【Congratulations to the host for defeating the legendary duelist - Ed Phoenix】、

【Detected that the host used hyper-fusion to fuse the Phoenix of Destruction】

【The card [Destiny Hero - Phoenix Destroyer] has been sent to the host's collection card book】

【Destiny Heroes series cards have been sent to the host's collection card book】

【Has absorbed some of the power to destroy the Phoenix Man......】

As the duel ended,

Yuujo Judai listened to the system prompts in his ears while feeling his own dark power rising.

Destroy part of the power of the Phoenix Man...

Opening his hands, looking at the flames dancing in his palms,

Yuujo raised his eyebrows.

As expected.

Speaking of Phoenix Destroyer, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the destructive power of Phoenix Destroyer and the rebirth ability to revive from the graveyard in the next round.

It seems that he has also been given the rebirth ability of Phoenix Destroyer by the system.

Although it seems that this ability seems to have a long cooling time......

"Well, but it doesn't seem to be of much use to me."

Yucheng Judai touched his chin and thought secretly.

After all, it is a world of playing cards.

His rebirth feels useless.

With his current strength, there is no chance to use this, right?

But no matter what, it is better to have a way to save your life.

What he has to face is not only the card game in the duel world, but also those fancy and expensive things in the elf world.

As soon as he arrived downstairs of the hotel,

Yucheng Judai saw a familiar figure

"Tenth generation!"

Ecclesia waved her arms and ran towards him excitedly.

""You're so awesome, Judai! You beat your opponent in one fell swoop!" Looking at the girl running in front of him with eyes full of admiration, a drop of sweat immediately fell from Yuujiro Juujiro's forehead.

Even without opening the system, Yuujiro Juujiro could seem to see the +1+1+1 popping out of Ecclesia's head.......

"Not only did it not lose any life points, but it also fused the opponent's trump card into a new monster in one breath."

"This is too amazing! He is worthy of being the Judai!"Ecclesia blinked her big eyes and praised Yuki Judai.

"You ran here to wait for me, is it because there is no food in the house?"

Yucheng Judai tried his best to ignore Ecclesia's flattery.

He knew Ecclesia too well.

This glutton, who could make her abandon the snacks in the house and run to a place like this to greet him, must not be to praise him. Sure enough.

Seeing that Yucheng Judai had exposed her thoughts, Ecclesia scratched her head and stuck out her tongue, and laughed awkwardly.

"Hehe, you are indeed the tenth generation, you even know this......"

Yujo Tendai:"......"

I went to the hotel front desk to re-order lunch and snacks.

Yuujo Judai also returned to the room with Ecclesia, who was holding a bunch of snacks and was very satisfied.

As the champion of this invitational tournament,

Judai not only received the next-generation duel disk given by Kaiba Seto, but also a one-year free ticket for Kaiba Park.

During this year, he can use any facilities in Kaiba Park with the free ticket.

Including hotels, restaurants and other places, he can eat and stay at will.

There is still some time before the"Duel Academy Assessment" mentioned by Kaiba Seto.

These days, Yuujo Judai is also going to rest in the hotel first.

By the way, study how to send this troublesome glutton saint back to the abyss dimension.

Although Yuujo Judai doesn't mind raising a"pet".

But after all, there is a difference between men and women.

Ecclesia is not very defensive against people, and there are always inconveniences in daily life.

Today, I am not the stubborn card player in the original work.

Naturally, I can't ignore a girl in pajamas dangling in front of me.

Well, wandering around in all senses.

Inside the room.

Eclecia sat cross-legged on the bed, eating snacks and watching variety shows on TV with a smile on her face.

Eclecia's ability to adapt to the modern world is extremely terrifying.

In two days, she not only mastered all the electrical appliances, but also found variety channels and TV series that she liked to watch.

Every time she watched a show, she would watch it for the whole day, as if she was addicted to it.

Yuki Judai also asked Eclecia if she wanted to return to Longyi Kingdom.

But this glutton actually looked like she was"happy here, not thinking about the outside world", and completely forgot her identity and responsibilities as a saint.

What saint?

Just a gluttonous otaku.

"Maybe, just like the last time I came to this world"

"If I touch Ecclesia and jump through dimensions, I can send her back to the Abyss dimension, right?"

After thinking for a long time,

Yuujo Judai suddenly remembered the situation when he brought Ecclesia here.

He glanced at Ecclesia, who was focusing on the TV. Yuujo

Judai stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Ecclesia's shoulder.

【Whether to enable the duel link function】



Ecclesia was stunned for a moment.

The next second, she felt a flash before her eyes.

Then, she and Yuki Judai appeared in a world she was familiar with.

The Abyss Dimension - Longyi Country!

""Eh? Why, why did you suddenly come back?"

Ecclesia was still confused.

She didn't notice that at this moment, thunder was rumbling in the sky above Long Yi Country, and a terrifying hole was rapidly expanding from it.

Yucheng Judai looked up at the hole in the sky.

But he saw a giant dragon with scorching flames all over its body falling from the hole towards Long Yi Country like a meteor.

Hey, hey......

Isn't it such a coincidence?

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