
Seeing that Grandpa Li was not in a good condition, everyone present was worried.

The old man hung his head, and even his hands were hanging down, looking like he was really "having a feast".

"Woo... Grandpa Li is gone."

After calling a few times, the old man did not respond, and many relatives burst into tears.

How could it not be sad that such a kind old man was gone?

"Little bastard, it's all your fault for talking nonsense, otherwise the ancestor would not have left us!"


The child who said "Long life" before was slapped by his father again.

Of course, this father also loves his child, and he didn't hit him hard, just a light slap.

Otherwise, he would be angry, because his son talked nonsense.

As a father, he couldn't explain to other people in the family!

"Oh, he is still a child, and he speaks without restraint. How can this be blamed on him?"

Seeing the child being beaten, someone hurriedly persuaded him.

"How could this happen? Our special interview has not started yet."

Wu Bingbing was stunned, her eyes turned slightly red, and tears flashed. When she thought that the old man had left the world like this, she would feel sad.

Others were also very sad. Although birth, aging, illness and death are the eternal laws of nature, when a person suddenly dies in front of you, no one can help but feel sad.

"Grandpa, why did you leave like this..."

Li Mo held the old man's hand, very sad. Originally, the banquet was held this time, thinking that everyone would get together and have a lively time, but who would have thought that this would be the result!

It turns out that a banquet cannot be held for a long life. He didn't believe it at first, but now he believes it.

"No, why are the old man's hands still warm?" Li Mo shouted in surprise, "He's still breathing, the old man is still breathing..."

"What? The old man is not dead yet?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, everyone showed surprise.

In order to confirm it, Li Mo touched the old man's hands carefully again.

Warm, with temperature...

This is definitely not a pair of dead hands!

This time, in addition to testing the old man's breathing through his nose, Li Mo also touched the veins on his neck with his fingers, just like in the TV series.

It was beating...

"The old man is not dead! I can be sure of it."

Li Mo shouted excitedly.

"Huhu... Why are you arguing? Can't you let me sleep peacefully?"

I saw that the old man stared at Li Mo with sleepy eyes. Did he disturb his sleep?

Being stared at by the old man, Li Mo found the familiar feeling again.

Hmm... That's the taste.

Li Mo hugged the old man excitedly and cried again, but this time it was tears of joy.

"It turns out that the old man just fell asleep, that's great."

Seeing that Mr. Li was safe and sound and had not passed away, he was very happy and could have a happy feast again.

Good guy, some people's tears were not dry yet, so they wiped them away and ate happily.

"It's delicious, really delicious. I've never eaten such delicious food."

"I was really scared just now. I thought I was going to have a feast for the old man again."

"Yes, I thought the old man was gone. I was so sad for nothing."

"Are you sad? Why didn't I see it?"

"How could I not see it? I didn't see so many tears."

"I didn't see how sad you were. I saw you were eating happily just now. Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You must be thinking that if the old man is gone, you can just continue to have a feast."

"Hey, why do you say such things? I don't believe you don't have such thoughts."


The man's thoughts were revealed on the spot, and he immediately became angry.

Just now, the banquet hall was still sad, but now it has returned to its previous liveliness.

Everyone is eating happily, so happy!

"What the hell, what kind of noodles are these? Why are they so long?"

"You don't even know longevity noodles. If they aren't long, how can they be called longevity noodles?"

Someone picked up a noodle with chopsticks and found that it got longer and longer. It seemed that the whole bowl of noodles was just one noodle. It was really amazing.

After hearing what this ignorant brother said, someone gave him some scientific knowledge.

Longevity noodles are also called one noodle. A bowl of noodles is just one long noodle, which means longevity and health.

"How do you eat this longevity noodle?" The man smiled awkwardly, "I guess one end of the noodle is still in your mouth, and the other end has already gone to your stomach."

"You don't know how to eat this? Just tear it apart and eat it. It also means having many children and grandchildren, and having many children and blessings."

Okay, you've said all the good things, so others willOnly nodding.

The man took the chopsticks and tore the noodles apart. After being cooked, the noodles became more resilient and chewy. When you eat them, the noodles are smooth, flexible and chewy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant they are.

This noodle was cooked by Chen Yuan with chicken soup. The soup was thick with chicken, but when you drink the noodle soup, you don’t feel greasy at all.

The man ate a small piece of noodles and really thought it was delicious, so he wanted to get some more noodles to eat.

But his doing so immediately caused dissatisfaction from others.

"I said, there is only one noodle, and you still want to pick it up."

"No, I thought you didn't want to eat it."

"What don't you want to eat? This is longevity noodles. Everyone has to eat it. It means perfection."

Damn, eating noodles, there are so many things to pay attention to.

In this case, I'll eat something else.

The man was embarrassed to eat noodles anymore, so he took the chopsticks to pick up other dishes to eat.

Fortunately, the other dishes were also delicious, and people couldn't stop eating them at all.

The banquet lasted for several hours.

During the banquet, many friends and relatives came to Mr. Li with fine wine in their hands, toasted him, and said some blessings.

When the banquet was over, the friends and relatives said goodbye to the old man, and then left reluctantly.

When most of the guests had left, the kitchen assistants finished their meal and began to help clean up the dishes.

Oh, these dishes were eaten so cleanly, almost no dishes were left, and if they really couldn't finish them, they were packed up and taken away.

You know, such delicious dishes can't be eaten every time, so they have to pack them up and take them home to eat slowly?

This made it much easier for the kitchen assistants to collect the bowls, and there was nothing to clean, just collect the bowls and take them out to wash them.

"I'm so full. How are you? Xiaofeng, do you feel that this trip is worth it?"

"Yes, it's really worth it. I came here to deliver a cake. I made money and had a feast. I'm so happy."

Beep, beep...

At this time, Gu Qianyue's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Afang, are you talking? Why are you crying? Hello, I can't hear you clearly. Can you say it again?"

"Hello, Dad, this is Taotao (Gu Hongti's sister, Gu Yingtao). You and Xie Feng should come back soon. My mom has been cheated."


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