Song Qinghe is a thin man dressed as a middle-aged scholar. When he saw Wang Xiaohu, he quickly stood up and saluted with fists. "Song Qinghe, the emperor of Tiandao, has seen Wang Mengzhu."

Wang Xiaohu calmly went to the throne and sat down, "say it, there is no friendship between us, so there is no need to say those polite words!"

Song Qinghe took a little smoke from the corner of his mouth, hesitated, took something out of the heaven and earth bag and handed it to Wang Xiaohu with both hands.

"Please accept this array!" Song Qinghe handed over the array plate.

Wang Xiaohu was stunned. It was quite unexpected!

However, Wang Xiaohu was not afraid of what means he had. He took the array plate and looked carefully. With the appraisal level of array knowledge he had learned for a month, the array plate would not be false.

"What about Duan Qianshan?" Wang Xiaohu asked.

"He was attacked by monsters and died!" Song Qinghe is slightly unnatural.

Wang Xiaohu said slightly, "what a pity! All right, you can go! "

"Ah, this is the king, the league leader!" Song Qinghe didn't expect Wang Xiaohu to drive people away after he received something. He didn't even make a promise

"Why, do you think it's OK to give this to me and kill tens of thousands of Qingyun sect disciples? Hehe!" Wang Xiaohu sneered!

"The king, league leader, I, we are also under orders!" Song Qinghe quickly defended.

"If you don't want to go, stay!" Wang Xiaohu looked cold and made a bold move.

"Bang!" One punch, song Qinghe didn't want to fight. He would be killed by Wang Xiaohu.

"Order Qinglong hall, Baihu hall, Tiandao sect, no one left!" Wang Xiaohu gave an order to the next disciple and got up and left the living room.

Tiandao sect did not leave any of them. When Wang Xiaohu saw the corpses of the same sect, he said that Yuling sect and Tiandao sect would be buried together, not only the 3000 people here, but also all of them. Although Wang Xiaohu would not kill hundreds of thousands of people of the two factions, he would not let go of the culprit if he had the ability, Then wait until you have the ability to kill! These people must have had internal strife with Duan Qianshan. They didn't even come out of the valley. A fart monster can kill friar Zhuji! Duan Qianshan was killed. These people thought they could get out of the secret place alive by flattering themselves with the array plate. It was a daydream! Although it's not moral to look at it like this, how can tens of thousands of his fellow disciples die in vain? Moreover, in Wang Xiaohu's heart, this matter still has a great relationship with himself. Although he is only the fuse, the two factions will be destroyed!

Wang Xiaohu didn't mean to stand idly by this time. There's no need to kill or hurt more people!

Three days later, the last disciple of Tiandao sect was killed. At this time, no one in Qingyun sect cheered, because it was not a happy thing. Tens of thousands of them died here, this secret place!

The Tiandao sect was completely solved, and the array plate was also obtained. A big stone in Wang Xiaohu's heart finally landed.

"Call all the disciples back. I have something to announce in three days!" Leaving such an order, Wang Xiaohu began to shut down and repair!


"Brothers and sisters, fellow disciples, sisters and sisters, two months ago, yulingmen and tiandaozong forced us into a desperate situation, so we established the husha alliance. Three days ago, the last enemy who entered the secret territory was ambushed and killed. For the time being, we can comfort the fellow disciples who died. However, yulingmen and tiandaozong, as long as Wang Xiaohu lives, we will destroy these two factions!"

Wang Xiaohu's words immediately aroused the response of the four or five thousand disciples below.

"Mieyuling gate!"

"Mietian daozong!"

"Revenge, revenge!"


Wang Xiaohu pressed his hand. "It's too early to say this now, because we don't know what's going on outside. There are more than two months to close the secret place, and the array plates and flags are in my hands. In two months, I'll set up an array here. If we Qingyun gate come into contact with a dangerous opportunity, everyone will be happy. If there are strong enemies outside, it's just war!"



"Follow the leader to the death!"

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