Chen Yuan suddenly realized that he was not sick today.

If he got sick after staying up all night, how unfair it would be!

You really can't stay up all night!

What should I do next to cook?

Now Chen Yuan began to feel weak in his limbs, stars in his eyes, dizziness, and really felt like someone sucked him dry.

"Oh no, why is my face so hot!"

Chen Yuan touched his forehead and found that it was as hot as a piece of red-hot charcoal. If this is not a fever, what is it?

"Yuanzi, what's wrong with you?"

Heizi and the others also found that Chen Yuan was a little bit wrong today. He looked listless and his face was as pale as paper. He walked lightly and felt that a gust of wind could blow him down.

Chen Yuan replied weakly: "I may be sick. Who of you can touch me? I seem to have a fever."

"Fuck, Yuanzi, you are so hot, you can even have a barbecue on it?" Chen An reached out and touched Chen Yuan's forehead, making a very exaggerated gesture.

It seemed as if he was really roasted by fire.

"Anzi, is there any need to be so exaggerated..." Heizi touched Chen Yuan in disbelief. He didn't know until he touched it, and he was shocked when he touched it. "Fuck, it's true, it's so hot, you are horny."

"You are horny." Chen Yuan gave Heizi a weak look.

"Don't talk nonsense here, let's think about letting Chen Yuan go to the hospital."

Mo Shaniu looked at Chen Yuan's face and it was much worse. He must go to the doctor.

"But I still have to cook. If I don't prepare the dishes today, what will I use to cook the feast tomorrow." Chen Yuan is sick now. He has no strength to speak and wants to rest.

But when he thinks of tomorrow's task, Chen Yuan knows that he can't rest now.

"No, no, your health is more important. If it really doesn't work, I can cancel this engagement party."

Seeing Chen Yuan was so sick, Chen An really couldn't bear to let Chen An cook while he was sick. He thought, at worst, the engagement party would not be held, but Chen Yuan had to go to the doctor.

"How can the engagement party be cancelled? It doesn't matter. I can still hold on."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan hurriedly shook his head.

Chen An and Zhao Xiangfen were engaged for the first time. The girl's parents came all the way from Haicheng City. The engagement party was cancelled with just one sentence. What do you think the girl's parents think?

They are different from Wei Jun and Zhao Ya. They are getting married for the second time and don't want to make a big fuss. They just want to invite people to a meal.

This is Chen An's first marriage, and the girl's parents seem to attach great importance to this engagement party. If this engagement party is suddenly cancelled, the girl will definitely have an opinion.

Chen Yuan thought that he couldn't mess up Chen An's engagement party just because he was sick.

At Chen Yuan's insistence, he decided to cook despite his illness.

No one could beat Chen Yuan, even though he was sick now.

But the scene of Chen Yuan beating fish balls that day still lingered in the minds of several people.

They were all afraid of Chen Yuan now. Anyway, whatever he said was what they dared not go against his will.

Fortunately, there were not many people invited to the engagement banquet this time, so there were not many dishes to be cooked.

Chen An's family arranged 12 dishes. Although 12 dishes were few, the specifications of the banquet in Chen Village were like this.

Generally, there were about 12 dishes for a big banquet. Chen An and his family thought that the engagement banquet should be simple, and they had to hold a wedding banquet, so they would make a big deal at that time.

There were only 12 dishes, not many tables, and not many dishes to prepare today.

However, Chen Yuan was having a fever now, so even if there were few dishes to prepare, it would be very laborious to handle.

Fortunately, Chen An and the other three had cooked many banquets with Chen Yuan, and they all knew how to make simple banquet dishes.

They all knew how to make fried pork belly, and it was relatively simple to do.

Only some key steps had to be done by Chen Yuan himself.

Although Chen Yuan was dizzy now, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Even so, he was very focused when doing things, and he didn't dare to be careless at all.

Fortunately, with the help of the system's god-level cooking skills, cooking was really twice the result with half the effort, and those recipes were like engraved in his mind.

What ingredients to put and how much ingredients to put were also deeply engraved in his mind.

His cooking was completely like an instinctive reaction, without any mistakes, and very precise.

After Chen Yuan prepared the marinade water, he boiled it and then put in the blanched beef for braising.

After all the braised beef was put into the big pot and braising, Chen Yuan was so tired that he was sweating all over.

This person really can't get sick. Once he's sick, he can't do anything.

"Chen Yuan, where's the medicine that auntie gave you? Take the medicine first."

Chen An's mother was also concerned when she saw Chen Yuan was sick.I found a big bag of medicine at home, all of which were antipyretic medicine.

These days, who doesn't have some medicine in stock...

"Okay, auntie, I'll take it right away." Chen Yuan nodded gratefully.

As he said that, he took a cup and poured warm water into it, and took a few antipyretic pills with warm water.

After taking the medicine, Chen Yuan continued to work.

When everything was almost done, Chen Yuan felt drowsy and weak all over, and sat on the stool all of a sudden and didn't want to get up.

"Okay, Yuanzi, you go to the hospital first, and leave the rest to us."

As he said that, Heizi drove to take Chen Yuan to the hospital in the town.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you here, don't mess up these dishes for me."

Chen Yuan looked at the dishes stewing on the stove and ordered.

"Don't worry, we have done these before." Mo Sha Niu said honestly.

"..." Hearing this, why did Chen Yuan feel a little uncomfortable?

What does "I'll go without worry" mean? It sounds weird. I just have a minor cold. I can still be cured by going to the hospital.

Chen Yuan was no longer stubborn at this moment. He thought about going to the hospital to get better so as not to affect the feast tomorrow.

Heizi drove Chen Yuan to the hospital in the town.

There were so many people in the hospital. Even in the township hospital, there were many people coming to see a doctor.

He had to register and queue up. It took more than an hour before it was Chen Yuan's turn.

Chen Yuan also complained in his heart that if he had an emergency, he would have to stay here today.

After waiting for so long, Chen Yuan felt that he was not so hot.

Did his fever go down while waiting here?

As a result, the doctor took his temperature and said that Chen Yuan was still feverish.

If he wanted to get better quickly, he had to be hospitalized for intravenous drips tonight.

There was no other way. Chen Yuan also thought that he could go to the feast tomorrow. If he wanted to get better as soon as possible, he would get an intravenous drip first.

Chen Yuan was arranged to be hospitalized, lying on the bed and being abused by the nurse.

The nurse looked like an intern, and she tried to pierce Chen Yuan for several minutes but failed, and the pain made his scalp go numb.

Chen Yuan looked at the densely packed holes on his palm, which looked like a hornet's nest.

He really wanted to leave immediately. He didn't want to treat this little cold, okay?

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