Duel World.

GX Dimension.

When Judai opened his eyes again, he had returned safely to this familiar hotel.

It was already dawn.

He checked the date on his phone. Today was the third day of the competition, which was the semi-finals.

From the match list that had been sent out, his opponent was...

John Anderson!

Is that John?......

Seeing his opponent, a golden light appeared in Yucheng Judai's eyes.


Then let Becas take a look.

Now he has made his choice.

Looking at the time, Yucheng Judai was about to get up and go to the competition.

However, he pressed his hand down.

Suddenly he felt that he pressed something soft.

Yucheng Judai was stunned for a moment.

That thing was surprisingly soft.

It was definitely not as soft as a mattress.

Instead, it was like......

Yuujo Judai looked down.

He saw the girl sleeping peacefully with a peaceful face.

Her long golden hair was draped over the bed like a waterfall. She was still wearing the pure white robe of a saint. Her chubby face was full of comfort. She had no idea that she was lying on a man's bed.

The saint, Ecclesia.

This girl from the abyss dimension, actually came back with him?

Yuujo Judai silently moved his hand away.

For a moment, he was at a loss for words.


I have to say.

Although she looks like a child,

Ecclesia has a strong potential in her figure. She is indeed a saint who is known as a glutton.

Her nutritional intake is really sufficient....... cough......

She hurriedly drove away the distracting thoughts in her mind.

Judai also began to wonder what was going on.

She only remembered that when the system countdown ended, Judai's soul had already been transmitted back by the system.

But at that moment, Ecclesia reached out and touched her.

Then......Nothing more.

It seems that the duel link function of the system can not only allow oneself to go to the unknown elf world, but also bring the elves in the elf world to the human world.

Moreover, it seems that the card elves brought to this world all appear in physical form.

Otherwise, the feeling just now would not be so real.

Thinking of this,

Yuujiro suddenly felt a chill on his back.

It was as if one of his back spirits was staring at him with unfriendly eyes and gave him a warning.


Pay attention next time, pay attention next time.

I just comforted my back spirit with an unstable temper in my heart.

The girl who was sleeping peacefully suddenly moaned and slowly sat up from the bed.

Ecclesia rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Then she stretched hard, and a look of comfort appeared on her face.

But then.

The unfamiliar environment in front of her quickly broke the comfort on Ecclesia's face.

She widened her eyes.

When she turned around, she saw Yuujiro's unchanging ice face.

"Eh? Tenth generation?"

"What, where is this place? Why am I in a place like this?"

"Weren't we in my room just now?"

Looking at Ecclesia's panic, Yuujo

Judai didn't know how to explain for a moment. After a moment of silence,

Yuujo Judai could only explain the current situation in a way that Ecclesia was more familiar with. He also briefly explained the difference between the duel world and the spirit world.......

"Duel Monsters? Duel Dimension?"

"Are you saying that in this world, we appear in the form of cards?"

"Did we come to the human dimension from the elf dimension under the influence of some special power?"

After Yuki Judai's unremitting efforts to explain,

Ecclesia finally changed from her initial stupid look to a confused look now.

In the final analysis, she followed Judai to the dimension where he lived.

The people in this dimension can borrow the power of the elves in other dimensions and use it in the form of cards!

Finally, it gradually formed the current 'Duel Monsters' game that uses cards as a duel method!

"I seem to have heard the Archbishop say that huge holes appear from time to time outside the sky."

"And outside the void, there are some unexpected worlds"

"I didn't expect that all of this was true."

Ecclesia's eyes sparkled with excitement. She didn't feel any anxiety or fear because she was in a strange world.

It was not difficult to see that although Ecclesia was a saint, she had a strong adventurous nature in her heart.

For this world that she had never seen before, Ecclesia exuded a strong excitement and curiosity from the inside out.

"Wow! The buildings here are so tall! And so densely packed!"

"Ah~! Shidaidai, look outside, there are a lot of strange pieces of iron running on the ground!"

"I heard that the Iron Country has a mysterious power that can make steel move. Could it be that this world also has the same power as the Iron Country?"

"Ah~! Judai, look up in the sky, there is a dragon flying! What a handsome dragon!"

"Eh? You mean 3D images? What are 3D images?"

"Judai! Judai! Everything in this big box is so cold, and there are so many delicious things, can you give them to me?"

After a while, the girl turned the whole room upside down out of curiosity.

Finally, she took the snacks in the refrigerator and ate them.

Yucheng Judai was silent for a moment, and suddenly regretted turning on the Duel Link function.


This is an ancestor who can eat and create things from the abyss dimension.............

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