"If you want it, I'll find a way to get it for you."

Chen Jianhua said confidently.


Chen Xiong looked at his cousin and couldn't believe it!

These days, wives are so worthless? Just get one?

You have to know that he has worked hard for decades and still hasn't got a wife. How can it be so easy?

Chen Jianhua came close to Chen Xiong's ear and said mysteriously: "These days, as long as you have money, you can buy anything, including wives."

"Brother Jianhua, are you crazy?" Chen Xiong looked at him and lowered his voice, "You are not thinking of spending money to buy a wife, are you? I tell you, this is illegal."

Hearing Chen Jianhua say that he would spend money on a wife, Chen Xiong was shocked and thought to himself that this guy was not joking.

But looking at Chen Jianhua's appearance, it didn't seem like he was joking.

Is this guy serious? He won't do anything illegal!

Suddenly, Chen Xiong felt a chill on his body.

Chen Jianhua smiled and said, "You have a 'Xiong' character in your name. You are so timid. Otherwise, you should change your name."

"Brother Jianhua, if you want to go crazy, go crazy by yourself. I won't accompany you."

With that, Chen Xiong was ready to leave.

Chen Jianhua sneered, "You are leaving now? No wonder you can't find a wife. Go away. You are destined to be a bachelor in this life."

"Brother Jianhua, is the thing you said about buying...a wife reliable?"

Sure enough, when he heard that he was destined to be a bachelor for a lifetime, Chen Xiong immediately couldn't walk.

For normal men, who wants to be a bachelor for a lifetime, who doesn't want to marry a wife and live a good life.

"Look at you..." Chen Jianhua smiled, and then said, "You also know my brother-in-law, right?"

"I know him, what's the matter?" Chen Xiong looked at Brother Jianhua in confusion.

I was a little confused. What does his wife have to do with his brother-in-law?

No matter what he does, he can't marry his brother-in-law!

I must never be gay in this life...

"You know? My brother-in-law is single like you, and we are about the same age..."

"Wait... Brother, let me take it easy. I'm not that kind of person. If it were your brother-in-law, I would rather be single for the rest of my life."

Hearing Chen Jianhua's words, Chen Xiong got goose bumps all over his body.

When he thought of his brother-in-law's "flowery" face, he almost vomited.

Chen Jianhua glared at Chen Xiong: "What the hell, what are you thinking? Even if you are willing, my brother-in-law is not willing."

Hey, this guy has been single for a long time, is his brain rusty?

Chen Xiong actually has such a dirty idea.

"Brother Jianhua, what do you mean?"

Chen Xiong stared at Chen Jianhua in confusion.

Chen Jianhua paused and explained, "My brother-in-law didn't get married either, so he thought about buying one. Do you know Nanyue? There are more women than men there, which is exactly the opposite of the situation in our country. I happen to know an acquaintance and plan to introduce women from Nanyue to improve the situation of single men in China."

"... Doesn't this count as buying a wife?"

"Does it count? We are just saving poor girls from abroad and letting them live a happy life here. Do you think this is wrong?"

Chen Jianhua took a deep puff of cigarette and said, "Let me ask you, do you have to spend a gift to marry a wife in China now?"

Chen Xiong replied, "Of course, in our Pingnan Province, you can't marry a wife without hundreds of thousands of yuan."

You know, it is not easy for ordinary people to save up hundreds of thousands of yuan.

"That's it. It's very expensive to marry a wife in China now. Not only is the bride price high, but the bride price also requires a house and a car, and hardware. The man can't be short of money. There is no such good thing in the world!"

"Brother Jianhua, you are so right. Why do you want such a high bride price and so many requirements? Their vaginas are not inlaid with gold, and we don't know how many times they have been bought. Why do we have to take over and spend so much money?"

Hearing what Brother Jianhua said, Chen Xiong himself was a little indignant. Many women are tired of playing outside, so they want to go home and find an honest man to marry.

They also require that the honest man must have a house and a car, not lack money to spend, be handsome, and be loyal to the woman, marry the woman home and worship her like a Bodhisattva.

"Why should our male compatriots in China be the culprit? Let me tell you, although the girls in South Vietnam have dark spots on their skin, they are indeed women who can live a normal life. If you spend money to marry them, they will treat you well for the rest of their lives."

Chen Jianhua patted Chen Xiong on the shoulder. It was obvious that the other party was very moved.

Just ask,Which single man can resist this temptation?

"I don't think there will be any problem with this." To be honest, Chen Xiong was really tempted, but he still had some concerns in his heart. After all, buying a foreign wife is illegal.

Chen Jianhua said in a deep voice: "What's the problem? We just use the betrothal gifts to marry a wife in China. Even if this is done, it still needs the consent of the woman's family."

"What you said seems to make sense. We can't be considered buying at all."

Chen Xiong was completely convinced by his cousin. His whole face showed a heartbeat. He asked, "How much does it cost to go to that Nanyue country to buy... no, marry a wife?"

Chen Jianhua came over and said, "It depends on what quality you want. Generally, it's only 20,000 or 30,000, but if you want to be both beautiful and hardworking, it will cost at least 50,000 or 60,000."

"That's cheaper than domestic ones!" Now you can't marry a wife with this little money in China. If you can marry a foreigner with tens of thousands, Chen Xiong is of course willing to do it. "Brother Jianhua, does your brother-in-law plan to marry a woman worth tens of thousands?"

"He He is rich, but he is a little ugly. Domestic women don't like him. Anyway, he told my friend that money is not a problem. The younger and prettier the better. "

"Brother Jianhua, since we have such a good relationship, can you talk to your friend and help me find a wife?"

"I came to you today for this matter. Otherwise, I have nothing to do after eating. How many tens of thousands do you want?"

"Well... give me one worth 40,000 or 50,000. It doesn't have to be very good-looking. It's enough to live on."

"Okay, I'll talk to my friend and you just have the money ready."

"Okay, thank you so much, brother Jianhua. I'll give you this pack of cigarettes."

As he said this, Chen Xiong took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. This pack of cigarettes was taken from the kitchen helper's table when he was eating just now.

Now is a good time to thank Chen Jianhua. If the introduction of a wife is really successful, it will definitely be a great thing for Chen Xiong.

"No need... why are you doing all this? I tell you, you have to hold a wedding banquet and invite Chen Yuan to prepare the banquet."


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