased after him and was about to hit Li Tao with a stick. Li Tao was so scared that he screamed and ran quickly to Li Mo's back to seek protection.

"What am I doing? I'm going to beat you to death. You're so young and you dare to steal things from home. I'll beat you to death!"

"Dad, can you still be reasonable? I've already said it before you took the things."

"Have you said it? You told your mom, right? I didn't agree."

"My mom agrees, what else can you say? Usually, mom is the one who makes the decision at home."

"Hey, you kid, you dare to talk back, I'll beat you to death!"

Because his son exposed his shortcomings, Li Tao's father was a little angry and wanted to beat his son with a stick.

This kid, he dared to go up to the roof and tear off the tiles after three days of not being beaten, it's really against the sky.

"Second brother, what are you doing! The children are so old, it's not good to see them fighting."

"Old three, go away, I'm teaching my son a lesson."

Li Laoer didn't buy his cousin Li Mo's account, his eyes fell on the bag of rice that his son stole, and his eyes almost popped out.

The second son of the Li family has always been stingy, and he is also quite vain.

For Mr. Li’s 100th birthday party, it was Mr. Li who suggested holding the banquet in the town hotel.

Mr. Li and others believed that only by holding the banquet in a big hotel could the Li family have face.

Therefore, Mr. Li and others insisted on holding the banquet in a big hotel, even at the cost of quarreling with other members of the family.

To be honest, Mr. Li and others’ family conditions are not very good, but such people are often the most face-conscious.

They believed that if Mr. Li’s 100th birthday banquet was held in a big hotel, it would better show that the Li family had strength in their Baili Town.

Anyway, the expenses for Mr. Li’s 100th birthday party were all paid by the “big bosses” who made money doing business outside.

Mr. Li and others thought that since they didn’t have to spend their money, they had to hold the banquet in a big hotel. They would have something to talk about when they drank and boasted in the future.

If they invited a chef to come to their house to prepare a banquet, they would definitely be laughed at by the villagers.

It's not about how many people in your Li family have made money in the printing business outside, nor is it about how many rich people in your Li family are.

With such a poor situation, they don't even have the strength to hold a banquet in a hotel?

Therefore, some people in the Li family who love face all want to hold a banquet in a hotel.

Just as Li Laoer was talking to Li Mo, Chen Yuan opened the rice bag brought by Li Tao without thinking twice.

He went to cook after beating the rice.

If he didn't cook, it would be too late.

He didn't want to fail this task because of the failure of the food tasting.

"Who are you? Do you have any manners? I haven't agreed to let you take the rice yet."

Li Laoer was arguing with Li Mo, but suddenly saw the young man taking the rice and going to cook.

This made him, Li Laoer, very embarrassed, okay?

As he said that, Li Laoer wanted to go forward and cause trouble for Chen Yuan.

Because Chen Yuan looked unfamiliar, he was obviously from another place.

In Li Laoer's opinion, outsiders were the easiest to control.

"Laoer, what are you doing? Don't disturb Master Chen from cooking." Li Mo finally couldn't stand it anymore. If this guy wasn't his cousin, he would really have a quarrel with him.

"What Master Chen? Lao San, are you crazy? Don't be fooled by people who are stupid and rich." Li Laoer glanced at Chen Yuan and thought about what delicious dishes he could cook when he saw that he was so young.

Today, Li Mo also called them and asked them to come here for dinner, saying that he had invited a great chef to come and let everyone come and try the dishes.

He said that if the dish tasted good, they would arrange a banquet in the village, so that the villagers could eat more comfortably. There was no need to make it fancy. Why did they have to spend that money in the hotel?

Li Mo and his team thought that holding a banquet in the countryside of their hometown would not only be down-to-earth, but also take this opportunity to let the Li family members cultivate a good relationship with the villagers.

"Second brother, you are really too ignorant. You don't even know Master Chen." Li Mo shook his head. "We'll know when he finishes cooking.How delicious his dishes are."

"Would I steal the dishes? What a joke! If the dishes cooked by this kid are delicious, I will write my name backwards." Li Laoer said indifferently.

This Chen Yuan looks young, and as the saying goes, "If you are young, you will not be reliable." Li Laoer said that he would never believe that the dishes cooked by this young man would be as delicious as Li Mo said.

Li Mo said, "Then you can wait for your name to be written backwards."

"Stop talking nonsense and give me money!" Li Laoer snorted and stretched out his hand.

"What for?" Li Mo looked at the other party's outstretched hand, a little confused.

"Give me money, just now my Taozi carried such a big bag of rice to you, so he must charge me for it!" This Li Laoer is indeed a miser, a miser, and he even thought about collecting the money for the bag of rice.

"How much? I'll give it to you, seeing how stingy you are. "Li Mo really wanted to hit him.

"Since we are all relatives, I will charge you a little less, one hundred!"

"How much?"

"One hundred!"

Li Mo was speechless: "I say, Li Lao Er, why are you robbing? The bag of rice that your Li Tao carried over is only about 10 to 20 kilograms, but you actually charged one hundred yuan. Don't you feel guilty?"

"Lao San, you are enjoying life in the city, and you don't know the hard work of us farmers growing crops in the countryside. These grains are watered by my sweat and blood. I also use organic fertilizers, no pesticides, and they are all natural green food..."

"Stop... It's just one hundred yuan, can't I give it to you! "

Seeing that his cousin Li Laoer was so shameless, Li Mo was also drunk.

I believed you.

What organic fertilizer, no pesticides, and pure natural green food.

Nowadays, where is the rice grown in the countryside not fertilized with chemical fertilizers? Where is the rice not sprayed with pesticides?

If you say this, even ghosts will not believe it.

Li Mo rolled his eyes and gave the money to his cousin.

Being with this stingy guy, I really feel a little depressed when I say a word to him.

"Well, what's the fragrance, why is it so fragrant?"

At this time, a fragrance floated out, making people a little dizzy.


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