Several people discussed the specific details. Wang Zheng thought for a moment, and then said, "we have so many colleagues. If we don't organize, it will be a mess. I heard that there are two or three temporary bases and thousands of colleagues gathered. We all want to go where we want to go, but the three bases are not close to here and are not safe all the way! There are many marks of fellow disciples in my messenger jade talisman. Although the distance is only two or three hundred miles, others should also be able to contact many people. We might as well establish a base nearby to gather the fellow disciples here. When we have a certain scale here, we may be able to join other bases. At that time, we can not only protect ourselves, but also fight back! "

Wang Xiaohu thought for a moment, which is much better than walking around like a headless fly. "It's not enough for us to gather a group of people, and those guys are not vegetarian. There are thousands of miles of heralds between them, and the news is more flexible than us. If we know that we have a base here, I'm afraid they will also gather together. We can cope with it in two or three foundation construction periods, But ten or twenty! "

Wang Xiaohu didn't go on. If there were more than ten or twenty, he could only escape. What's the significance of the rest being a flock of sheep?

"You don't have to worry about this. The temporary bases we built at the same door in the past have some measures to defend against monster attacks. Large attack instruments such as broken God crossbows can continue to be used as long as they are slightly repaired. Among the people I know, there is a smelter. Although the level is not high, it should be enough to repair and maintain broken God crossbows. As long as there are two or three broken God crossbows, During the foundation period, monks dare not approach! "

After all, the time for Wang Xiaohu to enter the cultivation world is too short, so he hasn't heard anything about the broken God crossbow at all. After Wang Zheng explained, he realized that it was a large spirit tool driven by spirit stone. Although it was only a first-order spirit tool, it took hundreds of spirit stones to use it at one time. That power can even kill second-order monsters. It's no problem for friars in the foundation period!

This is a good way. Wang Xiaohu took out the map to find a suitable place to establish the base, and Wang Zheng quickly contacted others. One spread ten, ten spread hundreds. Soon, the story spread that husha killed the friars during the foundation period and was ready to establish a defense base nearby. Wang Xiaohu and they continued to move forward and killed two teams of yulingmen hunting teams along the way, And the number of people who came one after another was more than 100, which could be regarded as a small scale!

More than a dozen fellow disciples who ran away with Wang Zheng now naturally return. Although they are embarrassed, it is much better than losing their lives. Wang Xiaohu has no intention to communicate with these people. He just does his duty as a Qingyun disciple, and he doesn't think these people can be grateful. As long as these guys are knowledgeable, Wang Xiaohu won't bother to argue with them.

"This temporary base seems rather dilapidated. There is only one broken God crossbow. Let's go to the next one!" Looking at the base built on the hillside, there are not many defense measures left. The walls have collapsed, the houses are broken, and the body has become the nest of two or three first-order monsters. It has been destroyed in an ugly way!

However, Wang Xiaohu was quite satisfied with the terrain. It was easier to defend and harder to attack than other bases built on valleys or flat land marked on the map.

Although the fight between practitioners pays attention to cooperation, it is far from reaching the large-scale legionnaization of the secular world. High-level monks can fly to the sky and hide from the earth, so there are no requirements for this terrain. Wang Xiaohu doesn't think so. They are facing a group of practitioners who can't fly. They are condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as they strengthen defense measures, Here is the golden soup!

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