As for the world of Yu-Gi- Oh!

GX, in that familiar duel hall, countless candidates and examiners, after seeing such a scene, couldn't help but show an expression of shock and amazement. In his eyes, Yuki Judai in the previous scene, he had clearly fallen into such a dilemma. But


However, he was still able to rely on his amazing awareness and will to summon miracles.

He summoned the extremely powerful [Rainbow New Universe Man].

On the other side, as Yuujiro himself

, he watched the future self evolve the ace monster New Universe Man to a whole new level.

He couldn't help but!

Yuujiro also showed a very excited and happy expression.

"This is......After the fusion of Rainbow Dragon, the ultimate New Martial Arts [Rainbow New Martial Arts] was born?

This is the miracle called by my future self.

If so, I can definitely defeat Yubel!" At this time, Yuki Judai was full of confidence in his future self. Back to the screen, the duel between Yubel and Yuki Judai is still going on. Although Yuki Judai has successfully broken the deadlock and summoned [Rainbow New Martial Arts],


If it is only this level, it is still a long way from victory.

Yujo Judai suddenly started to explain.

"【One of the three effects of Hongguang Xinyuxia........

Send a card from the deck to the graveyard.

Yubel, all the cards in your graveyard 20 must be returned to the deck!"

As soon as Yuki Judai finished speaking, he quickly sent a card from the deck to the graveyard area of the duel disk.

Under the power of [Rainbow New Yuxia] , Yubel was helpless!

She could only send all the cards in her graveyard back to her deck.


If this is the case, she will no longer be able to use the combo of the two cards [Lotus of Sacrifice] and the Hated Knight.

For Yubel, this must be a very uncomfortable interruption.

However, watching Yuki Judai use the power of the John card.

At this time, Yubel also felt very puzzled and angry.

"You actually used a card of a weak guy........

Is your friendship with him really that important?

Do you really like him that much?

I have poured so much love into him.........Now it's all his!" When Yubel said this, tears even seeped out of his eyes........

Soon, she clenched her fists again


Yubel's anger rose again.

However, at this moment, Yuki Judai would not care about these things.

"I send a card from my deck to the graveyard........

Activate the magic card [Weapon Hole]!

Select an equipment magic card from the deck and add it to your hand.

However, this turn, I cannot normally summon monsters.

I will equip the equipment magic card [Rainbow Feathers] to [Rainbow New Universe Hero]!"

As the power of the card is activated.

The towering [Rainbow New Universe Hero] is covered with a layer of equipment that shines with a special color.

""Go ahead, [Rainbow New Universe Warrior], launch the attack!"

With the order from Yujo Judai

, the towering holy giant began to gather rainbow-colored light energy in his hands.


Looking at Yujo Judai who actually took the initiative to attack,

Yubel said proudly at this time.

"Have you forgotten?

You have borne all the harm I have suffered!"

【The attack power of the Rainbow Light New Universe Warrior is 4500 points. If the direct attack on the hated knight is successful, the basic damage will be borne by Yujo Judai........

Yuujou, he had to bear 4500 points of damage.

Even the full basic points would be cleared in an instant, not to mention the 200 basic points of the candle in the wind?

Of course, Yuujou, how could he not notice this?

After listening to Yubel's words,

Yuujou, he just showed a confident and somewhat evil smile and said

"When a monster equipped with [Rainbow Feathers], now [Rainbow New Universe], fights, the effect of your monster will be invalidated!"

As Yuki Judai spoke,

Yubel immediately showed a surprised expression.

However, Yubel would not let the opponent destroy his trump card monster so easily.

""Flip up the covered Trap Card [Magic Rose]!

Equip it to me, [Magic Rose]!

In this way, my clone, the Hated Knight, will receive 0 damage in battle."

As the card power was activated, a red light immediately lingered on the body of the Hated Knight.

However, in fact, this card has another effect besides reducing battle damage to 0.

That is, when the [Magic Rose] card leaves the field, the equipped monster will also be destroyed.


That will only awaken a stronger force!

Return to the battle.

The powerful, rainbow-colored light energy of Hongguang Xinyuxia is also rushing towards the direction of the hated knight.

""Boom!" A loud noise was heard.

The shocking shock wave and roar immediately spread across the entire battlefield. Such horrific destructive power could only be unleashed when the power of Xin Yuxia and Rainbow Dragon were combined.......

Even with such a terrifying attack, Yubel still managed to dodge it. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing that his strongest attack was successfully resolved by Yubel,

Yuki Judai clenched his teeth even harder, his brows almost knitted together.

Looking at Yuki Judai's expression.

At this time, Yubel continued to say proudly.

"Judai, the card you chose for me protected me at this critical moment."

After hearing Yubel's words,

Yugi Judai couldn't help but feel angry.

However, he really didn't expect.......

The card that he had chosen for his opponent would actually become the biggest obstacle to his victory.

Outside the screen, in the world of the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh, he saw such a scene.

The hopes of countless duelists and spectators, which had been ignited with great difficulty , seemed to be shattered once again.

Even if the [Rainbow New Universe Hero] was summoned, there was still no way to reverse the situation.

Perhaps, there is no scene more desperate than this.

Even Kaiba Seto, after seeing such a scene, could not help but reveal a difficult and angry expression.


Every move of the duelist will have an effect on the normal duel.

The current failure can only be attributed to the previous Yuki Judai, who had not considered this step!"

Seto Kaiba, he did not blame Yubel for this failure.

On the contrary!

He felt that the previous Yuki Judai made a wrong choice.

Because the duelist has to consider every possibility in the duel.

Since he chose to add the [Magic Rose] to Yubel's hands before.

It means that he should have anticipated such a situation and needed to be prepared.

However, he did not do this.

On the other side, Yugi Muto did not look at this duel like Seto Kaiba.

On the contrary!

He just felt that........

It was a pity that the attack failed this time.

However, this did not mean that Yuki Judai would lose the duel.

"As long as the Rainbow Light New Warrior equipped with the Rainbow Feather Clothes is still on the battlefield, the hated knight will not be able to activate his effect.......The hated knight with 0 attack power has no way to defeat Hongguang Xinyuxia and Yuujo Judai.

For Juujo, victory may really be a matter of time."

Muto Yugi, he didn't seem to realize that he was setting a flag for Yuujo Judai.

Back to the screen, the duel has not yet been decided.

Yuujo Judai, he was also forced to end his turn because of the failure of this attack.

The initiative of the turn came to Yubel's hands.

"My turn, draw a card!

It's my turn, activate the effect of [Magic Chronicle] on the field.

Come on, there are three cards left."

Looking at the three cards that appeared again.

Yucheng Ten's expression became more serious.

After all,.......

Previously, I had chosen [Magic Rose], which allowed Yubel to dodge my most powerful attack.

Now, I must be more cautious than before.

I absolutely cannot let Yubel dodge my attack again because of my misjudgment.

"I choose Cyclone】........"

Very quickly!

At this time, Yuki Judai also gave his answer.

After adding [Whirlwind] to his hand,

Yubel also said with a smile

"Since you have such a wish, I will use it immediately.】!"

There is no need to think too much.

The target that Yubel destroyed was naturally the [Rainbow Feather Robe] equipped on [Rainbow New Universe Warrior].

As long as this equipment magic card is destroyed, Yubel can once again launch an attack without restraint.

After a gust of wind swept through.

The feather robe that originally covered [Rainbow New Universe Warrior] and emitted rainbow light also quickly disappeared.

Seeing his [Rainbow Feather Robe] being destroyed.

Yuki Judai, his expression was also very tricky.

Although he expected such a situation, it was just a helpless move.

On the other side, Yubel also said proudly

"In this way, my monster effect can be activated smoothly.

Your basic points are only 400.

To be honest, I really don't want to end this duel like this.

But in order to have you, I have to do this.


Fight, Judai, this is the end!

Come on, Rainbow New Universe Knight, attack!"

At Yubel's command, the hated knight also shone with light.

Illuminated by the light, Rainbow New Universe Knight immediately made a gesture as if he was about to launch an attack.

As long as this attack is successful.......

Yujo Judai, he was undoubtedly defeated!

【Today’s second update is complete. I’m begging for your continued support. I’m begging you all for your support!!!! ]

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