""Eh? You mean, I failed the five-star duelist rating?" Yuka was standing at the check-in window. After hearing the staff's response, she looked surprised.

"Wait, wait a minute! What's going on? Didn't the candidate Yujo Judai pass the duel test? And the time is also within six rounds, right?"

"What? The examinee violated the rules and destroyed the duel facilities, so he failed the exam? Wait, why haven't I heard of such a rule?"

"Besides, the explosion of the duel robot was obviously due to a technical problem! Shouldn't the technical department be blamed for this? Why should the examinees be blamed for this?"

"Hey! Are you guys being unreasonable? This is too much!"

Looking at Yuuka arguing with the staff until her face turned red, Yusuke Judai remained calm, picked up his backpack and walked out of Kaiba Company.

""Eh? Wait a minute, Judai! There must be something wrong here. You must have passed the Duelist Rating Assessment!"

Seeing Judai walk out of Kaiba Company, Yuka quickly let go of the staff member she had dragged out of the window and ran after him.

"Tenth generation, your strength is definitely more than just a one-star duelist. Believe me, it will be easy to upgrade your duelist rating......."

"No, it's not necessary anymore."

Yuujo Judai interrupted Yuuka.

He paused, turned his head, and looked at Kaiba Company behind him.

The corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"I just need to tell him I'm back, that's all"


Hearing what Yuuka said, Yuuka blinked her eyes in confusion.

She turned her head to look in the direction of Yuuka's gaze. All she could see was the KC logo hanging on the top of the building and the lifelike blue-eyes white dragon.

Before Yuuka could figure it out,

Yuuka had already turned around and walked towards the street.

"Wait, wait for me a moment!" With no other choice, Yuka could only quickly catch up....

At the same time, on the top floor of Kaiba Corporation, in the president's office, in a bright room, a tall figure stood in front of the French window with his back to the door, looking at the bustling Duel City in front of him. There was a knock on the door.

Hearing the sound, the man slowly spoke, and the magnetic voice rang out from his mouth.

"Come in.

The door was pushed open.

A burly man in a black suit and sunglasses walked in.

"President, I have followed your instructions and invalidated the duel result of that candidate."

Looking at the file bag handed over by his subordinate,

Kaiba Seto's eyes moved away from the French window.

He opened the folder and glanced at the assessment record with the name of 'Yuki Judai' written on it.

"snort......A mediocre person is a mediocre person. A duel robot made with the duel data of a mediocre person is also a mediocre person.

Kaiba Seto snorted coldly and threw the file bag on the desk.

"It seems that after two years of traveling, the duel skills of the tenth generation boy have become much stronger."

"As a result, the power in his body also......"

Another voice was heard in the room.

The strange accent and the unique quirk of speaking made Kaiba Seto frown slightly.

The red suit was clearly visible in the reflection of the French window.

Kaiba Seto did not look back, his eyes were only focused on the back of the boy who was walking away with a backpack downstairs.

Yuki Judai.

A special duelist who can hear the voices of elves.

Also, a boy with a dark side in his soul.

Since Judai was very young.

Kaiba Seto noticed that this child had a dueling talent far beyond that of ordinary people.

Similarly, Kaiba Seto also noticed the dark side in Yuki Judai's soul, the terrifying power sleeping in Judai's soul.

In the countless duels with darkness,

Kaiba Seto knew very well that if such a person with great potential could not be guided in the right direction, it would bring a terrible disaster to the whole world.

And Yuki Judai was obviously not a child who could be controlled by the will of others.

This child showed a high degree of independence and a genius mind since he was a child.

On the other hand, his personality that was totally inconsistent with his age also made Kaiba Seto, who had seen him in person, feel quite uneasy.

Maybe, never getting involved in a duel, is the best choice for this child.

"The travels during this period have made the boy look much more grown up."

"Perhaps, we shouldn't suppress the growth of the Judai boy too much."

The voice in the room sounded again.

Glancing at the man drinking tea in the reflection of the glass,

Kaiba Seto looked out the window, still silent.


"The duel world is now full of undercurrents"

"We really need the power of Judai Boy to deal with the evil in the duel world."

"Even if......"

The man paused.

But Kaiba Seto had already guessed what he wanted to say.

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