Dash had actually considered whether to activate the trap card and let Chidara try to absorb the damage.

But he thought about it and gave up on it.

Even Orehagang's enchantment can't destroy the gods, and the risk of relying on Chidara to absorb them all is too high.

So for the sake of safety, Dazi still chose to activate this trap card.

"It's a shame that the fight is almost over. "

"It's not that easy, my turn draws!"

Being forced to end the round, You Tian lowered his head and looked at the trap card in his hand that had already inserted half of the duel disk, and was slightly speechless in his heart.

It is worthy of a man who can talk to each other with the Pharaoh, and he has a hand to force others to end their rounds.

Since Tatsu's card draw has already begun, the time point of the tour has been missed, and now even the ace straight effect in the graveyard cannot be activated.

"Duel King Yutian, Pharaoh King Muto Game, this round I will let you see the strongest monster in the Olihagang deck. "

"Five-three-three" Dazi waved one hand and shouted loudly at the Chidara who had not absorbed any damage since he appeared:

"I will completely release Olihagang Chidala and specially summon the Olihagang-Orichalcum puppet!"

The green one-eyed sea urchin exploded on the spot, and green light burst out, and a huge bronze sacrificial statue stood in the middle of the field.

[Olihagang - Oyama Bronze Doll, 10 Stars, Attack Power: 0 Garrison Power: 0]

Since Chidara didn't absorb any damage, the Orichalcum Doll's attack damage could only be 0.

Why do you have to summon it even if it is 0, it is naturally Dazi's tactic.

I saw that Dazi once again activated the effect of Oreha's Rigid Qi, increasing her health by 1500 points.

[Dartsy HP: 8000-9500]

"I'm going to activate this card next. "

Before the words fell, Olihagang Diaporos on the field was thrown into a cauldron.

After stir-frying carefully in the pot, it turned into a green light and fused into Tazi's body.

"Mysterious Chinese cauldron, this card can sacrifice a monster and restore my health. "

[Dartsy HP: 9500-11500]

Dazi finally managed to break through 10,000 HP, and with only one more condition, he could summon the snake god with infinite attack power, Yi.

"My turn is over. "

"Now, I'm going to activate the Ace Straight effect in the Graveyard to return the Queen Knight from the Graveyard to the deck and take this card back into my hand. "

After a loud bang from the duel disc, the trump card was bounced out of the graveyard.

"It's useless, no matter how much you recycle resources, the next round will be your death. "

The next round in Dazi's mouth is the round of the dark game.

After hearing this, the dark game looked at the remaining cards in his hand and said secretly in his heart:

There's no way, even if I summon a monster, it will be destroyed by the effect of Olihagang, what should I do?

At this time, the dark game begins the classic memory killing.

He reminisced about his past with his companions, and recalled the bond with Youtian and the three god cards.

Back to the blank card Becas gave him before his soul was taken.

Thinking of this, the dark game opened his eyes suddenly,

That's right, I still have the card Beccas gave me, and if I can draw him, there will be a solution.

As we all know, the card that Wang Xiang wants to draw has never been drawn.

I saw him put one hand on the deck, and after brewing his emotions for a while, he shouted:

"My turn, draw !!"


That is to say, the effect of this card, the dark game can be made up at will....

"I attack to summon an elven swordsman, and then activate this card, Heart of Legends!"

The dark game directly made up the name of a card, and then this card really became the heart of the legend and was successfully launched.

"Sacrifice an Elven Swordsman and sacrifice me 1,000 health!" (animation)

The elven swordsman instantly turned into a ball of fire, and after the fire dissipated, three nameless dragons appeared on the field.

At the same time, a black whirlpool also appeared on the roof of the stone chamber. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The three nameless dragons roared angrily and flew into the whirlpool.

Seeing this, the lion wizard actually flew in with him.

"Once saved the legendary knights of the world, liberate all your powers, and show your true body, the legendary three horsemen!!"

Three thunderbolts struck in front of the game, and I saw three knights who looked the same as Muto Game, Seahorse Seto, and Katsuya Jonai.

He drew his sword and began to read their lines.

"I am the Knight of Hemer!" "I am the Knight of the Cridias!" "I am the Knight of Timaio!"

"The three of us didn't write the effect, so we can make it up casually!" (this sentence is a joke)

When the Three Horsemen were summoned, the whirlpool in the sky had not disappeared yet.

I saw a sword fall from the vortex and plunge straight into the ground in front of You Tian.

Then a blonde warrior fell to the ground with a thud and slowly drew the sword.

", great warrior - Taylor!"

You Tian was shocked, the real body of the lion wizard turned out to be this card... 0

Although in Dazi's illusion before, You Tian had vaguely seen the blonde warrior.

But it was an illusion after all, and it was far less careful than it is now.

Who would have thought that that five-star mortal bone would be the great warrior Taylor who defeated Dazi with the Three Knights 10,000 years ago.

(This card is the only card in the world, and the background story is interesting, so if you are interested, you can check it out for yourself.) )

When the four warriors reappeared, Tatsu was uncharacteristically laughing at this time.

"Come on, attack here, I'm here, 10,000 years ago, let's find out today. "

The Three Knights could not bear to be ridiculed like this, and before Taylor could open his mouth, they slashed towards the Orichalcum Doll.

"Oh no, if the Orichalcum doll breaks..."

Before Taylor could finish his words, the Orichalcum puppet erupted with powerful dark energy.

"Hahaha, I'll give all my health, come out, snake god-yi!"

The dark energy turned into a black hole, and inside was a giant snake with infinite attack power, spitting out its core, staring at everyone on the field.

By this point, the duel had become magical.

The round of the dark game was obviously not over yet, and Dazi actually sent ten cards into the graveyard and directly made the snake god-Yi attack.

I saw the snake god-Yi open his bloody mouth, and a blue energy bullet sprayed towards Knight Hemer.

If you eat this attack with infinite power, the health of both of them will be reduced to 0.

At this time, it will depend on the invincible Chestnut God Dragon.

Dark Game Straight 2.3 drops the chestnut ball into the graveyard, and Hemmer Knight, although destroyed, is immune to this damage.

Of course, You Tian couldn't sit still, and directly forced to end Dazi's round and drew a card himself.

"First of all, I started the mining of the Philosopher's Stone, discarded two cards in my hand, brought back the cards from the dead Susheng, and restarted it. "

In this way, the newly destroyed Knight Hemmer is resurrected again.

"Next, I unleash the Magic Card Treasure Book, and both sides draw 6 cards in their hands. "

After brushing and drawing 6 cards in his hand, You Tian was so moved that he really got his hands on this key card.

Now in the entire field, only You Tian is trying to play cards seriously, and the other two have already begun to magical.

But... You can win by playing cards seriously!!

"My attack means summoning, Elemental Hero Wingman!"

Wingman waved his wings and rushed out, and was about to pose for a pose, but found that there were all big guys around, so he had to give up.

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