He rushed to the city Lord's residence. Before the guard stopped, Wang Xiaohu shouted, "the princess has an order. This place has been found by the imperial court. The imperial army will come later. He will escort the heavy treasure away with the general immediately!"

Wang Xiaohu's reprimand stunned the guard.

"This, this is so possible..." the guard is unbelievable. How can he give up here?

But before they could speak, Wang Xiaohu had rushed into the gate and went all the way to the deep. These soldiers didn't know the situation, but no one dared to doubt it, because Wu Sheng rushed here just now and almost stole the treasure!

Wang Xiaohu immediately followed hundreds of soldiers behind him. Although Wang Xiaohu didn't know where the stone tablet of emperor soul formula was, he intentionally or unintentionally fell behind two steps. Immediately, the soldiers behind him rushed in one step faster than himself.

Wang Xiaohu stopped talking with a cold face and made a mistake.

Although Wang Xiaohu is a stranger, it's even more unclear to wear armor and mask. Who can know that Wang Xiaohu is a fake?

The soldiers met behind did not need Wang Xiaohu to speak, but those soldiers were already shouting.

"It was discovered by the imperial court that the generals were blocking the Raiders. The princess ordered us to escort the transfer of heavy treasures..."

"Come on, the imperial army is coming..."


A group of people rushed to the depths of the city master's mansion, which was an underground passage.

However, this time was not long, and the soldiers seemed to be particularly afraid of this place. They didn't dare to go down without the command of the princess. They just stayed outside until Wang Xiaohu went down and took the heavy treasure.

Wang Xiaohu was so happy that he quickly picked up the grade and went down.


A silver armor general at the peak of King Wu stood at the door of the secret room at the end of the passage.

"Get out of the way, the princess ordered me to slack off the transfer of treasures..." Wang Xiaohu frowned slightly when he saw the silver armor commander, because he now showed a similar identity to himself and was given the task of guarding the treasure, so he was unlikely to obey his orders.

"Who are you and why would you never have met?" The silver armour commander could again. Naturally, he was a confidant of the southwest princess. He looked at Wang Xiaohu with doubt, and his hand was also pressed on the hilt of the sword, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

"I'm going to listen to the order outside. I happen to be next to the princess... Get out of the way quickly. Don't waste time. The princess is dealing with the strong enemy at the moment! There's no time to be wordy! " Wang Xiaohu made a fool of him.

There was a flash in the silver armor commander's eyes, which obviously could not be fully trusted.

"Is there a royal decree..."

"Are you an idiot? In a hurry, how can the princess give instructions in time! " Wang Xiaohu yelled.

There was a flash of anger in the silver armour commander's eyes, but before the attack, Wang Xiaohu reached out and took out a token, "here is the token of Princess Tianfeng. I was the deputy commander of the Tianfeng legion, which coincided with the resumption of the first two prefectures..."

This token is the proof that Qi Tianfeng said it would be convenient for Wang Xiaohu to enter the palace these days. At this time, Wang Xiaohu doesn't care whether Qi Tianfeng will make trouble later. Let's get the imperial soul formula first!

Seeing Princess Tianfeng's token, the silver armor commander, without any doubt, took out half a jade pendant from his arms and set it into a groove on the stone wall, and then looked at Wang Xiaohu.

This time, Wang Xiaohu's face was ugly. The fool also knew that to open the secret room, another half of the jade pendant was needed. The secret room mechanism seemed to be very exquisite.

"Clang..." Wang Xiaohu pulled out his long sword.

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