Outside the screen, in the world of the first generation of Yu-Gi-Oh!, watching

Yubel evolve again, countless duelists and spectators once again showed a look of despair........

We have tried so hard, and we are only a little bit away from victory.

This is the second time we have defeated Yubel's trump card monster.


This is the second time I have defeated it, but it will only summon a more powerful monster.

"Oh! Yubel's card, at first glance.

Although it is powerful, it is not overly powerful.

But.......This kind of power that will never fall is really too strong.

Even if it is defeated, it will only call out a more powerful form!

This is really too powerful.

There is no possibility of victory!"

As the"Father of Cards", Bekas kept shaking his head and said.

He wanted to scold the power of Yubel's card.

However, that was not a card born from human power.

It can even be said that it is no longer in the category of cards.

It is the incarnation of Yubel!

Cass is not qualified to criticize such power.

As for Kaiba Seto on the other side.

He also clenched his teeth and showed a rare tricky expression.

"This round......Taking the initiative to attack, he would only suffer the backlash of his own monster's attack power.

However, if he ended this round like this.

In the next round, what awaits Yuki Judai 990 will still be the attack from the extremely sad dragon.

If he cannot take further measures in this round.

He will only face a complete defeat!"

At this moment, even Kaiba Seto.

He felt that Yuki Judai's chances of winning were a little slim.

Although in the picture, the golden eyes were still so firm.

But.......Even so, it is still not enough!

Yugi Judai, he must become even stronger!

On the other side, Yugi Muto, who was more concerned about Yugi Judai's condition, couldn't help but sweat dripping down his forehead after seeing this scene, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

The tension and worry spread in his heart.

"This time.......The situation seems to have become irreversible.

Although Judai-kun's eyes have not given up, which is very good.

However, the duel is also not that simple.

Just relying on this may not be enough."

Although Yugi Muto, he still believes that Yugi Judai in the picture can win.

However, it is also undeniable.

Because Yubel once again summoned the ace monster, Yugi Muto's inner thoughts began to waver.

Although Yugi Muto is also telling himself that he should believe in Yugi Judai's victory.

However, in this desperate situation.

I am afraid that except for the nameless Pharaoh. Any duelist will be more or less shaken.

Back to the screen, the duel is still going on.


You should say.......

In this duel, Yubel is getting closer and closer to victory.

The initiative of the round has already been in Yubel's hands.

Even though Yubel knows that Yubel has summoned a more powerful monster,

Yuki Judai still has no way to break it in this round. He can only end his round.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he drew, Yubel couldn't help but let out a proud and weird laugh.


I will take you to a dimension that no one can reach.

There, I will always guard your sleep!

Enter the battle phase!!!"

Accompanied by Yubel's order.


On the body of her extremely sad dragon, a special golden light once again shone.

And the [Rainbow New Universe Man] who was illuminated by this gold.

He also quickly clenched his fists, as if he was about to launch an attack.

However, if [Rainbow New Universe Man] launched an attack in this round.

Then the 4500 basic points of damage will be borne by Yucheng Judai.

He has no way to withstand such an attack.

"Come on, [Hongguang Xinyuxia], let your companions sleep forever!"

Accompanied by Yubel's urging.


The towering white giant, he had already violently swung out his right fist with terrible power.

However, at such a critical moment

"Activate the covered trap card [Alchemy Cycle]!

With the effect of [Alchemy Cycle], the attack power of Rainbow New Universe Warrior becomes 0 this round!"

Listening to Yucheng Judai's words.

Yubel also showed a surprised expression.

She didn't expect that there was such a card in Yucheng Judai's deck.

It's really meaningless!

Under the effect of the card power, the attack power of Rainbow New Universe Warrior dropped directly from 4500 points to 0.

It should have been a punch with terrible destructive power.

In the end, it turned into a soft fist, gently passing through the extremely sad dragon's body, and did not cause any damage.

And of course!

Yucheng Judai, he would not suffer any backlash because of this.

Moreover, after completing this attack.

Rainbow New Universe Warrior, he actually turned into countless golden luminous particles and disappeared.���

This is the second effect of [Alchemy Cycle]. After the battle, the monster will be directly removed from the game.

And watching the ace monster that Yuki Judai finally summoned leave the battlefield.

I can't help it!

Yubel, she also continued to say proudly

"Humph! A plan to let that monster sacrifice so that he would not be hurt?

He actually sacrificed [Rainbow New Universe Man], he really deserves to be the Overlord Tenth Generation!"

For Yubel, now.

Perhaps victory is already a foregone conclusion for her.

Even if he fails in this round, it is just Yucheng Tenth Generation's last gasp.

What's more, now that his ace monsters have been eliminated.

There is no possibility of threatening Yubel's victory.

However, listening to Yubel's seemingly sarcastic words.

Yucheng Tenth Generation, he just refuted the other party in a very firm tone and said

"This is the nth time that you have lost the chance to defeat me, Yubel!"

After hearing Yuki Judai's shocking words, Yubel immediately exclaimed

"What did you say?"

Although Yubel thought that her victory was a certainty, the person standing in front of her was the Tyrant Tenth Generation.

So, maybe there would be a miracle in the process.

And Yubel, this is exactly what she was worried about.

Looking at Yubel's surprised expression,

Yucheng Tenth Generation, he continued to say confidently

"Are you scared, Yubel?"

Hearing Yuki Judai asking her this question,

Yubel naturally said with all her strength.

"Why should I be afraid of you, a guy who can only barely maintain that pitiful basic score?

Although Yubel said this

, cold sweat still appeared on her forehead.

While listening to Yubel's words,

Yuki Judai just asked the other party again.


Why, just as you said, I am the Overlord!

No matter how many times you attack, I will win!!!"

As Yuujo Judai said this, his expression became fierce and domineering in an instant.

Seeing Yuujo Judai's expression and words

, Yubel even showed a panic expression again.

"Using the effect of [Alchemy Cycle], draw a card from the deck."

Yujo Judai, he replenished his hand again.

Seeing that he had no way to end Yujo Judai's basic points in this round, Yubel felt a sense of crisis.

"I cover a card and end this round.

Although Yubel was confident that she could win, facing the even more powerful Yuki Judai

, she could only further consolidate her defense in this round.���The power came into the hands of Yujo Judai

"It's my turn, draw a card!

Using the effect of the [Elemental Hero - Necromancer] that was previously sent to the graveyard,

I can ignore the offerings and directly summon the [Elemental Hero]!

The one I want to summon is [Elemental Hero - Xin Yuxia】!!!"

With a burst of golden light,

Yujo Judai, his true trump card, revived on this battlefield once again.

"I cover two cards and end this round."

This time, Yujo Judai.

His overlord golden eyes were even more overbearing, sharper, and more determined than before!

【Today's fourth update is complete. I'm begging for your continued support. Please, audience members! 】

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