"All right, take two people and go out with me. The others will be dissolved!" Wang Xiaohu did not investigate. After giving an order, he walked outside the school yard.

These soldiers also seem to be used to it. The commander is lazier than them. He came here once a month. Obviously, he is also unruly. Someone owed a debt and knew he wouldn't come. It's better to drink and sleep in the house.

Lao Chai followed Wang Xiaohu with two subordinates, but he didn't know where Wang Xiaohu was going.

"Lao Chai, I heard from you last time that our salary has been in arrears for more than half a year?"

"The Tianfeng Legion owes one month. The rest is owed by the flying bear Legion before, but now..." the flying bear Legion is gone. They lost the war again. Naturally, they can only admit their bad luck.

But Wang Xiaohu doesn't think so. If he wants to train troops, he must have something. As for the salary in arrears, he works for the tianwu Empire anyway. What is the flying bear Tianfeng.

A moment later, Wang Xiaohu took Lao Chai and his two subordinates to the Quartermaster's office. At this moment, at least half of the commanders gathered outside the Quartermaster's office. They smiled with each other and flattered a white fat man. The white fat man looked like he was in his early thirties, but his face was red, his head was fat, and his leather armor was open, because he couldn't buckle it at all.

"Sir, this is the quartermaster, who is in charge of the distribution of the Quartermaster of the Tianfeng Corps. It is said that he is the cousin of the military commander..." Lao Chai quickly said to Wang Xiaohu for fear that Wang Xiaohu would collide with the Quartermaster.

"Nepotism, no wonder they are so fat. Do these people also come to ask for salary?" Wang Xiaohu pointed to the commanders.

"Almost. Now I join the Tianfeng army, but the salary has not been issued. Without the salary, the soldiers will not train hard. These commanders were scolded by the army head. At this time, they naturally want military supplies! However, it is said that the Quartermaster is close to the elite of the Tianfeng army. It is estimated that we, who have just started, will be in arrears for three or five months! " Lao Chai was naturally clear about the doors in the barracks.

"If you want a horse to run, you don't feed the horse. How can there be such a thing..." Wang Xiaohu's mouth is flat. He doesn't have time to spend with these people. After finding the appropriate martial arts script in three or five months, he can cultivate a martial Saint himself.

At this time, the white fat man broke away from the entanglement of the crowd and was protected by a team of silver armor guards. He straightened his tilted armor and cleared his throat, "well, you guys, go back. When the next batch of pay arrives, you will naturally make up your salary. You know, the Tianfeng army has just expanded and is tight everywhere, If you have some Kung Fu entangled with me, you might as well find some way to train your subordinates. With achievements, everything is easy to say! "

The white fat man said that he had entered the back camp. The commanders wanted to follow in, but the more than a dozen silver guards didn't enter. They stood up one by one with swords and dared to break into the Quartermaster's office. You can kill first and then play!

"Sir, let's go. There's no result waiting here!" Lao Chai saw the other commanders leave and said a word to Wang Xiaohu, who had not been close.

"Go and get our salary!"

Wang Xiaohu nodded and walked towards the barracks behind the Quartermaster's office.

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