Even in the face of the wrath from the gods.

At this time, Yugi Muto was still able to turn it into his own opportunity. He restored his basic score from the extremely dangerous 1400 points to 3400 points.

This can be said to be done very beautifully and perfectly.

However, even so.

If you want to rely solely on this, there is no way to completely change the situation of the war.

However, at this time.

Yugi Muto in the picture, when he looked at the"Three Phantom Gods" controlled by the nameless pharaoh in front of him.

Yugi Muto's eyes were still full of hope, with a confident smile on his lips.

His expression was as if he had found a way to crack the"Three Phantom Gods".


Standing in front of the extremely terrifying"Three Mythical Gods", he couldn't possibly show such a confident smile.

Outside the screen, in the first generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh world, when the duelists and spectators saw Yugi Muto successfully resolve the attack of the Lightning Bomb from [Osiris Sky Dragon], they couldn't help but applaud him.

Not only did he successfully resolve the anger from the gods, he even successfully recovered his basic points.

This is the same as what the nameless pharaoh had done before.

Even the opponent's cards can still be used in reverse.

If even this can be done, he must be a very good and successful duelist!

However, just doing this step is far from enough.


This level alone is not enough to defeat the three mythical gods.

No! It should be said......There is no way to defeat the Three Phantom Gods!"

At this time, Bekas was still shaking his head, denying Yugi Muto's efforts and speaking.

As the"Father of Cards", at this time, Bekas really didn't know what weaknesses the"Three Phantom Gods" had. (It was not theatrical time, and the Light Dragon had not appeared yet.)

As the"Father of Cards", Bekas didn't even know the weaknesses of the"Three Phantom Gods".

Naturally, he also thought that Yugi Muto could not find the weaknesses of the"Three Phantom Gods".

On the other side, Seto Kaiba, when he saw Yugi Muto once again dodge the attack from the gods, he just showed a very disdainful expression.

"Humph! In front of the three phantom gods, these are just meaningless escape behaviors.

The basic points that were replenished are just the same as having nothing in front of the three phantom gods.

In the end, it is just a dying struggle.

How to defeat the three phantom gods......At least, it doesn't exist now!"

That's right!

At this moment, Kaiba Seto still believed that there was no way to defeat the"Three Phantom Gods".

After all, even he couldn't find such an opportunity.

So how could Yugi Muto, who was just a container, find the weaknesses of the"Three Phantom Gods" earlier than himself?

This is simply an impossible thing!

Completely different from Kaiba Seto.

At this moment, Yugi Muto, he looked at himself in the picture, but his mouth corners also slightly raised, revealing a confident smile.


At this time, he also discovered something important.

The way to defeat the"Three Mythical Gods" is hidden in the two cards covered by his future self in the screen!

And they are all staring at the screen, where two people are dueling.

At this moment, the"Soul of the Nameless Pharaoh" also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although as a duelist, it may not be good to have such a mentality.

However, he still hopes that his partner can become stronger and surpass himself!

Only in this way can he entrust the future to his partner with confidence!

And the same!

In the world of 5ds.

In fact, Yusei Fudo and others, they are also watching this amazing duel.

It's just that.......

In this time and space, they have completely forgotten how powerful the"Three Phantom Gods" card is.

So, at this time, Jack Crow and others, in their view, the nameless pharaoh, he only used four rounds to summon three super heavyweight monsters.

However, they did not know too much.

In the first generation of the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, it was an exaggeration to be able to do such a thing.

"So strong, that guy called the Nameless Pharaoh is really strong.

As expected, he is the man who fought side by side with Yusei......."

At this time, Jack exclaimed:

"However, the boy named Yugi Muto standing on the opposite side of him.

How can he defeat the monster called the Three Mythical Gods?

At least in my opinion, this seems to be something that is impossible to do!"

At this moment, Crow also made a negative voice.

As for the 16th Night Autumn, she also whispered to Fudo Yusei beside her and asked

"Speaking of which, Yusei, do you think that in this duel, the boy named Yugi Muto can really defeat the nameless Pharaoh?"

Listening to the words of Jushiroku Yeqiu beside him

, even Yusei had to shake his head at this time.

Then, he slowly spoke.

"I have no idea.......I don't know who will win this duel.

It won't be surprising if either of them wins.

Although, the nameless Pharaoh has the absolute upper hand now.

However, Yugi-san's eyes have not given up hope.

This alone is enough!"

Back to the scene. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Once again it's the turn of the nameless Pharaoh.

"My turn, draw a card!

At this moment, my hand has four cards!

So the attack power of [Osiris Sky Dragon] becomes 4000 points!

Let's go, partner, [Osiris Sky Dragon] attacks [Silent Swordsman]!!!"

Under the command of the nameless pharaoh


Powerful lightning flashed and condensed in the mouth of the [Osiris Sky Dragon].

The attack of the [Osiris Sky Dragon] with an attack power of 4000 was simply not something that Yugi Muto's monster could resist.

At such a critical moment.

Yugi Muto, who was good at setting ambushes, immediately counterattacked and said

"I will activate the trap card at this time!"

However, just when Yugi Muto was about to do so, the nameless Pharaoh immediately refuted the other party and said

"Partner, traps don't work on gods!

Go, [Sky Dragon of Osiris].

God, bring down the hammer of judgment, superconducting wave!!!"

Finally, from the mouth of [Sky Dragon of Osiris], a lightning attack with terrible destructive power was released.

It hit the [Silent Swordsman] directly.


""Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The deafening roar and shock wave spread violently at this time.

The battle between gods may not be just a virtual image.

Facing such a powerful attack from [Osiris Sky Dragon]. At this time, [Silent Swordsman] naturally turned into countless fragments and disappeared.

And Muto Yugi's basic points also dropped from 3400 points to 2400 points.


In the field of the nameless Pharaoh, there is still a [Winged Dragon of the Sun God] with a higher attack power that has not launched an attack!

Just as mentioned before.

This basic score is nothing in front of the gods.

At this moment, the attack of the nameless Pharaoh is still continuing.

"【"Pterosaur of the Sun God], launch an attack on the [Magnetic Warrior-Electromagnetic God of War]!!!"

Under the order of the nameless pharaoh.


In the open mouth of the [Pterosaur of the Sun God], a scorching flame like the sun was condensing.

Then, the wrathful flame that could burn everything in the world rushed directly and violently towards the [Magnetic Warrior-Electromagnetic God of War] on the Muto Game field.

The high temperature directly melted its magnetic body, causing the [Magnetic Warrior-Electromagnetic God of War] to completely disappear from this world.

Facing the attack from the [Pterosaur of the Sun God].

At this time, Muto Yugi also raised his hands to protect himself.

The scorching flame seemed to have really appeared in this world, no longer just a virtual image.

Muto Yugi's basic score suddenly dropped from 3400 points to 900 points.

It can be said that it is very dangerous!

And.......There were no monsters on Yugi Muto's field that could protect him.

However, there was still one [Oberisk's Giant God Soldier] on the field of the Nameless Pharaoh that had not launched an attack!

And the Nameless Pharaoh also thought that this duel could only be fought to this extent.

"partner.....This is my last attack!

Go ahead, attack [Obelisk's Colossus].

Directly attack your partner, God's Fist Crushing Blow!!!"

Under the command of the nameless Pharaoh, the God's Iron Fist condensed with blue light was about to fall on Yugi Muto.

However, it was at such a critical moment.


The [Magnet Warrior-Electromagnetic Warrior] that had been destroyed actually appeared on Yugi Muto's field again.

Facing the [Magnet Warrior-Electromagnetic Warrior] with higher attack power.

At this time, [Obelisk's Colossus] naturally stopped its attack. (It was previously reduced to only 2500 points by the watch)

And just when [Obelisk's Colossus] just stopped attacking.

Another [Silent Swordsman 1v4] that should have been destroyed also returned to the field.

"What!! ? ?

Why would [Magnet Warrior - Electromagnetic God] and [Silent Swordsman]........

Could it be the trap card from before?"

Seeing this scene, the nameless Pharaoh also made a shocked sound.

"Yes, I just activated this trap card [Mirage Ruler].

This card can only be activated when all of your monsters are destroyed during the opponent's battle phase.

During this round of battle, the destroyed monsters still have my basic points, which are restored to the state before the battle begins, and then I pay 1000 basic points as a price."

At this moment, the nameless Pharaoh has not yet clearly realized the powerful power hidden in the trap cards in his deck of the partner who once fought side by side with him!

And now, this heavy pit deck of Yugi Muto has just shown its fangs!

【Today's first update is complete. As usual, I would like to thank all the viewers for their support all the way here!!! ]

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