"When Absolute Zero leaves the field, all monsters on the opponent's field will be destroyed!"

"Moreover, when Acid Water is successfully Special Summoned, all Magic and Trap Cards on the opponent's field are destroyed! The attack power of monsters on the opponent's field decreases by 300 points!"

The COMBO that Yuki Judai wanted has been formed. Zetsu

Zero transforms into Acid Water.

This method can be said to be the most classic COMBO of the hero deck.

Using the mask change, the effects of Zetsu Zero and Acid Water are triggered at the same time.

Thus achieving the ability to completely clear the field!


Sure enough, after hearing the effect read out by Yucheng Judai,

Ed was shocked.

The next moment, the storm intertwined by the power of Jue Ling and Acid Water began to sweep towards Ed's field with amazing momentum!

Although the elemental hero Phoenix Man has the effect of not being destroyed by battle, it seems particularly powerless in the face of effect destruction.

Coupled with Acid Water's ability to clear the backfield.

In just a blink of an eye, the monsters on Ed's field and the two cover cards in the backfield turned into fragments and disappeared instantly.


Ed's face darkened and he raised his arms to block the broken debris in front of him.

He didn't expect that

Yuki Judai could clear his layout in an instant.

Did he really underestimate him?

"Now your front court is empty, right?"

Yujo Judai entered the battle phase without hesitation.


"【Masked Hero - Acid Water], attack the opponent directly!"

Acid Water immediately jumped up.

In the air, a knight kick was condensed, and it instantly penetrated Ed's body.


A burning pain came from Ed's abdomen.

Ed held his stomach and stepped back a few steps. His health value dropped rapidly like running water.

【Ed Phoenix: LP4000→1400】

In an instant, his health dropped below the danger line!

The Knight Kick that hit Ed's abdomen hard instantly made the audience scream.

The attack ended.

Yuki Judai's eyes swept across the cards in his hand.

His eyes paused slightly on one of the cards.

This card...

This is the first card given to me by the system since I awakened the power of the Overlord.......Although I have never used it.

However, should I use it in this situation?

Use Ed's hero and your own hero......

The corner of his mouth raised an arc.

Yujo Judai put that card and another card in his hand on the duel disk.

"Two cards are set, turn ends!"

Press the button to end the turn.

Yujo Judai calmly ends his turn.

Damn it!......

Ed slowly got up from the ground, gritting his teeth and staring at Yuki Judai.

In Yuki Judai's hand, there was a [Hero] monster retrieved using [Elemental Hero - Shadow Mist Lady].

And before entering the battle, Yuki Judai had not performed a Normal Summon at all.

With the little life left.

Even if Yuki Judai summoned a random Electro, he would have already lost.

But this guy only chose to use acid water to attack.

Is he deliberately letting the opponent win!

Judai's letting the opponent win deeply hurt Ed's self-esteem.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Ed knew that he could no longer hide!

Yuki Judai.

My destiny hero will never lose to your heroes!

"Activate magic card, [Destiny Draw Card】!"Ed threw out the card he had drawn.

As the magic card gathered in the light on Ed's field,

Yuki Judai's eyes finally relaxed at this moment.

Is it finally here?

Ed's destiny heroes!

"Discard a [Destiny Hero] card in your hand to activate"

"Draw two cards from the deck.

Ed discarded the last card in his hand,"I discard the [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in my hand."

Draw two cards from the deck.

Ed then put another card on the duel disk:"Activate the magic card, [Pot of Greed]】"

"According to the effect, draw two cards from the deck."

Here it comes.

GX character passive skill, when there are no cards in hand, you must use the Pot of Greed!

One card is unconditionally profitable.

This is a god card for Duel Monsters. Except for a certain supermodel mermaid deck, it is not very necessary. Almost everyone has one.

After replenishing the hand cards.

Ed immediately continued his development

"Magic Card, [Beyond Destiny】!"

"Target a [Destiny Hero] monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon a [Destiny Hero] monster from your Deck that is half the Level of that monster or less!"

"The level of [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in my graveyard is 6, so I Special Summon a level 3 [Destiny Hero - Stubborn Man] from my deck.】!"

Ed unfolded his deck and placed one of the monsters on the duel disk.

As the light spread, a hero with heavy arm armor on his arms appeared on Ed's field with a roar.

"It appeared. It was the legendary trump card deck of Ed, Hero of Destiny!"

Ed's Hero of Destiny ignited the enthusiasm of the audience again.

Being able to see two heroes that we have never seen in the past in the finals at once.

This ticket to the finals is worth it!

"Then, I Normal Summon [Destiny Hero - Drillman】!"Ed once again placed the remaining two cards on the duel disk one by one.

"Activate when Drillman is successfully summoned or special summoned."

"Special Summon a [Destiny Hero] monster from your hand with an attack power equal to this card's!"

"I Special Summoned: [Destiny Hero - Gunner】!"

As soon as the words fell, the drill man and the gun man floated up one after another.

The two heroes of fate crossed their arms and slowly landed beside Ed.

""Gun Drawer, when a [Hero] monster is successfully Special Summoned by its effect, both players draw a card from their decks!"

Ed placed his finger on the Duel Board and quickly drew a card.

Yuki Judai also drew a card calmly and silently added it to his hand.

"Activate the effect of [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in the graveyard"

"Banish the Demon in the graveyard, and special summon the second Demon from the deck!"

Ed said, sending the Demon in the graveyard to the banishment zone.

The next moment, a dark hero wearing black demon wings and with a D symbol engraved on his chest emerged from the summoning circle with a roar.

Very good.

Now all the conditions are met.

Looking at the card in his hand, Ed looked coldly at Yuki Judai.

"Tenth generation, next, you will see it."

"The most powerful hero among all the heroes of destiny!"

"Release three monsters on the field, including the [Destiny Hero]! Special Summon from your hand!"

"Come out!"

""Destined Hero - The Doctrine!"

Raised his hand.

Three black beams of light immediately surged on Ed's field.

They enveloped the three monsters, the Demon Man, the Gun Man, and the Stubborn Man.

As the beams of light dissipated, the hero wearing devil wings soared into the air.

The sharp blade on his arm flashed a dazzling cold light in the darkness!

As the darkness dissipated, the Doctrine, bound by iron chains, appeared on Ed's field under the projection of the duel image!

【Destiny Hero - Doctrine】

【Star rating: 8】

【Warrior/Special Summon】

【Attack power: 3400, defense power: 2400]


Ed's real trump card now!

The hero of destiny lurking in the darkness.

The Doctrine!

Looking at the Doctrine slowly falling beside Ed,

Yuki Judai raised a smile.

"Yuki Judai, have you seen it? My Destiny Hero!"

Ed clenched his fists.

He looked at the acid water on Yuki Judai's field, and at this moment he felt unprecedented satisfaction.

The Destiny Hero teaches people.

The attack power is far superior to the Elemental Hero, and the Dark Hero above the Masked Hero!

Yuki Judai.

Even you have to admit.

The Destiny Hero is superior to the Elemental Hero and the Masked Hero, right?


When he saw the smile on Yuki Judai's mouth.

Ed's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he had an ominous premonition.

"Indeed, if we only talk about attack power, the Doctrine is the strongest among all the non-fusion monster heroes."


"As a professional player, you should know this very well, right?"

"Duel monsters are not just a competition of attack power."

"Especially the duel between heroes"

"If you are not careful, your hero on the field will become the opponent's wedding dress."

Yucheng Judai slowly raised his head.

A golden light appeared in his pupils.

"Open the card cover"

"Quick Attack Magic Card"

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