Although Ecclesia looks like a normal girl, her true identity is also a"card elf" from the elf world.

The power obtained from the gem beasts seems to be able to be used on Ecclesia.

"Why didn't you wait for me in the hotel and ran out by yourself?"

Yucheng Judai turned off the system, and the +1 on Ecclesia's head disappeared.

"Because there is no food left!" Ecclesia puffed up her cheeks and stamped her feet in displeasure,"Really, Judai, where on earth have you been? I waited for you for a long time and you didn't come back, so I thought of coming out to find you myself."

"I......"Yujo Judai glanced behind him, at the big screen in the distance showing his victory in the duel, and after clenching his fist and coughing, he said,"I took care of some things......."

"Are you going to duel?" Although Ecclesia was simple, she was not stupid.

She tilted her head and saw the big screen hanging high in the sky in the Kaiba Duel Arena in the distance.

"When I was bored in the house, I also read some books about duels. In your world, dueling monsters should be quite important, right?"

Ecclesia proudly raised her head, put her hands on her hips, and puffed out her rather well-endowed chest."Don't underestimate me, I adapt to the other world very quickly."

"Well, that's really amazing......."Yujo Judai was silent for a moment, and could only give a perfunctory laugh.

"And there are so many interesting things in your world!"

Aklisia said, and seemed to have thought of something, and immediately told Judai happily about what she had done in the hotel today. After listening to Aklisia's story,

Yucheng Judai realized that Aklisia had not been eating all day today.

In addition to eating snacks in the refrigerator, Aklisia also tried to study the computer, and various electronic games in the house, she also tried to play them while reading the instructions.

It can be said that in just one morning, Aklisia quickly became familiar with various high-tech products in the world with her clever little head.

Lian Jue Acresia has figured out how to use the Duel Disk.

She even learned the Duel rules online and played a game with others online.

Although she was severely punished for not knowing how to build a deck, Acresia has learned the general rules of the Duel quite well.

Yuki Judai couldn't help but praise her as a genius.

You know, when Yubel first came to him, he even had to teach himself how to use the Duel Disk.

Compared to Yubel, he is indeed quite talented..

Of course, in order to avoid the dissatisfaction of Yubel in the deck.

Yucheng Judai would naturally not say such words.

He went to the hotel front desk to order lunch for two people, and asked the front desk to refill the snacks in the refrigerator in the room.

Yucheng Judai and Ecclesia returned to the room.

Looking at Ecclesia who was happily sitting in front of the screen playing the game console.

Yucheng Judai on the side was thinking about his system, how to bring Ecclesia back to the Abyss Dimension.

Open the system's [Duel Link Function] interface.

Yucheng Judai unexpectedly discovered that this time the function list has been It was no longer a simple countdown.

It seemed that I had triggered some condition.

The current interface actually showed the option of [Abyss Dimension].

In addition to [Abyss Dimension], Yuujo Judai even saw the teleportation options of various card worlds such as [World Destruction Dimension], [Flash Blade Dimension], and [DT Dimension].

But unfortunately.

Other worlds are temporarily gray.

It seems that only by reaching a certain level can a new dimension be unlocked.

When he clicked on [Abyss Dimension], Yuujo Judai saw, in addition to the [Teleport] option, there was even a card with the appearance of 'Ekrisia' engraved on it.

【Saint of Teaching - Ecclesia】(Not yet unlocked)

【Star rating: 4】


【Attack: 1500, Defense: 1500]

All the card decks related to the Abyss Dimension have also appeared in the options of [Abyss Dimension].

Except for the dragons [Beasts of the Abyss] in the"Dragon Card Pack Selection" that the system rewarded to me before, which are shown as unlocked, the other card decks have not yet been shown as unlocked.

Teaching, Iron Beast, Brand, Sword of the Sword, Ice Water, Prison of Death, Satellite Shining...

It seems that all the decks in the Abyss world can be collected through the Abyss Dimension.

Based on this, can I also collect the corresponding decks from other worlds?

Not only that.

I can also rely on my own domineering power.

Rule these dimensions!

Become the master of these dimensions and even the duel world!

The ambition in my heart beats like a ghost flame at this moment.

Yuki Judai's mouth curled up with a sneer.


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