In the six worlds of Yu-Gi-Oh in different time and space, countless duelists have focused their eyes and spirits on the mysterious huge screen.

They are all looking forward to what the mythical and Arabian Nights-like"zero return kill" is all about.

Under the expectation of countless duelists, the mysterious huge screen that had been dimmed quickly shone at this time.

Bright colors covered the entire screen.

This time, the duel scene is still relatively excellent. It is exactly the same as the harsh environment of the air.

At this moment, in a place similar to a dock, the two duelists are standing here at the same time.

Their eyes are all directed at each other, although there is no killing intent.

However, it can also be felt.

The subtle gunpowder smell between the two of them, the duel is about to begin!

The duelists are Okin, a prince of a small country.

As for the other one, he is one of the protagonists of this villain ranking, King Sai!

"Due1!" x2

With the simultaneous command of the two, the duel has truly begun.

"Can I attack first?"

The prince of a small country named Okin was very polite.

Unlike other duelists who attacked first, he"requested" to attack first.

This was indeed very different.

Listening to the other party's request, the King of Sai just nodded easily.


During this period, the Saiou still looked like a good person. He was also very gentle and polite.

Of course!

Now he has also been corroded by the light of destruction.

It's just that it has not been fully exposed yet.

Outside the screen, in the first generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh world.

Watching this duel finally unfold.

All the duelists and spectators held their breath. They were all looking forward to what the so-called"zero return kill" was all about.


Even Yugi Muto said seriously

"Finally, this duel is about to begin!"

His eyes were fixed on the Zhai Wang in the picture.

Back to the picture, Okin, who had the first move, was about to launch his offensive in this round.

"Draw a card. I will activate [Pot of Greed] first! (Everyone has one card)

Draw two cards from the deck."

As soon as Okin finished speaking

, he replenished his hand again.

Looking at the seven cards in his hand, Okin quickly formulated his own tactics for this round.

"I activate the magic card [Cost Reduction]!

Discard a card from your hand and reduce the level of the monster in your hand by two.

Summon a 1v5 [Satellite plus Farm Cannon]】!!!"

Okin held up the card in his hand, but no virtual image appeared.

This was not because there was a problem with the duel disk's projection system.

Rather, the monster he summoned was very special.

He would not appear on this battlefield........Suspended in outer space!

Okin's deck is quite special and powerful.

Of course!

The Saiwang standing in front of him is even more terrifying.

Moreover, at this time, Okin.

He did not forget to explain

"Although our country is very small, it is a world leader!

Man-made satellites and agricultural cannons are its symbols!

In the real world, our laser satellite [Sky] is patrolling the universe. We can dominate the world right now!"

From Okin's words, we can feel his pride in his deck and country. Listening to Okin's words, the King of Sai at this time actually nodded very humbly and said

"I really admire you. I want that kind of power too."

Zai Wang was not joking when he said this.

He really wanted to seize the power that could destroy the world.........(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

However, a duel is a duel.

It has nothing to do with anything else.

At this time, Prince Okin smiled and said

"But that's not all.

Activate the magic card [Charge]!

Increase the attack power of my satellite and agricultural cannon to 2000 points.

Then, I activate the quick attack magic card [Time Goddess's Prank] from my hand. (zz classic fake card)

It will directly skip your turn and come to my turn again.

In this way, I can attack.

The preparations are complete.

It's time to go up, the quick attack magic card [Limitation】!"

As soon as Okin finished speaking, the attack power of the terrifying weapon suspended in outer space once again reached a terrifying 4,000 points.

In addition, in this round, Okin did not have the restriction of not being able to attack first.

4,000 points of attack power was enough to directly FTK the Saiou.

In the first generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh world, looking at the terrifying power of Okin on the screen

, countless duelists and spectators were shocked and didn't know what to say.

Although OTK is already powerful enough, and FTK is only a duel scene that exists in theory.


Now it seems that the prince of the small country named Okin has successfully turned FTK into reality.

So much so that the"Father of Cards" Becas also shook his head frantically and said anxiously

"Oh, no!

Who on earth developed the card"Time Goddess's Prank"?

It's outrageous!

If so, FTK can really become a reality.

There is no fun or fairness in dueling. It has become a game where whoever gets the first attack wins.

I will not allow my card duel to become such a boring game!"

For"FTK"This kind of gameplay that extremely destroys the game environment.

At this moment, Becas felt disgusted.

As for Muto Yugi on the other side, he also frowned and said

"That duelist named Aojin is already strong enough to perform a FTK.......How powerful must the protagonist of this duel, Saiou, be to achieve that incredible zero-return kill!"

At this time, Yugi Muto really didn't dare to imagine how powerful the villain duelist named Saiou was. Even cold sweat dripped down uncontrollably. It can be seen that Yugi Muto was nervous. Back to the screen, the duel was still going on. Before winning the duel, the duelist named Okin also smiled confidently and said

"It's not that you are too weak, but that I am too strong.

Man-made satellite plus agricultural cannon, launch a direct attack!!!"

The terrible laser immediately bombarded the earth from outer space, and the target was the King of the Sai on the ground.

Facing the attack of the terrifying monster with 4000 attack power.

If the King of the Sai cannot avoid it at this time, he will lose the duel directly.

And Okin will also complete his FTK feat.


Could the situation really be that simple?

""Boom!" With a loud noise, the terrifying laser shone on the position of the Zhai Wang.

The extremely dazzling blue-white light shone.

It was impossible to see clearly what happened inside.

No one knew.

Zhai Wang, could he avoid such a terrible attack?

【Today's last update is complete. Thank you for your subscription support, thank you so much!!! Thousands】.

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