"OK, this is the trouble I made. Come on, one person, one can't run away in case of an accident!" Wang Xiaohu threw two storage bags and bought one of those things in Qiqiao Pavilion. Then Hu Yongna left one of the puppets in the middle of Jindan. The puppets in the middle of Jindan are not too rare, so it's OK to take them out and use them. The only thing that makes Wang Xiaohu depressed is that there is no Hongtian zijinlei. NIMA, is it the person of Baiqiao gate! Wang Xiaohu doesn't know that even Baiqiao gate and Hongtian zijinlei are out of stock. How can they be one by one! If one person of Baiqiao gate had a huge purple golden thunder, it is estimated that there would be nothing wrong with the other six main gates!

"Lying grass, boss, you, you won't rob again! It seems that it will take a long time to buy a puppet in the middle of the golden pill! " The little fat man is not idle. He went out for a walk today!

Ling Feiyan also looked at Wang Xiaohu nervously. This guy won't really go out and rob the people of Baiqiao gate, will he? It's over, it's over!

"Don't you know what money is? Brother, is he the one who sent the spirit stone? I'm so sleepy. I'm going to bed. Well, Feiyan, do you want to join me? " Wang Xiaohu said, stretching out his arms and huffing towards Ling Feiyan. It was more like hugging Ling Feiyan!

"Get out! Give you a warm bed! " Ling Feiyan quickly dragged the little fat man next to Wang Xiaohu!


Wang Xiaohu gave the little fat man a big foot, "go aside, brother's sexual orientation is normal!"

"Who am I provoking! Why does the boss make trouble? It's always me who gets hurt! " The little fat man wailed!

"I don't even have this consciousness. How can I be a little brother!" Wang Xiaohu waved his hand and walked into his room.


In the next few days, Wang Xiaohu behaved like a little daughter-in-law. He didn't step out until the fifth element sect arrived on the fourth day. The boring waiting was over!

But they didn't set out immediately. After the people of the five elements sect had a day's rest, the next day Wang Xiaohu and others were summoned to a magnificent manor. This is the other courtyard of Baiqiao gate in Tianji city. Today, let the disciples of the three major gates participating in the xuandu secret place meet and chat here. In short, they held a cocktail party to contact their feelings.

The style here is really Baiqiao door. Why do you say so? First of all, the beautiful women standing inside and outside are Xianji puppets. Those wine tables have long legs and can walk. When your wine cup is put down, they will take the initiative to fill you up if there is no wine, and you don't need to do it yourself. The spout is low!

Wang Xiaohu and the little fat man were stunned. This NIMA is too high-tech!

However, Wang Xiaohu soon found that among all the 60 disciples, his accomplishments were the lowest, and the other uncomfortable golden pills were fake pills. There was not even a person on the ninth floor of the foundation. As a result, although many people wondered how a person on the sixth floor of the foundation would participate, no one wanted to contact him, but Ling Feiyan The world of mortals is bothered by several young people who boast of being romantic and handsome in the five elements sect and Baiqiao sect, but more than a dozen Yuanying ancestors are not far away. Even the world of mortals dare not lose their temper and can only pretend to socialize!

"The food is good, but the wine is poor!" Wang Xiaohu filled his mouth with several unknown spirit fruits while complaining about the poor spirit wine!

The little fat man followed Wang Xiaohu faithfully. Because of his reminder, he did not attract girls to like him. Other disciples of the sect would not pay attention to him. Therefore, this pair of brothers and sisters played the fine style of being not afraid of fatigue and support, and began to speed up the elimination of the delicacies on the wine table!

"Boss, take out your wine and order it. It's impossible to eat!" Used to Wang Xiaohu's spirit wine, the little fat man took it in his mouth!

"No, they were robbed by old Xuanjin!" Wang Xiaohu wouldn't take it out. He didn't look at the little eyes of old man Xuanjin. It's estimated that as long as he took out one jar, the old man could take ten jars, because when old man Xuanjin came to ask for spirit wine yesterday, Wang Xiaohu said it was gone, and it would take three or five years to brew new wine! Along the way, half of Wang Xiaohu's spirit wine went into old man Xuanjin's stomach.

"Really not?" Asked the little fat man!

"It's gone!" Wang Xiaohu said it very seriously.

"Well, forget it. Make do with some drinks! By the way, boss, look at those two over there. They are almost pasted on sister Feiyan. Don't you have any idea? " The little fat man is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

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