Yan Shuhua is also a celebrity in Dongfeng Town.

In just one day, not only the people in this town, but even the people in the neighboring town knew that this multi-millionaire was going to hold a funeral for himself.

It is said that there will be a buffet for three days and three nights.

Where have they seen such a rare thing in their village?

For funerals, it is not particularly taboo. But it is the first time that a living person holds a funeral for himself, so he has to go and see the excitement.

Before the buffet started, the villagers of the nearby village surrounded the Yan Mansion villa in three layers.

"This person is not dead yet, but they are still holding a funeral."

"That's right, it's really weird. The people who performed the ritual came and saw the big coffin in the hall. It is said that Mr. Yan slept in it last night."

"I heard that the coffin had to be carried up the mountain, which is no different from a real funeral."

"I have to say that these rich people really know how to have fun. If I were rich, I would also hold a funeral for myself, just so that I can feel what it will be like a hundred years later."

"I think Mr. Yan's move is understandable. After all, who knows what his funeral will be like a hundred years later."

In fact, holding a funeral for oneself is not the first idea of ​​Yan Shuhua.

A prince named Hong Zhou in the Qing Dynasty did this, and a professor at Huaqing University also held a funeral for himself to conduct "death education."

"Hmm! The food at the banquet tastes really good. I am drooling."

"That's right. It smells so good. It smells good all night. Your family is far away, but mine is the worst. We couldn't sleep all night because of the smell."

"My little granddaughter was clamoring to come over for the banquet early in the morning. We have never seen a buffet before. We must have a good eye-opening experience today."

The villagers chatted with each other, and their attention was focused on the open-air kitchen.

Ten large iron pots were placed on the stove, cooking at the same time. Some people may have never seen such a shocking scene in their lives.


Yandong knelt in the hall with two panda eyes and a tired face in mourning clothes, yawning from time to time.

She thought she could make up for the lost sleep when she returned to her rural hometown, but later she found that she thought too much.

The roasted whole lamb last night was so delicious that she ate too much without paying attention.

She had never overeaten like this before, and suddenly this happened, her stomach almost cursed.

In the middle of the night, she was still there imitating Liu Genghong's dancing to the Compendium of Materia Medica to digest the food. Her belly finally shrank from six months to two months, and she gradually felt sleepy.

But when she lay back on the bed and prepared to sleep, her bestie knocked on the door and said she wanted to sleep with her.

Originally, there were so many rooms in the villa, and Jiang Lili was also given a separate room. She actually said that she was used to sleeping with her husband, and suddenly she couldn't sleep alone.

Ha, she stabbed Yan Dong, a single dog.

Regardless of Yan Dong's objection, she directly lifted the quilt and fell asleep.

Well, Yan Dong was powerless to resist at that time.

But... what made her speechless next was that her bestie actually slept without a bra.

Yan Dong was going crazy. It's not that he had never slept with this girl before, but he didn't find that she had this hobby.

How did she develop this habit after getting married?

In addition to sleeping in a vacuum, this girl also grinds her teeth, rubs against her from time to time, and snores loudly, making her lose all sleepiness.

In addition, the aroma of the stewed dishes in the yard is really pervasive. The endless fragrance can be smelled in her nostrils, and the extremely rhythmic snoring can be heard in her ears.

After counting millions of sheep, Yan Dong finally felt sleepy until dawn, and just closed his eyes.

But he was woken up from the bed by his eldest brother and others. After eating breakfast in a hurry, poor Yan Dong knelt in front of the big coffin in mourning clothes and started fishing.

One carp, one crucian carp, one grass carp...


I don't know how many fish I caught, but I was suddenly startled by a burst of crying.

It turned out that her two twin nephews were crying.

Several undertakers were making up her father. The two grandsons looked at their grandfather lying motionless and being made up as a dead person, and they immediately couldn't control their emotions and cried.

As soon as the child started crying, the other members of the Yan family were also moved by the crying. One by one, they looked at their father, who was already gray-haired, wearing the shroud, and their eyes instantly became red.

Yan·Panda·Dong raised his head slightly and his eyes fell on his father. At this time, Yan Shuhua had already put on makeup, his eyes were tightly closed, and he looked like he was asleep (indeed, he was asleep).

She suddenly realized that her father was already over 60 years old. Over the years, the brothers and sisters had been working hard outside to make a career, and completely ignored the care for the old man.

Since her motherAfter his mother passed away, the old man seemed to have changed into a different person, and put all his thoughts on his career.

In the past few years, Yan Shuhua handed over the business to his two sons and returned to the countryside to live alone.

Yan Dong suddenly realized that the old man was very lonely. His children were all outside, busy with their own careers and rarely came home. Take herself for example, she had not been home for three years.

They, as children, ignored the care for their father. If they really regret it after the old man passed away, what would be the use?



Yan Dong burst into tears with emotion, and scared his brother and sister-in-law beside him.

"What are you crying for? I was sleeping well, and you woke me up."

The old man pouted and muttered, and tears seemed to fall from the corners of his eyes.

The emotions that the children had just prepared were broken by his words...


"Have you heard? The Yan family has said that anyone who can shed a tear for Old Yan in the mourning hall can eat for free."

"Is it true? Is there such a good thing?"

"Of course it's true. Didn't I see that everyone in the village group is forwarding it? I saw several people's Moments talking about this."

"Oh, I just don't have the ability to cry. This is a healthy person, but I can't cry."

"If you can't cry, you can ask your son to go. If he doesn't cry, you can beat him up. I don't believe he won't cry. . "

"This is a good idea. If he doesn't cry, I'll beat him on the butt."

"Actually, I've thought of a good idea. If you can't cry, you can rub chili peppers on your eyes. I guarantee that you'll cry freely."

"No, no, chili peppers are too pungent. It won't be worth it if your eyes are blinded by the spiciness. I think onions are quite useful. Last time when I cut onions, my wife cried freely. She thought my sick father had passed away."

"What are you thinking? Do you think the Yan family are all fools? Others have requirements. They want to see if they are sincere before they can eat at the feast."

When the villagers heard that they could eat at the feast for free as long as they went to worship and shed tears for Yan Shuhua on the spot, they started to think of all kinds of bad ideas.

Some people said to use chili peppers, some said to use onions, and some even thought of giving their own children a meal of stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots and beating them until they cried.

However, someone soon poured cold water on them.

Not everyone can enjoy the feast after crying. There are also prerequisites. You have to be sincere and at least let the Yan family feel that your crying is not too fake.

Those who really can't cry, really plan to try with peppers and onions.

Just give it a try, anyway, you won't suffer any loss. If you really can't pass it, the worst that can happen is that you can pay for the feast! !

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