Long Yiguo.

Hearing this name, Yuujo Judai was shocked.

As expected.

This is the spirit dimension - the abyss dimension.

The place where he is now is a religious country dominated by the Church.

‘Teaching Country - Teaching Dragon Country, also known as Dragon Righteous Country.

This country believes in the power called"Holy Mark".

The people of Dragon Righteous Country have something called"Holy Mark" on their bodies since they were born.

And use the holy marks to release magical power.

The so-called holy marks are the marks on the forehead of the girl named"Ecclesia".

Of course, rather than calling them holy marks,

Yucheng Judai prefers to call them"brands".

It is called a blessing, but it is actually a curse from the abyss.

Of course, these things involve many troublesome things.

Yucheng Judai is not interested in these disputes.

He is more curious about what Ecclesia said just now, that she has been unconscious for two days.

Could it be that two whole days have passed since he fell asleep and entered this world?

"Ah, you don't remember what happened before?"

Hearing Yucheng Judai's question, Ecclesia was a little surprised.

"Do you remember what happened two days ago when the church was holding a parade?"

"You fainted in the middle of the road and were almost trampled by the knights."

The parade two days ago?

Yuujo Judai did remember the scene when he used the system to come to this dimension last time.

But it seemed to have happened only one day ago, right?

According to his own physical sense, not even 24 hours had passed.

Moreover, how could he have stayed in this world for two whole days?

Could it be that, because of the system, there was a time shift when his soul traveled through time?

After pondering for a moment, Yuujo Judai suddenly understood something.

Because of the system

, his soul came to this world two days ago and traveled to the last"save point".

But because of insufficient power, his soul slept in this world for two days.

It was not until now that it woke up!

And the time in the elf world and his original duel world is obviously distorted and chaotic.

So in his own physical sense and Yubel's physical sense, there is a strange sense of interweaving in time.

"You must be hungry after being unconscious for so long. Come and eat something first."

Ecclesia smiled and handed the rice bowl to Judai.

The gentle smile on her face further highlighted the purity of the girl's heart.

She saved a man of unknown origin and let him live in her room.

This girl is indeed innocent and has no idea of the evil of human nature.

Looking at the rice bowl, Yuki Judai shook his head indifferently.

"Thank you, I'm not very hungry now."

The current Judai is just a soul from another world.

Although he looks like a normal person, but in fact, as a soul, he doesn't need any food at all.

""Eh? Don't you want to eat?"

Ecclesia blinked in surprise.

It was hard for her to imagine that a person who had been in a coma for two days and two nights would not eat a single bite of food after waking up.

This was too amazing.

However, looking at Judai's expression, Ecclesia could also feel that he was not holding on.

So, Ecclesia stopped forcing him.

Instead, she turned her eyes and looked at the rice bowl in her hand with a look of eagerness.

"Well, if you don't want to eat them, can you give them to me?"

As she spoke, Ecclesia raised her head, with cute little stars twinkling in her big eyes.

"And if possible, when Sister Fleurdelis asks you about it later, just say you ate it all by yourself! Is that okay?"


Yujo Judai was slightly stunned, thinking he had heard something wrong.

"No, that's fine......."

Seeing Judai nod,

Ecclesia's face immediately flushed with joy, and she began to wolf down the rice in the bowl.

She looked like a starving ghost who hadn't eaten for several days....

If Judai hadn't confirmed that the person in front of him was the"Saint of Teaching - Ecclesia" among the duel elves, he would have thought it was some starving ghost reincarnated.

"that......As a saint, don't you have enough food to eat on weekdays?......"

Looking at the girl sitting on the bed, eating without caring about her image,

Yuujou couldn't help but ask

"No, it's all because of Sister Fleurdelis." Ecclesia said angrily while eating,"She said that I had gained too much weight recently and it damaged the image of the saint, and she forced me to lose weight......."

"I haven't had a full meal for several days......."

As she spoke, Ecclesia puffed up her cheeks. The baby fat immediately became clearly visible on the girl's face.......


This face does look very round.

Yucheng Judai complained madly in his heart.

"By the way, what's your name? Which country are you from?"

Ecclesia chatted with Judai while eating.

"Yujo Judai......National words......"

Yujo Judai thought for a moment.

"It's from a country in the far south......."

Longyi Country is located in the far north of the Abyss Dimension.

Speaking of a place that is completely opposite to it, it would not arouse any suspicion.

Sure enough, Ecclesia nodded in confusion, and looked at Judai with stars in her eyes.

"That's amazing. You came here from such a far place alone? Could it be that you are not a businessman, but an adventurer or something?"

"......I guess so."

"Oh~" The admiration in Ecclesia's eyes increased significantly,"Great! I used to dream of becoming an adventurer who could travel around the world."

"It's a pity that as a saint, for the sake of the people, I can't leave Longyi Country for the rest of my life."

After saying that, Ecclesia lowered her head, looking a little disappointed.

Of course, the speed of eating didn't slow down much.

Looking at the girl who looked obviously a little depressed.

Yucheng Judai's heart softened, and he reached out and gently rubbed Ecclesia's head.

"Your dream will definitely come true."

He knew Ecclesia's future destiny very well.

Her dream of traveling around the world might come true one day in the future.......

"Ten generations......"Being encouraged by Judai, Ecclesia's mood immediately improved.

She looked at Yuki Judai with curiosity in her eyes.

"Judai, can you tell me about the outside world? I'm really curious."


Looking at Ecclesia's curious eyes, Yuujou was stunned.

Oh no.

He had boasted too much. He was not a native of this world at all, how could he know what was in this world!

Just when he was considering whether to tell Ecclesia some stories about Katu, the bedroom door was pushed open heavily.

A purple-haired woman with a proud figure and a slim white saint's dress walked in with a cold expression.

Ecclesia turned her head and immediately hid the bowl in her hand behind her in panic.

"Hey! Sister Fleurdelis......"


Fleurdelis stared at the bowl that Ecclesia hid behind her.

She reached out and grabbed the bowl.

Her eyes wandered back and forth between the empty bowl, which had not even a grain of rice left, and the rice grains at the corners of Ecclesia's mouth.

"Ecclesia, you stole food again......Is it right?"

""Eh? No, no! I’m giving this to Judai, right, Judai!"

Ecclesia turned around and looked for help.

However, at this moment, Yuki Judai had already disappeared without a trace.

Only Fleurdelis and Ecclesia were left in the room.


"ten......Ten generations?"

Looking at the empty room behind her,

Axilia's forehead was immediately covered with sweat.

Behind her, Fleurdelis clenched her fists and stepped closer.

The burning anger seemed to overflow from the background and burn Axilia.

"sister......elder sister......"

"I was wrong!"............

GX Dimension.

As Yuki Judai suddenly woke up, he had returned to the Duel World from the Abyss Dimension!

Moreover, he glanced at the time and date on his phone.

Sure enough, he had only spent one night in this world.

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