Listening to the words of thanks from this late"bad student" and his playful smile.


At this time, Professor Kunolos's face immediately turned red with anger. His expression changed from"Pot of Greed" to"Bottle of Greed". (Green turns red)

He just said those words, but they were based on the fact that Yuki Judai in that huge black-screen video had no possibility of winning.

However, this poor student.

He actually foolishly thought that he in the video still had the possibility of a comeback.

What's even more outrageous is!

This poor student actually said words of thanks to him with a playful smile.

This made Professor Kunolos even more angry........

However, looking at the students and examiners in the duel hall, they were all concentrating on watching the video on the huge black screen.

At this time, Professor Kunolos could only temporarily give up scolding this poor student.


After the self in the video successfully defeats the poor student, he can ridicule him as much as he wants.

Although I don’t know the reason for this huge conspiracy and the video.

And why there are myself and the poor student in the video.


Professor Kunolos, he doesn't think he will lose the battle........

Very quickly!

The video of the huge black screen continued.

In the screen, Yuki Judai activated the [Soldier's Survival] in his hand. He successfully pulled the overworked [Winged Man] back to his hand from the graveyard.

Then, he activated the [Fusion] in his hand.

He fused the [Hot Girl] and [Winged Man] on the field.

From the chaos, the two warriors successfully merged together.

A brand new warrior was born.

The right arm is a red dragon head, the body is strong but not sharp and handsome, the huge dragon tail drags behind, swaying, as if symbolizing the terrible power. The white wing on the left side adds an irregular handsomeness.

One of Yuki Judai's early ace monsters, [Flame Wing Man], appears!.......

After watching himself in the black screen and successfully summoning the Ace monster,

Yuki Judai couldn't help but excitedly said

"As expected of me, I was able to summon my trump card even in such an adverse situation.

Hehehe~~ This time, Professor Kunolos, you are really going to lose to me.~~"

At this time, Yuki Judai turned his head slightly and turned his gaze to Professor Kunolos.

He said with a confident expression:......

After listening to Yuki Judai's words,

Professor Kunolos's forehead immediately wrinkled.

However, this time, he was not in a hurry to scold this ignorant boy.

On the contrary,......

His eyes were more focused on himself in the picture.

Because Professor Kunolos now clearly realized that words alone might not be enough to make this naive and foolishly confident boy understand how big the gap was.


Perhaps, only after the self in the picture successfully wins the duel, can he ridicule this confident and conceited poor student to his heart's content.......

And the same thing!

In this huge duel hall, all the students, they all focused on watching the video on the huge black screen above the duel hall......

Like Professor Kunolos, the students and examiners at this moment are also looking forward to the follow-up of this duel.......

It should be said that they were looking forward to the scene after Yuki Judai was defeated........

However, in the scene.

At this time, Yuki Judai suddenly said something like"Heroes must have their own venues", and then installed a venue magic card on the duel disk in his hand.

Very quickly!

The duel hall, which was originally extremely monotonous in color, was replaced by a series of high-rise buildings.

The white moon was hanging high.

As for [Flame Wing Man], he stood at the top of the highest rooftop.

In an instant!

The BGM suddenly changed!........

Professor Kunolos, who was outside the screen, felt a very bad feeling immediately when he heard this strange background music........

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