
Chairman of the International Illusion Society.

He also created the game"Duel Monsters".

He is called the father of Duel Monsters by the duel world!

The moment he saw Pegasus,

Yuki Judai already knew who sent this invitation letter.

"I see......"


"Mr. Beckas actually sent an invitation to a little-known character like me."

"This is really flattering."

Yujo Judai walked to the window and looked out through the gap in the curtains.

He could see that on the street outside the hotel, several mysterious men in black suits were looking towards his room from time to time.

It seemed that they were monitoring his every move.

"I'm afraid Mr. Beckas has been eyeing me since I got off the plane in Tomino City."

"Hehe, I heard that the power of Judai Boy contains a terrifying existence that can destroy the world."

"No matter how much I personally believe in Judai Boy, for the safety of the world, some security measures must be taken."

Becas had a faint smile on his face.

From this gentle smile, it is difficult for people to tell what the man in front of him is thinking.

However, as a legend in the duel world who came out of the dark duel,

Yuki Judai would not underestimate the man in front of him.

"So, what does Mr. Beckas want to do by inviting me to participate in this competition?"

"Want to test my strength?"

"Or do you just want me to participate in a duel exhibition match?"

Yujo Judai drew the curtains and asked in a deep voice.

"Why doesn't Judai Boy find the answers to these questions in the duel himself?"

Becas did not respond to Yucheng Judai's question.

He tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

His face was still that mysterious smile that made people unable to see through it.

"In this competition, the tenth generation boy may encounter something that interests him......."

"Besides, Judai Boy also wants to pass the Duelist Rating and get the qualification to participate in the Duel Academy assessment, right?"

Yucheng Judai frowned.

Did this guy even know that he participated in the Kaiba Company's Duelist Rating?

Moreover, he even guessed his idea of wanting to contact the Duel Academy....

If it weren't for Bekas in front of him, he would have lost the Millennium Eye long ago.

Yuki Judai thought that this guy still had the ability to see through other people's thoughts.

"Hehe, Tenth Generation Boy, although I have lost some of my powers"

"But to see through a person's heart, you don't need that kind of fancy stuff."

Becas looked at Yucheng Judai through the screen with a smile.

"For the tenth generation boy, the island of Duel Academy hides countless exquisite treasures."

"You need those powers to satisfy your dark desires"

"And I also need the power of the Tenth Generation Boy to protect some things that I value."

Becas's expression gradually calmed down from smiling.


"If the tenth generation boy is interested in this competition"

"Come to Haima Company to sign up before 10 o'clock tomorrow."

"I am waiting for Judai Boy to show his strength in the game."After the words fell,

Becas showed a meaningful expression.

Then he slowly hung up the video.

Seeing this,

Yucheng Judai also turned off the screen and couldn't help frowning.


"So, I really hate these old foxes in the duel world.......Every word made me feel a little uncomfortable."

Now that I think about it, a simple duelist like President Kaiba is really the most relaxing person I have ever met.

"However, no matter how much I hate intrigue"

"Becas really made me interested in this competition."

Yucheng Judai looked at the invitation letter in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Becas said that in this competition, he could encounter something that interested him.

Although it was probably just Becas's provocation.

But it must be said that his words did arouse Yucheng Judai's interest.

"There are still a few months until the Duel Academy exam."

"I have nothing to do during this period of time, so I might as well take a look at what Becas is up to."

Yuki Judai lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and felt the rewards issued by his system.

He put the reward card set aside for the time being.

Judai was more curious about this"Duel Links function". What is it all about?

【Do you want to enable the Duel Link function?]

The system's voice echoed in my mind.


He silently chanted"Open" in his heart.

In an instant, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in Yucheng Judai's mind.

I don't know how long it took.

Yucheng Judai's thoughts seemed to have traveled through countless dimensions and gradually became stable.

He slowly opened his eyes.

What came into view was an unfamiliar ancient city.

The snow-white ancient city buildings stood in front of Judai.

The streets were full of a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

Many residents dressed in ancient European costumes walked past Yucheng Judai one by one.

They passed through Yucheng Judai's body like false phantoms.

When Judai turned his head to look, they disappeared into the vast light spots in the distance.

""The Saint is coming!"

Just then, a loud shout from a distance broke Judai's thoughts.

He turned his head and saw the knights riding tall horses and wearing silver-white armor, walking neatly from the distance of the street.

The residents avoided on both sides of the street and bowed down.

Only Yujo Judai stood in the middle of the road, frowning and looking at the carriage guarded by a group of silver-white knights.

The curtain of the carriage was slowly opened.

Inside the window, a blonde girl of the same age as Judai and with a lovely appearance appeared in front of Judai.

The girl was wearing a white saint's dress that symbolized purity.

The eyes that had not yet been polluted by the world had a clear and kind background.

At this moment, the girl's eyes met Judai's.

It was as if they had traveled through time and space.

The girl's eyes stayed on Judai for a moment, and a look of surprise jumped in her eyes.

She was......

Seeing the girl, something suddenly emerged in Yujo Judai's mind.

However, before he could study it carefully, the light around him seemed to no longer support this world.

Yujo Judai only felt a flash before his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in the hotel where he lived.

"That was......A scene from the fairy world?......"

Holding his forehead , he sat up from the bed.

Looking at the sunrise outside the window, Yujo Jushi suddenly understood.

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