Ed Phoenix is

an important character in the"Society of Light" chapter of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

He uses the

"Destiny Hero" deck designed by his father.

However, because his father designed the"Destiny Hero - Blood Demon D", which is the evil force"Light of Destruction" from the universe,

Ed's father was killed by this card.

Blood Demon D, which is the"Light of Destruction", also disappeared.

Since then,

Ed has made up his mind to use Blood Demon D as a clue to find the murderer of his father, and thus stepped into the professional duel world.

With his genius duel skills and the Destiny Hero deck designed by his father, Ed has never lost in the thirty duel league competitions so far.

In addition to his young and handsome appearance, Ed's reputation in the duel world has risen rapidly, and he is a star among the stars in the duel world.

Yuki Judai did not expect it.

Bekas actually invited Ed Phoenix to participate in this invitational tournament.

Is he trying to use Ed, who is also a"hero", to test his current strength? Yuki Judai lowered his eyes.

However, he is no longer the boy who can only use elemental heroes in the original work.

If it is just Ed at this stage, he is really not an invincible opponent for him.

"Oh, yes, why does Judai have to go to the invitational tournament registration office?"

Yuuka looked curious.

"Or, is there any professional duelist that Judai is interested in in this invitational tournament?"

In Yuka's eyes, although Judai has passed the test of strength and defeated the dueling robot LV.5 that is comparable to a professional duelist, in the final analysis, it is just a fight against a robot.

Judai's strength may have reached the level of a semi-professional, but there is definitely a considerable gap between him and a formal professional duelist.

"I went to participate in the invitational tournament"


Before Yuka could finish analyzing the situation,

Yuki Judai's words almost frightened Yuka to the point of jumping up.

"Really, is this true? Judai, are you one of the sixteen invited duelists?"

"" Yes."

Yucheng Judai nodded calmly.

At this moment, Yuka's eyes looked at Judai with some changes....

This is too fake, isn't it?

A fifteen-year-old duelist with a duel rating of only 1 star.

He is actually a contestant personally invited by Mr. Bekas, the chairman of the International Illusion Society?

This, this, this is too outrageous!

Is this for the show effect?

Or does this Judai guy really have some hidden side?

Yuka felt a little confused.

Until she arrived at the registration office, took Yuki Judai to fill in the registration form, and then walked out of the registration office.

Yuka was still a little dazed.

"The invitation letter is also real and the registration is successful."

"what is happening......"

Ignoring the confused Yuka,

Judai Yucheng took out his phone and opened the schedule that Kaiba Company had given him.

The registration was successful.

The invitational tournament will officially start in Kaiba Paradise in a week.

This time, the standard duel rules of the GX era are adopted.

In the past ten years in the GX world, Judai Yucheng has become accustomed to this duel method with only 4000 LP.

Because the total LP is small.

So no matter what deck it is, there is a chance to seize the opponent's mistakes and complete the reversal without worrying about the problem of the kill line.

However, because the identity of the invitee has not been fully disclosed.

Judai does not know who his opponent will be in the first round, nor does he know the opponent's deck information.

It seems that if he wants to avoid a car accident 100%, he can only study all the decks of all participating opponents in case of emergency.

While thinking, he walked towards the outside of Kaiba Company.

However, just after walking out of the hall.

A brake sound came into Judai's ears.

Judai looked up.

Then he saw a black luxury car parked in front of the Kaiba Company.

As the car door slowly opened, a silver-haired boy in a silver-gray suit slowly walked out of the car.

And from the other side of the car door, a man wearing a white astrology cloak that made it difficult to see his face also walked out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car

, the appearance of the silver-haired boy immediately caused quite a stir around him.

"yes......It's Ed Phoenix!"

Yuka immediately covered her mouth and screamed.

It seemed that this scream ignited the crowd around them.

In just a moment, the two people who got off the car were surrounded by a group of fanatical fans.

If it weren't for the bodyguards, Judai always felt that Ed might be torn to pieces by this group of fanatical fans at any time.

"Aren't you going over there?"

Glancing at Yuuka beside him, Yujo Judai was a little curious.

He remembered that Yuuka had just said that her idol was Ed.

"I am a very principled person. I cannot be disturbed by any external things during work."

Yuka coughed lightly and said seriously.

Recalling Yuka's resolute abandonment of customers just now,

Yuki Judai was a little powerless to complain for a while.

Women are really good at double standards.

Ed has to be said to be a boy who has been surrounded by the halo of stars since he was a child.

Facing these fanatical fans, Ed just smiled politely and walked out of the crowd with the man in the white robe.

Under the starry eyes of countless fans.

Ed walked up the stairs and passed by Yuki Judai.

At the moment of passing by Judai.

The man in the white robe paused slightly.

He slowly raised his head.

A pair of purple eyes showed a chilling cold light under the hood.

Is it really that guy?......

There are really many extraordinary people coming to this invitational tournament.

Yujo Judai glanced at the two people who passed by him calmly.

It seems that this invitational tournament will be quite interesting.......

""Zai Wang, what's wrong? You seemed to be very concerned about that person just now."

Inside Kaiba Corporation.

As the elevator door slowly closed,

Ed turned his gaze to the man in white robe beside him.

Although the movement of the Sai Wang just now was very slight,

Ed still keenly noticed something.


A cold laugh came from under the man's hood.

He opened his hand.

A tarot card with the word"Devil" engraved on it appeared in his hand.

"The gears of fate"

"It's already started turning......"......

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