【[Gladiator Beast] deck.

The champion deck in 2008 and the runner-up deck in the 2009 World Championship.

After the battle phase, the ability to return monsters to the deck is used to continuously special summon new Gladiator Beasts from the deck to trigger effects.

And by using contact fusion, powerful and violent fusion monsters are fused to bombard the opponent.

But it's a pity.

With the development of the times, Gladiator Beast, a deck that always needs to enter the battle phase to exert its strength and is always one step behind, is also eliminated in the subsequent environment where the speed is gradually increasing.

But the glory of Gladiator Beast is still fresh in people's memory.

Yuki Judai knows.

The Gladiator Beast deck, because of its complex races and messy attributes.

The biggest nemesis is the continuous trap card [Gozen Trial] and [Heroes Separation].

Of course, these two cards are no longer a secret in today's environment.

As a former champion, Muto Kayama naturally knows the nemesis of Gladiator Beast, and will definitely add [Big Cold Wave] and other means to Gladiator Beast's deck that can effectively restrain the heavy pit.

In the previous duel video,

Yuki Judai has already studied the deck of the man in front of him. Instead of filling the deck with heavy pits, it is better to use the underworld deck that he has never used before, [Bad Beast Deck]. The

Bad Beast Deck has the ability to devour the opponent's monsters and special summon them to the opponent's field.

For a deck like Gladiator Beast that takes a turn to take effect, the Bad Beast is tantamount to a blow to Gladiator Beast.

It directly suppresses the opponent's layout.

It is not difficult to see that after seeing his [Gladiator Beast-Heavy Fighting] turned into a giant turtle,

Muto Kayama's face has obviously become a little uncomfortable.

"Release your opponent's monster and Special Summon it to your opponent's field?"

"Could it be a variant of the monster called [Lava Demon]?"

"Another monster that has never been seen before. Where did this boy named Yujo Judai get so many rare cards?"

In the lounge, a group of professional duelists immediately started a heated discussion.

It is not difficult to see

【The appearance of the turtle beast Gamesielle still deeply shocked these professional duelists.

""What a great player, this player named Yuki Judai."

At this time, in the room, the blue-haired boy looked at the screen and exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

They saw John's eyes flashing with surprise, and he looked at Yuki Judai on the screen with an expression of emotion.

"This is the first time I have seen someone other than me who has so much spirit energy......."


Hearing John's mumbling, the other professional players in the lounge all showed confused expressions.

Spiritual aura?

Could this kid be having a Chuunibyou attack ?.........

At this moment, on the playing field, looking at the [Bad Turtle Beast - Gamesielle] on his field, Muto Kayama's expression suddenly became uncertain.

【Gladiator-Heavy Fight] is the only one in his deck that can Special Summon Gladiator-Spartacus.

But he didn't expect that such a big monster would disappear just like that?

"You kid......Where did you get such a disgusting card?"

Glancing at the turtle on his field, which was covered with stinking mucus, Muto Kayama was a little uneasy.

Especially when he saw the saliva dripping from the corner of the turtle's mouth, emitting a foul smell,

Muto Kayama felt a little nauseous.

"It seems that Mr. Muto doesn't like the gift I gave you."

Yucheng Judai raised his lips slightly.

Then he took out a card from his hand.

"In that case, I will remove this monster from your field."

"If your opponent has a [Bad Beast] monster on the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand in Attack Position!"

"Come out! [Thunderbolt Beast-Thunder Dragon King】!"


At this moment, the sky above the Seahorse Paradise was covered with dark clouds.

Golden lightning flashed from the dark clouds like a dancing giant python.

The Thunder Dragon King with three dragon heads emerged from the rolling thunderclouds.

The three dragon heads roared violently.

In a terrifying posture, they descended in front of all the audience!

【Thunder-struck beast-Thunder Dragon King】

【Star rating: 9】


【Attack power: 3300, defense power: 2100]

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience.

Compared to the turtle beast on Muto Kayama's field, this lightning beast was a bit too shocking, right?

Of course, the turtle beast was also quite shocking to Muto Kayama.......Although it is a shock on the contrary

"Don't forget, I haven't performed a Normal Summon this turn."

Yujo Judai took out another card from his hand,"I summon, [Fossil Dinosaur - Pachycephalosaurus】!"

The ground cracked.

A Pachycephalosaur, with only bones left, rushed out from the broken ground.

【Fossil dinosaur-Pachycephalosaurus】

【Star rating: 4】


【Attack power: 1200, Defense power: 1300】

"As long as Pachycephalosaurus exists in the Monster Zone, neither side can Special Summon monsters."

Yujo Judai's words made Muto Kayama's pupils shrink.

Both sides can't Special Summon monsters?

No, that's not right.

Wait a minute!

You have already Special Summoned monsters this turn, and you won't let others Special Summon monsters, right?

How can you be so selfish when playing cards!

If you didn't know that this duel was broadcast live all over the world.

Muto Kayama really wanted to compare his two fingers to a double-barreled shotgun and fiercely let Yujo Judai in front of him fly up


"【Thunder Strike Beast - Thunder Dragon King], attack [Turtle Beast - Gamesielle】!"

Yuki Judai did not give Muto Kayama any chance to react.

In an instant, the battle had already begun.

The two huge beasts on the field immediately wrestled with each other.

However, compared to the Thunder Dragon King.

The combat effectiveness of the Turtle Bad Beast was obviously a level lower.

In just a moment, the Thunder Dragon King bit its head, and blood splattered everywhere. The screams of the Turtle Bad Beast echoed throughout the Seahorse Paradise.

As the remaining two heads of the Thunder Dragon King began to exert force.

The struggle of the Turtle Bad Beast became weaker and weaker.

It was shot in the head in an instant, and fell straight down.

Looking at the turtle head with blood splattered, the male spectators on the field felt a dull pain somewhere, and cold sweat ran down.

Sighs rang out from the audience from time to time.

The impact of the Turtle Bad Beast's fall also caused Muto Kayama to retreat again and again, and his health points dropped sharply.

【Muto Kayama: LP4000→2900】

"It’s not over yet! [Fossil Dinosaur - Pachycephalosaurus], attack directly!"

Yujo Judai pointed directly at Muto Kayama.

Before Muto Kayama could stabilize his footing, he saw Pachycephalosaurus running wildly with its tail swinging.

Then, it knocked Muto Kayama away with one head.

【Muto Kayama: LP2900→1700】


Flying in the air, Muto Kayama felt as if his heart was dead, and tears suddenly filled his face.

Well, now he is flying...................

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