After the last video of the comeback was played, in the original Yu-Gi-Oh world, the GX world, the 5DS world, and the last Z4 world, all the viewers who watched the two duels started to discuss. They started to argue and discuss

《The Last Battle of the Nameless Pharaoh" and the video"One Day Soaring to the Sky, Me!", which of these two videos is the real No. 1?

"em.......Although I really want to vote for myself.

But, I have to say that in terms of excitement and intensity, my duel is definitely not as good as Yuma-kun's duel."

Yugi Muto is still relatively humble.

Even if other people's duels are really not as exciting as his.

He will still vote for others.

And the soul of the nameless pharaoh who followed Yugi Muto and lived in the"Millennium Brick".

He naturally made the same judgment as Yugi Muto.

And on the other side, Seto Kaiba.

He gave the answer without even thinking about it.

"Humph! Who is number one?

Isn't this question obvious?

If we only talk about the excitement and intensity, there is no need to compare Yugi Muto's duel with the future X-Force duel!

When thinking about these issues, you just need to judge from the duel."

In Kaiba Seto's cognition, the impact of the future X-Force summoning on the duel is too great.

If you just consider it from the perspective of the duel, he must think that 99 Yuma's duel is more in line with the first position.

Of course, in addition to Kaiba Seto and Yugi Muto, there are still voices of opposition.

For example, the"Father of Cards" Bekas.

He shook his head and said


You are too naive. Although from the perspective of duel, the future Ultra Summoning is indeed too powerful.

However, you have to know that in our era, the three mythical gods have never been found to have any weaknesses.

Little Game Boy was able to defeat the three mythical gods by his own strength, which is of epoch-making significance!"

Bekas affirmed 99 Yuma's duel in the future.

However, in terms of comparative significance, he still felt that Yugi Muto's duel was more prominent.

After all, under the impossible situation, defeating the"Three Mythical Gods" at the same time is indeed of epoch-making significance.

However, in the duel hall in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX world on the other side, perhaps because of the world view, most of the duelists here voted for Yugi Muto's duel.

They believed that only that duel should be ranked first on the list.

Only a very small number of duelists voted for 99 Yuma's duel.

After all, in the world view here,

Yugi Muto is the god of duelists!

As for the world of 5DS, they were a little different. Most of them voted for 99 Yuma's duel.

Although they also thought that Yugi Muto's duel was very exciting.

However, considering the aspect of a pure duel

, the super duel from the future still has an absolute advantage.

As for the final Z4 world.

After learning a little about the duel between Yugi Muto and Yugi, 99 Yuma and others also gave their votes......

It may be because the Z4 world has a completely different worldview from the previous three Yu-Gi-Oh worlds.

Most of them were not very impressed by the duel with Yugi Muto.

At the same time, they were not very clear about what it meant to defeat the"Three Mythical Gods".

Therefore, most duelists voted for the duel between 99 Yuma and Astral Body. Finally, after the voting was completed in the four Yu-Gi-Oh worlds, the mysterious huge screen finally spoke slowly.

【According to the voting data of duelists from four different time and space worlds, with a one-vote lead, the duel that truly ranks first is........《The Last Duel of the Nameless Pharaoh》!】

Listening to the answer on the mysterious giant screen.

In the world of the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh and GX, countless audience duelists cheered.

After all, most of them voted for the nameless Pharaoh.

As for the duelists in the 5DS world and the Z4 world, they just showed a somewhat regretful expression.

But they did not feel that there was any unfairness.

Just like what was said at the beginning.

The last two duels played were both eligible to compete for the first place.


No matter which game was ranked first, it was a normal thing.

There was nothing to regret.

However, just when everyone was still immersed in joy, the mysterious huge screen quickly announced another exciting news.

【Since the final duel of this list has come to an end, it is time to start playing the next list. 】

As soon as the voice of the mysterious huge screen fell.

Very quickly!

On the dark screen, a line of eye-catching white text slowly floated across

【Yu-Gi-Oh! Five. Top 5 OTK Rankings -"Pterosaur's Kamui"】

In the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh! World.

Seeing this eye-catching text suddenly appear.

The first one to react, and the one who reacted most violently, was naturally Malik.

"Wait! This title, can't it be that duel!! ? ?"

Malik was very sharp and noticed it.

And he made further judgments based on the information he had received so far.

Since the theme this time is OTK, plus there is the factor of Pterosaur. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, there is only one truth!

That is when he was once occupied by the dark personality.

In the duel with the dark tapir, he once OTKed him with absolute power.

And he also successfully created"OTK"This word.

However, that was Malik's (Dark) duel.

Not Malik's own duel.

So, when he saw that duel on the list.

Malik naturally showed a somewhat unpleasant face.

As Malik's sister, Isis on the other side.

She also gently put her right hand on Malik's shoulder and said

"It's okay, Malik, it's all in the past"

"elder sister......"

With his sister's comfort, Malik's mood stabilized a little.

As for Yugi Muto on the other side, he looked at the OTK ranking and expressed his opinion.

"em......If it is an OTK ranking, it must be more shocking and exciting.

But unfortunately, I don’t think I have tried to OTK my opponent yet."

While speaking, Yugi Muto sighed slightly.

Although he is still the"Duel King" at present.

However, he has never tried something as cool as OTK.

On the other hand, in the world of 5ds.

Looking at this new title and inventory.

At this time, Yusei Fudo also raised his mouth slightly, feeling a little expectation in his heart.

"OTK's ranking?

This is really exciting!"

While speaking, Fudo Yusei's eyes were still fixed on the huge mysterious screen.

It must be said that the time this screen brought them was really happy.

They were able to enjoy the wonderful duels from the Yu-Gi-Oh worlds of different time and space.


Under the attention of the duelists from four different Yu-Gi-Oh worlds of different time and space.

The eye-catching white text quickly faded.

However, the color tone that appeared in the picture this time was countless times darker than before.

Everyone also concentrated their attention and barely saw the specific situation in the picture.

It was a dim, special space filled with purple mist without sunlight.

It was a special phenomenon that only appeared during a"dark duel".

The two duelists who were dueling were Malik (dark) and Tapirara (dark).

(To tell you the effect, I used to think Tapirara was gloomy and scary, and particularly strong, but now when I check the information, I find that his record is terrible.)

In the picture, Malik and Tapirara both shouted at the same time.


The duel disks in their hands quickly unfolded and transformed.

At this moment, their duel was finally about to begin.

And Malik was about to start his OTK performance.

���He took the initiative to place his right hand on the deck of cards on the duel disk.

"I'm going to attack, I'll attack first, draw a card!"

Glancing at the card he drew, Baliang showed a malicious expression.

"I'll set up a powerful trap card right from the start.

I'm going to ambush a trap card.

I'm attacking and summoning [Goblin Zombie] to end this turn."

Although Tapirara's tone was very powerful.

However, his performance in this turn was not that powerful.

Even the monster he summoned was just an ineffective mortal bone monster.

Malik, who was absolutely confident, also showed a malicious smile in return to the Tapirara in front of him.

"It's my turn, draw a card!

I cover a card and summon [Steel Drill Dragon】!"

On Malik's field, a low-level monster with a drill-shaped body and no"dragon" element at all appeared.

But if it was only used to deal with Tapirara, it would be more than enough.

"Attack the opponent's monster!"

At this time, Malik seemed to launch an attack without even noticing the opponent's covered cards. Facing the opponent

's attack

, he was naturally very happy to open the card he had just covered.

"Activate the Trap Card [Trembling Earth Bind]!

Malik, look at your feet."

Baku Liangle said with a weird and creepy laugh.

Listening to Baku Liangle's words,

Malik also looked down at his feet.

Unexpectedly, a bloody mouth like a monster appeared inexplicably.

It seemed that it was ready to swallow him completely at any time.

"I guess the reason for summoning a monster with weak attack power is to activate this trap card."

Bakura said, as if he was very happy that his evil plan had succeeded.

But what he didn't know was that he could only be a little proud at this time.

What was waiting for him later would be........God's punishment!

【Today’s third update, the OTK rankings are officially open! 】.

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