This beauty is so bold, she dared to snatch food from our chef!

Chen Yuan was a little amused by this sudden scene.

He told everyone in advance that the two pairs of chicken wings were his favorites, and he specially left them for himself.

As a chef, it is reasonable to leave two chicken wings for a roast chicken!

But, there is someone snatching food from the chef?

Gu Hongti was also shocked. Just now, all his thoughts were on the chicken wings, and he didn't expect to collide with someone's chopsticks.

I'm going to die, snatching food from others!

When he looked up, his eyes met.

The scene of that night appeared again, still the familiar feeling, familiar taste!

"So you like to eat chicken wings too, then we each have one."

Li Mingming and others thought that if someone snatched Chef Yuanzi's food, Yuanzi would get mad, then run away, and then...

But... then there is no but.

This guy actually gave the chicken wings to the other party politely?

As expected, a beautiful woman can make you willful!

As expected, Chen Yuan is a little bastard who forgets his loyalty for the sake of beauty!

Gu Hongti watched a large chicken wing being put into her bowl, and the aroma of roast chicken wafted into her nose.

Without time to think, under the temptation of delicious food, she grabbed the chicken wing and put it in her mouth.


The chicken skin made a crisp sound when two rows of silver teeth bit it, and the chicken juice splashed out in her mouth, and the whole mouth was instantly filled with juice and chicken.

The skin was crispy and the meat was tender, and the taste was delicious. The taste of this roast chicken was different from the last time when the dried bamboo shoots and native chicken were stewed. The last time was the original sweetness.

And this time, various spices were perfectly matched. After a long time of marination, every fiber of the chicken was permeated with the taste of spices.

And the spices only played a supporting role, and did not overwhelm the taste of the chicken itself.

Soon, Gu Hongti finished a chicken wing. Not only was the chicken delicious, but even the bones were very crispy. If there weren't so many people around, she would have thought about biting the chicken bones and sucking the juice inside.

Gu Hongti licked her tongue with great satisfaction, and felt inexplicably happy in her heart.

The girl carefully looked up and observed the people around her, and found that everyone was eating their own food, and no one noticed her at all.

She patted her chest and stretched her chopsticks to the brown, bright and oily sweet and sour spareribs.

The spareribs wrapped in sauce fell into her mouth, with a moderate sweet and sour taste, perfectly matched together, one point too sour and one point too sweet. The taste of the crispy outside and tender inside is rich and delicate, making people want to eat more.

Gu Hongti has never eaten such delicious dishes since she was a child. She took a bite and wanted to eat the next one.

She felt that every dish was delicious and suited her appetite.

Slowly, she also let go of her previous reserve, and under the temptation of delicious food, she ate without scruples, and her taste buds enjoyed the stimulation and pleasure brought by the food again and again.

"Ah, no~~ I'm too full, I need to go outside for a walk to digest the food."

Tang Ningning stood up with difficulty. This time she was really full.

She had eaten 80% full at another table just now, and now she was about to overflow her throat.

The feeling of being full was really uncomfortable, but there was also a sense of happiness after being full, painful and happy.

Tang Ningning stroked her bulging belly with her hand, whispered to Teacher Gu, and walked into the yard with a step that didn't recognize any relatives.

"Haha... Tang Ningning, are you pregnant? Tell me, who is the father of the child?"

"You guys, don't laugh at Tang Ningning. Look at your own stomachs. Did you boys drink water from the Zimu River? Who is the mother of the baby in your stomach?"

"Oh, do you even need to ask? The mother of the baby is you. You won't deny it, will you?"

"Go to hell!"

When the classmates saw Tang Ningning coming out with her hands on her waist, they laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

It's just that everyone ate too much, and when they laughed, their stomachs hurt like cramps.

"No... I'm too full. I used to look down on the rural banquets. I'm ashamed of my ignorance."

"If I had known that cousin Ningning's dishes were so delicious, I would have invited him to cook for my graduation banquet."

"The banquet your family held at the county hotel last time was really not as good as this one at Tang Ningning's."

"The dishes in that hotel were really just average. I didn't even have the nerve to say it last time. I only ate a few bites, and the portion was small. They were not as good as this one at Tang Ningning's. The taste was much better than the hotel."

"Yes... You are all right. After eating Tang Ningning's dishes this time, I felt that the banquets I had before were just pig food."

"Who else wants it?"We can invite Ningning's cousin to a teacher appreciation banquet. Then the whole class will go. Whoever doesn't go will regret it. "

"Don't tell me, it's so funny! Fu Jun just posted pictures and videos of the banquet in our class group. Those students who didn't come cried and said they regretted not coming."

"What's the use of regret? If regret is useful, what's the point of regret medicine! Let them cry in their quilts! !"

"My stomach is so bloated. The food tastes so good that I can't help but eat too much. Now I feel so uncomfortable."

"Rub it more, maybe I can finish a big bowl of rice later. The rice is also really fragrant. It must be some kind of wooden barrel rice. It's the first time I eat it. It's really delicious. The grains are full and the aftertaste is endless. I have never eaten such delicious rice before."

A group of people touched their stomachs and shouted loudly. They were really bloated. Their stomachs were bulging like toads.

"Tang Ningning, can you take this away if you can't finish it? It's not that we don't want to clean our plates, it's just that we are too full to eat. If we eat more, you will have to eat my meal tomorrow. "

After all, there are more girls. Although there are only twelve dishes, the portion of each dish is large. What should we do if we can't eat anymore? We can't just watch these unfinished delicacies being thrown away.

That is definitely a sin and a blasphemy against food.

For those of them who read the books of sages, it is absolutely not allowed.

All these students are righteous and do not want to waste. After consulting the little host Tang Ningning, they find disposable bowls to pack.

The packing process is another fierce battle.

All kinds of fancy food grabbing began.

At the beginning, those female students were thin-skinned and couldn't do it well. Meaning to pack up. But I saw the male classmates frantically packing up with bowls, and even seeing which table had dishes, they would grab the bowls and take them away without thinking.

The female classmates also let go, and found disposable bowls or directly used food bags to frantically pack up. The whole scene was extremely shocking. The few dishes left on the table were all swept away by them.

These crazy guys didn't even let go of the soup. Anyway, they were not afraid of making a fool of themselves. Didn't you see that the adults in the room were also scrambling for dishes?

For a bite of food, Zhu Wenwen actually abandoned her previous noble image, took the bowl she had eaten from, and grabbed a full bowl of leftovers, and was as happy as if she had won the first prize.

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