Wang Xiaohu hurriedly said, "the mistake is that I didn't report to the master when I went out! In fact, disciples are also filial. You see, you and Shiniang haven't seen each other for many years. It's inappropriate for disciples to disturb you because of dry firewood and fire, long drought and sweet dew, and small farewell! But after this, I know that no matter what Shifu and Shiniang are doing in the future, I should disturb you and report my whereabouts as soon as possible... "

"Poof..." the old alcoholic took a mouthful of wine and immediately sprayed it out. His old face was red, his breath was out, and spit out a word, "get out!"

Wang Xiaohu saw the power of the master, an expert in the foundation period. The whole man was shocked by the momentum and left in the yard outside. He rolled 17 or 18 circles before he stopped

On purpose, the old guy must have done it on purpose

Wang Xiaohu bared his teeth and hummed

"Roll in before you die..." the old drunkard scolded for a long time.

Wang Xiaohu a fish, jumped up from the ground, and then ran in

"What did you get this time? How much trouble have you caused? "


Wang Xiaohu said what he could say, and then hesitated. "Master, there's another thing I have to tell you in advance. When we went out this time, senior brother Chilong and I accidentally broke into a space array. Where is a blood pool? I don't know what blood it is. It should be very good for body cultivation. We went in and took a bath. As a result..."

The old drunkard looked at Wang Xiaohu more and said disdainfully, "the effect is very general. Your flesh doesn't seem to be enhanced by the blood pool!"

Wang Xiaohu naturally discussed the countermeasures with Chilong. "I really didn't get much benefits. I just learned a set of dragon boxing. Its power is OK, but elder martial brother Long's body is much stronger than me. Now it's 20000 force faster, and its defense power is tut tut... The top-grade spirit weapon can only make a hole at most!"


The old wine ghost took a mouthful of wine and sprayed it out again. As a result, Wang Xiaohu was caught in an instant. The sad eyes made the old wine Ghost a little embarrassed!

"Cough, did you just say 20000 Jin? You should only be 15000 Jin now! "

Wang Xiaohu nodded, "yes, a pool of senior brother Xuelong basically absorbed it, and I didn't get anything. Alas, my character is too bad, but fortunately, I'm a little handsome with you. I met a hurricane wolf king on my way back, so I have to recognize me..."

"What are you talking about?" The old drunk asked in surprise. Wang Xiaohu quickly hid away for fear of being sprayed again!

Wang Xiaohu knew that some things must be known by the old wine ghost first, otherwise the old wine ghost would be passive, so he immediately raised cangyue from the spirit beast ring


Before Wang Xiaohu could react, cangyue threw Wang Xiaohu to the ground and threw him into the yard. Her body returned to its original state. Her front paws pressed Wang Xiaohu's shoulders, opened her mouth, and showed anger in her eyes

The old drunkard planned to do it in an instant, but when he saw that the wolf king didn't seem to bite Wang Xiaohu, he was relieved. Moreover, he had just changed from three feet to four meters, which made him confused. Is there a divine animal blood? And it's quite rich

"Bad guy, big bad guy, asshole... You dare to lock me up for several days. It's dark and there's no meat to eat..."

Wang Xiaohu remembered that he had indeed incorporated cangyue into the spirit beast ring through deception. He didn't expect to delay these days. You and I forgot cangyue

"My fault, my fault, this time for a reason, I promise not next time..."

"Next time? How dare you do it again? I will never enter that spirit beast ring again in my life. If you dare to shut me in, I will bite you... Ow... "

"Well, if you don't enter, don't enter..." Wang Xiaohu is helpless. This is an equal contract. He can't force cangyue to do anything

"Oh... I've been shut down for so long. I can't just forget it. You have to compensate me..."

"Well, how to compensate..."

"Barbecue... Roast 100 rhinos, 100 bears, 100 porcupines, 100 Deer..."

Wang Xiaohu sweated on his head and said shivering, "you, you'd better eat me..."


"A thousand pounds, a thousand pounds at most..."

"Two thousand pounds..."

"Five hundred pounds, up to..."

"Eight hundred jin!"

"OK, deal!"


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