Yu-Gi-Oh!: As A Teacher, I Have Many Talents All Over The World

Chapter 15 Absolute Zero! Bring The Dawn Of Victory!

All students present!

I don’t understand why we only rely on absolute zero!

Why did the assessment teacher You Tianling speak out about this battle so confidently!

Youcheng Judai will fail!

On the scene! 2900 Thunder Giant after the extra attack from the Tenth Generation of Youcheng!

A 2100 Flame Winged Man! Plus the venue magic card skyscraper!

Three-card combo comparison with single-card Absolute Zero!

No one would think that Absolute Zero could withstand Yujo Judai!

The Flame Winged Man succeeded with the help of Skyscraper!

The attack power of 2100 has soared to 3100 points!

Successfully destroyed the elemental hero Absolute Zero in one go!

"I activate the effect of the elemental hero Flame Winged Man!"

"This card is always activated when a monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard. It inflicts damage to the opponent equal to the original ATK of that monster."

"Teacher You, the attack power of your elemental hero Absolute Zero is 2500 points!"

"Teacher, you can't stop me."

It seems that Yucheng Judai is already a sure thing!

After the effect is activated!

2500 points of damage, plus the original 3100 minus 2500 points of 600 points of damage!

You Tianling will receive 3100 points of damage in this wave!

The ultimate health value! Only 900 points left!

"It's over! Teacher Yu failed! He will be defeated by the new student Yu Cheng Judai!"

"Awesome! Is this new student so strong? Teacher Yu defeated Professor Chronos, and Judai Yusheng defeated Teacher You. Couldn't this new student also defeat Professor Chronos?"

"Wait a minute! Something is wrong! Everyone, look at the field, why it suddenly started to freeze!"

"It seems to be the effect of last words? It seems that Absolute Zero has never activated its effect. Could it be that if it is destroyed, what will happen?"


Amidst the heated discussion among everyone.

The virtual engine showed terrifying icing and freezing frost in the duel scene!

A comprehensive snowfall surrounded the two hero monsters, the elemental hero Flame Wing and the elemental hero Thunder Giant!

The final Absolute Zero monster lives up to its name!

Beyond the cold ice, Wanru can penetrate the ice in people's hearts!

The Flame Winged Man and the Thunder Giant are frozen!

Finally, it exploded to everyone's surprise! ! !

right! It exploded on the spot!

"The effect of Absolute Zero's last words is."

"When this card leaves the field, destroy all monsters on your opponent's field."

"Yujo Judai-san, you lose."

You Tianling's words seemed to cause the surrounding temperature to drop crazily!

After the Thunder Giant and Flame Winged Man were destroyed and disappeared from the field!

Yujo Judai was immediately dumbfounded!

He was still smiling.

At this time, he looked at Absolute Zero's last heroic aid with an expression that was completely incomprehensible!

On the duel ground! Both sides are empty!

In addition to the unequal blood volume, Yucheng Shidai has one more venue and skyscraper!

Everything else is the same!

All the old students and new students’ mouths are going to drop to the floor!

I was dumbfounded as I watched the last scene before my eyes!

"What the hell!? Leaving the field can blow up all the opponent's monsters? What kind of fake card effect is this!"

"Damn it! Teacher You still has this skill! Why don't you worry about it at all? That's outrageous!"

"Ah? I thought it was a bug. The black hole effect of the magic card came from somewhere. It turned out to be the monster's last words!"

"This wave of tenth-generation freshmen in Yucheng has harmed me! I can only hope that Teacher Yu can't OTK!"


The audience was completely silent, and not a single sound could be heard!

Everyone held their breath and watched the changes in the scene!

But when You Tianling gave an explanation!

All the new and old students in the audience went crazy!

Only then did I realize that the elemental fusion shown by Teacher You Tianling earlier was just the tip of the hero iceberg!

The elemental hero of light is absolutely zero! There is a super powerful card!

Attack and suppress when you appear!

Departure is the black hole of effect!

Explode the cards to kill all the monsters!

Traveling to the city for ten generations! It’s even more numb!

It was so numb that he forgot that it was still his own turn!

"Yujo Judai-san."

"Today's duel is worthy of your careful review."

"It's time to end the round."

Until You Tianling made a sound.

Yujo Judai came to his senses and ended the round blankly.

"My turn, Doro."

"I usually summon the elemental hero Skyman!"

"Activate the effect to retrieve the elemental hero sincere Xin Yuxia."

"The duel is over."

The elemental hero Skyman and the elemental hero Sincerely Xinyuxia are now teaming up!

The combination of 1800 and 2500!

Yujo Judai was defeated!

The health value is reduced to 0 points!

The duel freshmen assessment from beginning to end has finally come to an end!

The defeated Yujo Judai quickly cheered up.

But I am still recalling all the steps and ideas from the previous round in my mind!

This is a duel! Originally he thought he could win!

But the final outcome!

But it was the elemental hero Absolute Zero who brought Teacher You the dawn of victory!

It's an element! That's right!

He hasn't fully understood the word element of elemental heroes yet!

Must find time! Ask Teacher You for advice!

[Teaching Points +100...]

[Teaching Points +100...]

[Teaching Points +100...]

[Teaching Points +100...]


With the continued blessing of teaching points!

You Tianling understood in his heart.

After the duel ended, Yujo Judai once again gained insight and understanding of the duel!

In the ten generations of city tours in the future, you will definitely be able to control the fusion of elements and heroes!

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