It's a pity.

There is no card store that sells duel cards in Kaiba Paradise.

And most of the ordinary card stores in Tojino City sell ordinary duel cards.

If you want to buy powerful cards or the latest cards, you must go to the large stores designated by the International Illusion Society and Kaiba Corporation, or in layman's terms, the flagship stores, to buy them.

Yucheng Judai took a taxi to the largest card store in Tojino City.

Before entering the store, the head of Kaiba Seto hanging on the sign and the arrogant roar of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon made Yucheng Judai feel his wallet tighten.

After entering and taking a look, Yucheng Judai actually felt sweaty.

Who can imagine what it feels like to have a magic card [Black Hole] that no one pays attention to in his original world, and the official selling price is actually more than five thousand dollars. (The International Illusion Society is headquartered in the United States, and the card price is marked as dollars)

Look at these cards framed in decorative frames like collectibles.

Like [Heart Change】、【Detention】、【Well-known powerful cards such as"Snatch" and"Sapphire Dragon" are priced at five figures. Even the ordinary four-star blank card.

The selling price of"Sapphire Dragon" with an attack power of 1900 has reached the outrageous price of 999.

In my own world, this kind of card would be despised if it was put in a blind box to make up the number.

In the duel world, its value has increased by who knows how many times.

This is really eye-opening!

No wonder ordinary people in the duel world can only afford card piles.

At this price, who wouldn't be annoyed.

A slightly stronger card is equivalent to an ordinary person's monthly salary.

But there is no way.

After all, the International Illusion Company and Kaiba Corporation are the leading companies that monopolize the global duel monster game.

In this world of universal duel, duel is supreme.

Wouldn't they definitely show the ugly face of the capitalists and madly squeeze the wallets of cattle and horses like themselves?

"I still underestimated the president. This guy is not clean."

After looking around, Yuujiro has given up the idea of spending money to buy cards.

Just kidding.

If you really want to pick a few usable cards from here, you can't afford it even if you sell Yuujiro's entire body.

"In the two years since I left, not only has the city changed a lot, but even the prices of cards have become something I don't recognize......."

Yuujo sighed.

After thinking it over, he took out his phone again and called Yuuka.

"Oh? Do you want to buy a card?"

"Speaking of card shops, I know a very niche place that sells the best cards!"

After listening to Yucheng Judai's question, Yuhua was like a know-it-all and immediately thought of a place

"Where are you now? Wait for me for ten minutes and I'll be there soon!"

He hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Yuka drove a two-seater mini car and drove over from a distance.

Yuka rolled down the window and stuck her head out.

She was not wearing her usual work clothes now. She was wearing a light pink crop top, blue jeans, and an orange sun hat.

Compared with her work clothes at Kaiba Company before, she was like a completely different person!

It seemed that before coming here, Yuka had specially returned home to change her clothes.

Good guy, this almost made Yuki Judai fail to recognize her.

"Let's go, I'm off work today."

Waving at Judai, Youhua shouted carelessly,"Now I'll take you to a good place"


At this moment, Yuujo suddenly felt that this woman was not as noisy as he had imagined.

"That store is not a place that sells duel cards, but the owner of that store has collected many rare cards."

"Moreover, the boss has a very strange temper. Even if he opens the shop, he will not sell those rare cards."

"But I heard that if you win the duel with him, you can get a good card from him."

The mini car headed towards the old city.

On the way, Yuka even introduced the details of the store to Yujo Judai.

However, this introduction was a bit too much like telling an urban legend....

If you beat the store manager, you will get a card reward.

Is this an RPG game?......

After listening to Yuka's words, Yusuke Judai couldn't help but complain in his heart.


The car drove away from the bustling Duel City and came to the old town of Tojino City.

With the successful holding of the Duel City Competition.

Tojino City has received attention from all over the world and has become an absolute holy place for duelists all over the world.

And the attention from all over the world has also brought considerable changes to Tojino City.

The whole city has become more futuristic.

Countless high-techs have emerged one after another, and high-rise buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

However, super-fast development will inevitably leave behind areas like the old town that have not kept up with the development.

It still maintains the appearance of an ordinary city.

Many residential buildings and bungalows even give people a slightly retro feeling.

""We're here, this is it."

Ten minutes later,

Yuuka's car stopped in front of a humble store.

Yusuke Judai got out of the car and looked over.

The first thing he saw was a sign with a turtle on it.

This place looked so familiar that Yusuke Judai subconsciously looked at Yuuka, thinking she had taken him to the wrong place.

"This is not......"

"That’s right, this is the home of the first Duel King, Yugi Muto." Yuuka locked the car door, put her hands on her hips and looked at the store,"This is the old town, a must-visit place for duelists, the Turtle Game House!"


Yuki Judai didn't know what to say for a moment.

Good guy, I wanted Yuuka to help me find a more affordable card store.

But this guy dragged me directly to Mutou Yugi's house.

Is he asking me to duel with Mutou Yugi in advance?......

"Get out, get out. I've told you hundreds of times that games are not at home, not at home!"

"Old, old man! If Mr. Yugi is not here, you can help us contact him! Old man!"

When Yugi Judai was thinking, the door of the Turtle Game House was suddenly pushed open.

Several men in suits were pushed out of the door.

Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be the senior executives of a game company, who wanted to invite Muto Yugi to be the advertising spokesperson or something.

"I've already said it! That kid won't accept this kind of advertisement!"

"Instead of trying so hard to get endorsements, just make the game quality better!"

An old man with a gray starfish hair and a short stature waved a broom wildly.

He drove the men in suits and leather shoes out.

Looking at the men who fled in panic,

Yuujo raised his eyebrows.

He beat those big men out by himself.

This old man is still as good as ever.......

I was sighing in my heart.

The old man standing at the door, panting, also noticed Judai and Yuka not far away.

At this moment, the old man's face suddenly became gloomy again.

"You two......"

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