Chen Yuan checked the system rewards as soon as he got home.

In fact, the system's random rewards were issued at his uncle's house, but he didn't check it at that time.

Now that he was full and had nothing to do, he checked the system rewards immediately.

[System attribute panel is expanding...]

[System task completed, random system rewards are being issued...]

[System random rewards: 1 chef's special spoon, 1 Dragon Spirit and Tiger Might Magic Patch, 1 bottle of Ten Miles Piaoxiang Spice]

Chen Yuan didn't expect that he would collect the chef's three-piece set after accepting three tasks.

This time the system still rewarded a Dragon Spirit and Tiger Might Magic Patch. After using this dog skin plaster, his physical fitness is estimated to reach the best level.

The system will not reward lottery winners this time?

Seeing the rewards, I was a little sad. After all, it was all money. Who doesn't like it!

Hey, what the hell is this Ten Miles Piaoxiang?

Chen Yuan helplessly clicked on the words "Ten Miles Piaoxiang Spice +1" in the prop column.

Then, a prop description popped up.

【Fragrant for ten miles: This spice contains no chemical additives. It is made from hundreds of natural spices, extracted and refined, and does not cause any harm to the human body. The dishes made with this spice can spread the fragrance ten miles away, and no one can resist its temptation. Note: This spice can only be used by the host personally, and cannot be sold or transferred. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences! 】

Damn, the fragrance spreads ten miles away, is it true or not?

In order to verify whether the fragrance spreads ten miles away is really so magical, Chen Yuan took the bottle of spice out of the system prop column, and before opening the lid, he put it to his nose and smelled it.

Oh my god...

Chen Yuan rolled his eyes and was directly fainted by the fragrance...


It is said that before, after Tang Guoqiang had a full meal, he returned home leisurely with a bulging belly and a packed banquet dish in his hand.

"Tang Guoqiang, where have you been? You haven't even finished your meal. Why are you so crazy... Why is your belly so big?"

Li Yufeng wanted to blame Tang Guoqiang when she saw him coming back, but her eyes fell on the man's belly.

She was stunned for a moment. She must be five months pregnant!

If their identities were reversed, the local family war would break out.

"Yufeng, I've already found a chef for our warm house party, 200 per table."

"Two hundred? Including ingredients?"

"What are you thinking, two hundred with ingredients? Where have you seen that in our Wentian Town?"

"What do you mean, nothing is included, are you charging 200 just for a banquet? Which chef dares to charge that much?"

"It's not that nothing is included, the cooking utensils are brought by themselves, including tables, benches, pots and pans, and even the kitchen helpers are brought by themselves, we are responsible for buying the vegetables when the time comes."

"Tang Guoqiang, are you crazy? Old Wang only charges 80 per table for banquets. Also, last month, Jiu Mei's family invited those who are popular for banquets, including labor and materials, and outsourced everything. The host family doesn't have to worry about anything, and it only costs 400 per table, with 16 dishes."

Li Yufeng was naturally happy when the man said that he had hired a chef to host the banquet, but when she asked about the price, she almost fainted from anger.

This man is really nothing, he just does all kinds of things that make people upset.

"You are a woman with long hair and little knowledge, you don't know anything. Is the dish cooked by Lao Wang for human consumption? And the mobile barbecue that Jiumei invited, who wouldn't complain about the dishes made? Not to mention the small portion, the key is that the taste is bad, and in the end all the leftovers were fed to pigs."

"Then are you sure that the dishes cooked by the chef you hired at a high price will be delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious. I always smelled a fragrance these two days. That's Tang Hongbo's family holding a banquet. His daughter was admitted to the university and held a graduation banquet."

Li Yufeng rolled her eyes directly. It turned out that he went to someone else's house for a banquet.

Their family has never had any personal relations with Tang Hongbo's family. This man is really shameless. How can he have the nerve to go to eat!

The woman wanted to say something, but the man handed over the packed dishes directly.

"Hmm~ It smells so good. Is this the food you packed from Tang Hongbo's house?"

"Of course. Look how good I am to you. You are full and still want to bring it back. Eat it quickly."

Tang Guoqiang was carrying a disposable lunch box. This lunch box was brought by the kitchen helpers. Look at them. They are professional. They prepared the food to pack early.

Since yesterday afternoon, she has also been suffocated by the smell.

At this moment, the man came to her with a lunch box. Faintly, through the disposable lunch box, the smell was trying to drill into her nostrils.

At first, she thought it was the smell from outside.

Now Tang Guoqiang handed the lunch box to herIn front of her.

She was stunned instantly, it turned out that the fragrance was here.

Li Yufeng took the lunch box and went back to the kitchen. The weather was too hot and she had no appetite, so she just ate a few bites of lunch.

She smelled the fragrance and couldn't wait to taste it.

When she opened the lunch box, she found that the fragrance was stronger and her saliva couldn't help flowing out.

She picked up a piece of braised beef with chopsticks. The beef stewed with beef tendon meat was different. The neat pattern of the knife edge looked very tempting.

There was no time to think about it, and she took a bite.

The beef in her mouth had a special sauce flavor and was very chewy. The woman took a bite and wanted to eat another bite, but there were only a few pieces of beef, and there was no more after eating.

Fortunately, the beef was finished, and there were other dishes.

Rural women have a big appetite at all. The dishes in the lunch box were quickly eaten by Li Yufeng, and even the juice inside was used to soak rice.

"Burp~~ It's really delicious. It would be great if we could have such dishes for every meal."

"What are you thinking about? It's broad daylight and it's not dark yet. You're daydreaming."

After finishing her meal, the woman couldn't help but burp. Although she was already full, she couldn't help but want to eat the dishes. Unfortunately, all the dishes she packed back were eaten.

"This banquet is so delicious. It's a pity that there are too few dishes. It would be better if there were more."

"I spent a lot of effort to grab these dishes. You didn't see those students who didn't get the dishes. They were so depressed and cried."

"My man is still awesome."

Hearing the woman's flattery, Tang Guoqiang raised his head proudly.

In fact, he didn't spend much effort to grab the dishes. Of course, he would not admit this.

Just ask, which man doesn't like women to say that he is awesome!

"Tell me, are the dishes cooked by this chef much better than those cooked by Lao Wang?"

"Of course, I want to eat more dishes cooked by this chef. It makes sense that they are more expensive."

After tasting the dishes, Li Yufeng also felt that the two hundred yuan per table was worth it.

Now that everyone's living conditions are better, no one lacks food.

If the dishes for the banquet are not delicious, the guests will definitely scold you.

"Then it's confirmed. Next month we will invite this chef to cook the banquet. I have paid the deposit."

"Okay... But Dazhi, he is not thinking of going to the restaurant in the town. Will he be unhappy?"

"He dares! I am his father, and I can't control him. Besides, we are the ones who pay for the banquet. If he has the ability, he can pay for it himself and go to the restaurant in the town!"


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