"Yuanzi, you are finally back. If you don't come back, everyone will starve to death."

After Chen Yuan finished toasting, as soon as he returned to the kitchen, Chen An almost went forward to hug him. The longing eyes of the kitchen helpers touched his heartstrings at once.

These people are quite cute. They have to wait for him to come back before they dare to pick up their chopsticks.

Just kidding, the prestige of Master Chen is now very high in the minds of these kitchen helpers.

They are still looking forward to following Master Chen's ass to drink and eat meat!

With Chen Yuan's permission, the hungry people could no longer hold back, and they all picked up their bowls and chopsticks and rushed towards the food.

"Master Chen, this is the meal for you."

Before serving the meal, Aunt Wang did not forget to serve a portion of meal to Chen Yuan, which was full of thoughts.

According to the old rules, the kitchen helpers were divided into two tables, one for men and one for women. The portions of the dishes were generous and the food was so filling that it was almost overflowing. Everyone was really not polite!

"Oh, we finally get to eat meat. Wow, it's so delicious."

"At least we can still eat now. You didn't go to the stage in front to see that the opera troupe is still singing hard."

"Are they still singing? Why can't I hear it from here?"

"Of course you can't hear it. Those people were so hungry that they were dizzy and had no energy to sing."

"Haha, the opera troupe is really pitiful. The braised pork elbow is really delicious!"

Today, because the wedding procession was stuck in traffic on the road, the banquet was delayed. Originally, we were supposed to wait until the wedding ceremony was over and then the opera troupe finished singing before the banquet started. But everything was disrupted.

The banquet could only start at the same time as the opera troupe was singing. The troupe was singing until they were thirsty on the stage, while the guests at the tables below the stage were eating heartily and enjoying the food very happily.

The worst thing was that the fragrance in the yard was desperately rushing into their noses. If it weren't for their strong professional ethics, they would have been defeated by the overwhelming fragrance.

At this moment, all the opera programs were finished, and the people in the troupe felt that their energy and spirit had been drained away, and their limbs were a little shaky with hunger.

Fortunately, the host reserved a separate table for them.

"Oh, you've worked hard. The opera is really good, especially the suona. I love to listen to 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix' the most."

"Hurry up and sit down to eat. You must be starving. The dishes are ready for you. The rice is in the front yard. You can wash the dishes and chopsticks by yourself. You can use disposable tableware."

Look at the troupe members rushing into the kitchen. The kitchen helpers are also very considerate to take care of them.

This touched the troupe members very much, especially a few girls, whose eyes were a little red.

"Wow, this braised pork elbow is so fragrant and delicious. I just picked it up with chopsticks, and the whole layer of skin fell apart with a bang, and the soft and glutinous lean meat inside fell out with the skin. It was so fragrant that it was killing me!"

"Wow, this skill is really amazing. We don't know how many banquets of all sizes in Lengshui City we have eaten, but we have never eaten such delicious banquet dishes."

"Oh my god, this is the same roast duck for the bride and groom, so I have to try it. Hmm??? It's really delicious. No wonder the couple didn't even get married, and rushed to the kitchen to steal the roast duck as soon as possible."

The people in the opera troupe also traveled all over the country. Wherever there was a wedding or funeral, they would go there. But after eating so many banquets, this was the first time they had such delicious dishes.

Chen Yuan was sitting there eating, and he felt very happy when he heard the people in the opera troupe praising his cooking skills. As a village banquet chef, how can I not cheer and jump for joy when I see those who come to the banquet devouring the food with big mouthfuls?

Eating the food on the plate clean is the greatest respect for the chef!

[System task completed, random system rewards]

[Does the host check the random rewards given by the system now? ]

In theory, the cousin's wedding banquet will not be truly over until tomorrow, but the rewards given by the system have been issued. Although the system is a dog, it never owes the host any rewards, which is much better than the dog boss I encountered when I was working before, who would deduct or owe employees' wages at any time.

That is a bloody history that many workers have experienced.

The system asked me whether to check the random rewards. Chen Yuan chose not to check it for the time being and waited until I went back.

The banquet started at more than two o'clock, and it was almost five o'clock now. Except for a few tables of people who were still drinking there, basically everyone had left.

There was no surprise. The dishes on the table were all shiny, and even the remaining soup was packed and taken back.

"Chen Yuan, come here." Uncle and aunt called him over.

"Uncle, aunt, are you satisfied with the banquet?"Chen Yuan smiled.

"Of course I am satisfied. The taste is really good, much better than your parents'. With your skills, your uncle will be relieved when you cook banquets in the countryside in the future."

"Yes, you have brought a lot of honor to our Chen family. In the past, our family's affairs were not so lively. You don't know that many people in the village who had no personal relationship with us before came to the banquet. Your uncle and I feel very proud today."

"You don't know that you have made a great contribution today. In the past, your cousin's father-in-law and mother-in-law came over and always said that they couldn't get used to our dishes. But today, they are very satisfied with the banquet dishes and praise your superb cooking skills. "

Chen Jianjun originally thought that his son's wedding banquet would be discussed by the villagers behind his back, but after everyone had the banquet, they praised their Chen family.

Just when someone finished the banquet and went back, he pulled Chen Jianjun to ask if his family had any other banquets to hold, saying that as long as Chen Jianjun's family held a banquet in the future, he would come to eat.

"No more words, your uncle and I are very satisfied with the dishes you cooked. Here, this is our gift."

The aunt held her nephew with one hand and took out a stack of money from her messenger bag with the other hand.

"This is 5680, which is the reward for cooking the banquet for you. You must accept it. If you don't accept it, I will be unhappy. "

Aunt usually doesn't speak very loudly, but this time, it was surprisingly loud.

Those who stayed in the village to drink were listening with their ears pointed. Aunt deliberately spoke so loudly, obviously for these people to hear.

This is the little trick of uncle's family. They want to make their nephew famous while holding a banquet. Not only do they want to make their name famous, but they also want to tell everyone that if they want to invite their Yuanzi to cook a big banquet in the future, they must be able to afford this price.

Uncle and his family really have good intentions!

When Lao Chen cooked a banquet before, if the host was responsible for buying the ingredients, he would only charge 100 yuan per table.

And Lao Wang from the next village charged even less, only 80.

Aunt now gives him more than 5,000 yuan, so doesn't that mean he has to charge more than 200 yuan per table?

No, no, it's too much.


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