Chen Ping: You bastard, where did you get the photo?

Li Mingming: (Proud), What do you care! @Yang Yan, is the duck leg from my cousin's wife really that delicious?

Yang Yan: Of course it's not delicious. Why did your cousin and I eat it secretly? Didn't my second aunt pack it for you to take back? Didn't you get to eat it?

Li Mingming: (Sad and crying), Don't say anything, I'll be out for a few minutes. The big banquet dishes I packed back were eaten by my wife and children, and there was no soup left for me, woo woo...

Yuan Jiaying {Li Mingming's wife} @Li Mingming: Husband, I'm sorry, the dishes my mother brought back were so delicious that my babies and I couldn't resist! (Please forgive me)

Li Mingming: You all ate it, but I was the only one who didn't. I'm really depressed.

Chen Ping: You didn't even come to my wedding. It's really retribution. You deserve it! !

Gao Wei {Li Jiaojiao's husband} @Chen Ping: I'm so sorry, cousin, your second aunt, second uncle and Jiaojiao are all there, there's really no way to leave the store, next time, next time I will definitely go.

Li Mingming: Brother-in-law is right, I will definitely go next time, if I don't have time, I will close the store.

Chen Ping: (roaring), you two bastards, I'm getting married, do you hope there will be a next time? (knocking), (knocking), (knocking), (knocking)

Gao Wei: (funny), cousin, don't be so angry, otherwise you can divorce your cousin's wife and get married again, so that everyone can have a feast again?

Li Jiaojiao: Agree +1

Li Mingming: Agree +1

Yuan Jiaying: Agree +1

Second aunt: Agree +1

Third aunt: Agree +1


Chen Jianjun: Agree +1


Chen Ping: @Chen Jianjun, Dad, are you not drunk? And when did you learn to type?

Chen Jianjun: I am your mother!

Chen Ping: ... You are really enough. You can come up with such a bad idea just to have a feast.

Li Mingming: (laughing), cousin, why don't you and your wife work overtime tonight to add another child to the Chen family.

Chen Ping: Go to hell! Why don't you give birth! Your family has so much money to support them, unlike me, I have two sons, I am already overwhelmed, how can I earn money to buy two houses in the future.

Chen Ping and Li Mingming like to love and hate each other. Their wives were pregnant with their second child at about the same time, but Li Mingming's wife was the first to give birth to a big fat boy.

His family had a boy as the first child, and now the second child is also a boy. After Chen Ping learned about it, he gloated in the WeChat group for several days.

Later, when Chen Ping's wife also gave birth to a boy, Li Mingming personally went to the hospital to send a flower basket to congratulate him.

The group was silent for a while, and Chen Yuan thought it was over and planned to quit WeChat.

As a result, the message rang again.

Li Mingming: (wailing), I really want to have a feast, who else in our family needs to do?

Second uncle: It seems that there is no one. The wedding banquet and the full moon banquet seem to have been held. Your grandparents just celebrated their 70th birthday a few years ago. Both of them are in good health.

Third uncle: Yuanzi! Chen Yuan is in his twenties, and it’s time for him to get married at this age.

Li Mingming @ Chen Yuan: Don’t think that everything will be fine if you hide. People in their twenties are not self-conscious. When I was your age, your son was learning to walk. Young people should not be too playful. When you should be serious, you should be serious, otherwise you will regret it.

Chen Yuan: ...I am really drunk. I was shot while lying here. Why did you say that to me?

Chen Yuan said that he was innocent. He didn’t want to chat in the group. He was shot while lying down, so he didn’t plan to continue hiding.

Li Mingming: You were still hiding and didn't say anything, but I blew you out with my bomb.

Gao Wei: Yuanzi, I didn't expect your dishes to be so good, especially the fish maw, which is definitely the best I've ever eaten. The chefs of those star-rated hotels in the city are not even worthy of carrying your shoes.

Gao Wei really didn't exaggerate. Fish is a very difficult dish to cook, and it tests a chef's cooking skills the most. If it's not handled well, people who are sensitive to the fishy smell will taste it a little bit.

But the steamed sea bass made by Chen Yuan didn't have any fishy smell even when it was cold, and the meat was still tender and delicious.

Of course, it can't catch up with the taste when it was just out of the oven. You can imagine how delicious the steamed sea bass tasted!

Chen Yuan: (modest), thank you cousin-in-law for recognizing my cooking skills.

Gao Wei @ Chen Yuan: (smile), for everyone to have a happy feast, you should solve your lifelong event. I happen to have a cousin who is graduating from college this year. Would you like to introduce her to you? She is very pretty and a college student. She is a good match for you.

This cousin's husband is really good.

You are urging me to get married just for the sake of a banquet?

Chen Yuan quickly refused: Thank you for your cousin's husband's kindnessI am still young, and I will consider my marriage in a few years.

Li Mingming: How about introducing my sister-in-law to you? She is tall, fair-skinned, and her family is rich. If you get married, you can definitely save ten years of hard work.

Chen Yuan was about to say something.

Someone else sent a message in the group.

Third uncle: Have you ever thought about who will cook a big feast for you when Chen Yuan gets married?

Li Mingming: ...

Gao Wei: ...

Those who urged Chen Yuan to get married were stunned. What the third uncle said made sense. He is the groom, how could he cook a big feast for you?

If it wasn’t Chen Yuan’s dishes, what would be the point of them going to the feast!

Chen Yuan @ Gao Wei @ Li Mingming: The cousin and sister-in-law you mentioned just now... that, send me their WeChat IDs privately later.

Gao Wei @ Chen Yuan: I feel that you two are not suitable, so why not forget it.

Li Mingming @ Chen Yuan: My sister-in-law seems to have a boyfriend. Sorry, I made a mistake.

Chen Yuan: Get lost!!!

Chen Ping has been silent on WeChat, but now he is tagging his third aunt and uncle in the group: "Third aunt and uncle, why don't you have a second child? Sister Ningning used to ask for a younger brother. While you are still young, try your best and maybe you will get one."

Although Chen Ping is usually very serious and doesn't like to talk much, he is very sultry in his bones. He dares to urge his aunt and uncle to give birth. He is really brave!

Li Mingming gloated: What my cousin said is right. Give us a younger brother or a younger sister.

Gao Wei: (laughing), if we really have a baby, the generations will probably be messed up. My Tiantian will have to call the child who is a few years younger than her uncle or aunt (covering her face).

Third aunt roared: You bunch of bastards, just wait for me, you are itching for sex, right?

The third aunt and uncle laughed @Third aunt: For those younger generations whose children go to school, send them a few more exercise books to "care" them!

As soon as this was said, the group instantly became quiet.

Damn, how could I forget this.

The third aunt and her husband are both teachers!

In the past, Chen Yuan and his generation suffered greatly. During the winter and summer vacations, others were all over the mountains and forests digging bird nests and catching fish and shrimps, but they... had endless exercise books to do.

Nowadays, which child does not rely on parents to guide them when they go home for homework? In order to teach them to do their homework, it is often the father who is kind and the son who is filial, and the mother and daughter who are affectionate.

If those exercise books are sent over, won't they, the parents, be harmed?

Yuan Jiaying: Hey, why didn't my cousin Ningning speak today? She used to be the most active in the group!

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