As we all know,

Jademon - Rubymon has the ability to Special Summon as many [Jademon] monster cards in the Magic and Trap Zone as possible when Special Summoned successfully.

Based on this ability, as long as John accumulates enough Jademon in the Magic Trap Zone, he can use Rubymon's ability to summon them all.


John felt a little uneasy.

Judai's choice of Rubymon just now was somewhat deliberate.

It was as if he deliberately chose the most inappropriate option to lure him to go all out.

Jademon belongs to a unique deck in the world.

Judai, he......You probably don't know the effects of the gem beasts, right?

Looking at Yuki Judai's unpredictable expression,

John pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

In any case, this was his only chance to defeat Judai.

Glancing at the card in his hand, John was ready to give it a try!

"Please, Ruby." After sending Rubymon to the graveyard, John drew two cards from his deck.

"Then open the cover card on the field, the magic card [Pot of Greed】"John chuckled.

One of the traps he had set up earlier was actually a magic card in disguise.

John's duel was really a little out of place.

"According to the effect of this card, draw two more cards from the deck."

I added four cards to my hand in one go?

It's time to start, John!

After taking a look at the four cards he added, John was already fully confident.

"Then, I activate the Continuous Magic Card! [Bridge of Heart】!"

"Based on the effect of the Heart Bridge, I summon [Gemmon - Jade Tiger] and [Gemmon - Amber Mammoth]】!"


Huang Yuhu and Amber Mammoth immediately appeared on the Tenth Generation's field, one on the left and one on the right.

"John, leave the fighting to me!" Huang Yuhu raised his head and roared

"John, spread out as much as possible, we are ready!"Amber Mammoth glanced at John behind him.

"Okay, I understand!"

John nodded slightly, and then glanced at the card in his hand.

In this case, there is only one last step left.

"Activate the effect of [Bridge of Heart]!"

"Destroy the [Jade Tiger] on the field, and add a [Gem] magic or trap card from the deck to your hand!"

John glanced at the number of his magic traps, and finally chose to send the Jade Tiger to the graveyard.

Sorry, Jade Tiger!

I'll put you in the graveyard for the time being.

Gritting his teeth, John continued

"And, according to the effect of [Heart Bridge], this card returns to the owner's hand along with the Field Magic Card [Nightmare Throne] on your field!"

John immediately retrieved the Heart Bridge in the Magic Trap Zone.

At the same time, he also ejected the Field Magic Card on Judai's field that could make Yubel evolve.

Yuki Judai silently retrieved the Field Magic Card and calmly watched John continue to unfold

"I will equip the magic card [Golden Jade Strip] and add it to my hand"

"In this way, everything is ready!"John showed the [Golden Code Jade Bar] in his hand.】,"Activate the effect of [Golden Jade Strip], select two [Gemmon] monsters from your deck and place them in the Magic and Trap Zones. After that, select a Gemmon from your hand or graveyard to Special Summon!"

It's coming.

Seeing John's operation, Yuki Judai raised his mouth.

"I placed [Gem Beast - Amethyst Cat] and [Gem Beast - Cobalt Spike Eagle] in the Magic Trap Zone, and Special Summoned [Gem Beast - Ruby Beast] in the Graveyard.】!"

Red gems gathered on the field.

As the dazzling light flashed, a small beast with a red gem inlaid on its tail appeared on John's field.

【Jewel Beast-Ruby Beast】

【Stars: 3】


【Attack: 300】

""Jewelmon Rubymon, when the Special Summon succeeds, Special Summon all the Jewelmon cards in the Magic and Trap area as much as possible!"

John raised his right hand and shouted.

"I choose to special summon! [Gemmon - Jade Pegasus] [Gemmon - Amethyst Cat] [Gemmon - Cobalt Spike Eagle]】!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Amid the exclamations of the audience, three gem beasts appeared on John's field at the same time, and together with Rubymon and Amber Mammoth on John's field, they stood guard in front of John!

"The special summon effect of Jade Pegasus is activated. Select a [Gem Beast] monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard as a continuous magic card, and place it face-up in the magic and trap zone!"

"I will place the [Gem Beast - Topaz Tiger] in the cemetery in the Magic Trap Zone!"

John raised his arm.

As the golden gem rose in John's Magic Trap Zone, at this moment, seven gem beasts had already appeared neatly on John's field!

The shadows of the Jade Turtle and the Topaz Tiger also condensed in the group of gem beasts.

The gems on the seven gem beasts shone with brilliant light, and built a rainbow bridge in the sky that made the audience exclaim.

"Hehe, how about the tenth generation! These are my family members!"

John wiped his nose proudly and laughed.

"It's a pity that I don't have a Rainbow Dragon in my deck now, otherwise I would definitely summon it to open your eyes."I have seen this kind of vision countless times in my previous life.

Yuki Judai secretly complained in his heart.

However, being able to gather all the gem beasts together in one go.

The bond between John and the gem beast deck is indeed far beyond Judai's imagination.

"What a beautiful bond, Judai......"Yubel sneered and glanced at Judai behind him,"Are you sure you want to use that tactic?"

"Well, after all, it is a gem beast. In order to win, this approach is necessary......."

Yujo Judai's eyes were fixed on the two covered cards on his field.

"Tenth generation, [Gemmon-Amethyst Cat] can attack the opponent directly, but the combat damage inflicted by attacking the opponent is only half."John smiled,"However, if these two cards are combined, it can still cause considerable damage!"

"Activate the equipped magic cards, [Power of Unity] and [Power of the Mage]】!"

"【The power of unity can increase the attack power of the equipped monster by the number of monsters on the field x 800 points."

"【Mage's Power] can increase the attack power of the equipped monster by the number of magic and traps on the field x 500!"

"I will equip all your strength to Amethyst Cat!"

"Therefore, the attack power of Amethyst Cat is——"

【Baoyu Beast-Amethyst Cat】

【Attack damage: 1200 → 5200 → 7800】

"Attack power, 7,800 points!"

Looking at the purple crystal cat with rainbow light all over its body, there were constant exclamations from the audience, and all the audience were shocked by this terrifying increase in attack power.

"As expected of John Boy, he raised the bond of his monsters to this level in just a moment."

Even Becas couldn't help but sigh.

Amethyst Cat caused damage to Judai through direct attack.

Amber Mammoth can transfer the target of attack to itself when Yubel attacks, thereby reducing Yubel's counterattack.

John, using the bond with the gem beasts, firmly grasped the victory of this duel in his hands!

Judai boy.

Did you see it?

This is the power of companions.

After seeing this scene, do you still insist on walking on the lonely dark road!

At the moment when everyone thought John could win this duel.

Yucheng Judai raised a smile of the underworld at the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry for the wait, John"

"Huh?" John was slightly startled, not quite understanding what Judai meant by this.

"Since John gave me such a great gift"

"Then I'll treat John a little bit." Yuki Judai waved his hand lightly, and the cover card on the field opened,"Trap Card [Self-employment] activated!"

"For each monster on the opponent's field, inflict 500 points of damage to the opponent's health!"

""What?!" John's face changed.

The next moment, the power of the gem beasts was swallowed by the trap cards on the Judai field, and then reflected to John.


【John Anderson: LP4000→1500】

"It's not over yet!" Yujo Judai was determined to kill people and destroy their hearts, so he would not let John go so easily.

"Open the Continuous Trap Card! [Forever Love】!"

Judai and Yubel looked at each other.

They looked at John at the same time.

At this moment, in Judai's eyes, the golden light of the Overlord and the emerald light of Yubel's soul intertwined.

A different color flashed in the darkness!

"If there is a Yubel monster on your field"

"Discard a card from your hand and send [Eternal Love] to the Graveyard to activate"

"Use all monsters on your field, including Yubel, as Fusion Materials for a Fusion Summon!���All the monsters?!

John's face changed drastically.

The next moment, he saw the bodies of the gem beasts on his field twisting rapidly.

The gem beasts roared in pain and turned into several colorful lights, which were constantly devoured by [Yubel - The Hated Knight].

As these gem beasts were devoured,

Yubel's dragon transformation gradually disappeared.

She turned into a demon again, and the dragon claw on her right hand turned into a dragon's head, flashing a scarlet light.

【Yubel - Guardian of Eternal Love】

【Stars: 12】


【Attack power: 0, Defense power: 0】

"Guardian of Eternal Love, activated when Fusion Summon is successful"

"Inflict damage equal to the number of fusion materials of this card x 500 points on the opponent."

Yujo Judai said calmly.

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

Even those who were cheering for John stopped waving their cheering flags.

Not to mention John.

John at this moment had a dull look on his face.

He looked as if he was played and stood there stupidly.

The power of the gem beasts absorbed by Yubel was released by her again.

And this time.

These gem beasts were no longer the power to protect John.

Instead, they were...

Defeating John's power!

Amid a scream,

John's body was knocked out of the field by the colorful light and fell heavily to the ground.

【John Anderson: LP1500→0】

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