In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

Very quickly!

When the eye-catching white text faded.

Bright colors quickly rendered the entire huge black screen.

The picture then appeared in everyone's field of vision.

At this moment, the two people in the picture were an extremely strong man and Marufuji Ryo.

On the strong man's field was a very ordinary [Compound Slime], and the backcourt was only covered with a card set on the field.

On the other side, Marufuji Ryo's field was empty, and there was no monster to protect him. There was also only one card set in the backcourt.

However, this situation has nothing to do with the terms"desperate situation" and"adverse".

The previous two duels.

Although the process was not explained.

However, just from the state of the duel at that time, it can be judged that the characters on the list are all in a very obvious disadvantage.........

However, in the picture, Marufuji Ryo���The current situation.

At most, it can only be said to be at a disadvantage, and it has almost nothing to do with"desperate situation".

Of course, the audience outside the screen at present.

They don't know what kind of despicable means the strong man used in the previous process of this duel to block and suppress the performance of Marufuji Ryo's electronic dragon fusion.........

However, what was even more surprising was that at this moment, Marufuji Ryo and the strong man were dueling in a real underground duel arena.

There were countless people wearing masks around them, cheering for the two duelists and admiring their"fighting".".........

That kind of place is not a place that a student of a duel academy should go to.

Moreover, the strong man and Marufuji Ryo both wore a special electric current device around their necks.

Once the basic points of the wearer were reduced, it would immediately release an electric current, making the duelist feel real pain!

For a duelist, that kind of thing is really equivalent to dueling with their life.

It is precisely because of this series of reasons.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Underground duels are not something that can be put on the table.

It is even looked down upon by many people........

Seeing such a confusing situation

, the candidates immediately showed a look of confusion and shock.

"It's impossible, isn't that just an underground duel? How can such a dirty duel be included in the list! ?"

"Damn it, how can such a person be on the list? I don’t accept it!!!"

"It is incomprehensible that students from the Duel Academy would actually fall into underground duels!"

Many candidates expressed their dissatisfaction with Marufuji Ryo.

Even Professor Kunolos was unwilling to believe these facts after seeing such a scene.

"Oh my god, this is impossible!

The best student in the Duel Academy, Marufuji Ryo, actually participated in an underground duel!?

There must be some reason behind this!".........

Everyone was puzzled by the behavior of Marufuji Ryo in the picture.

Only at this time, when Yuki Judai heard the unhappy voices of the candidates and examiners, he also showed an unhappy expression.

However, his expression was not because he was dissatisfied with Marufuji Ryo's participation in the"underground duel".

But he was unhappy with the attitude of those candidates and examiners.

Because in Yuki Judai's eyes, duelists are not divided into high and low.

Every duelist has unlimited possibilities.........

However, the person who was most confused and upset at this time was actually Marufuji Ryo himself.

When he saw his future self, he would actually be reduced to participating in this kind of"underground duel".

He couldn't help but clench his teeth, and his brows were completely locked together.

"this......This is impossible.

My future self would actually participate in such a duel! ?

And I would be in a desperate situation where I was at a disadvantage! ?"

As the successor of the"Electronic Flow", Marufuji Ryo could not accept such a fact.

Respecting the opponent and fighting an open duel were what he pursued........

However, amidst the discontent and confusion voices from everyone, the scene on the huge mysterious screen continued.

Perhaps......They still couldn't understand Marufuji Ryo's choice.

However, when they knew how much a person could be obsessed with winning a duel, they would understand Marufuji Ryo's drastic change.

He simply released his inner desire for victory and stopped suppressing himself.

A duelist who was obsessed with victory to that extent was definitely not an ordinary duelist.

The audience would see it soon.

The real Hell Caesar was born!........................................

【The last update of today is complete. As usual, I ask for monthly tickets and evaluation tickets. I hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I can see that the evaluation tickets have increased a little. Please, dear audience, please, please!! 】

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