The other half of the trash fish refers to the literal meaning.

Like what insects feather moths, dinosaurs Ryuzaki, super energy arenas these classic passers-by.

In addition to this, there are the two Schrader brothers who intend to subvert the Seahorse Group, the American champion Rebecca Hopkins.

And female duelists from a certain eastern power ..... King Vivien.

We don't know why the duelists of the eastern powers call a western name, maybe that's the case in the Yu-Gi-Oh world.

In the Seahorse office, You Tian couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the list of participants.

"These are all the players in this KC Cup?"

"That's right, these are duelists from all over the country who have already participated in the auditions. "

Before the preliminary round, there is actually a round of auditions, after all, in the eyes of President Haima, the strength of people participating in this level of competition cannot be too weak.

Except for those who are specially invited, the list is full of familiar faces.

After carefully reading the promotion list, You Tian "Zero Three Three" couldn't help but smack his lips.

He also guessed that this KC cup, because of his existence, should have undergone certain changes.

But I didn't expect the change to be so big, what a scene of demons dancing.

The juvenile version of the city is ten generations, and the juvenile version of Maruto Ryo is here, and what the hell is this Kuronos?

Thinking of this, You Tian unconsciously leaned back on the sofa and sighed.

"This KC Cup looks going to be very exciting. "

"Hmph, no matter what, you must not lose a game before losing to me. "

The seahorse still looks like a tsundere, as if no one is worthy of being You Tian's opponent except him.

"What about the game, if the two of us encounter in advance and one of them is eliminated, wouldn't you be at a loss. "

"Hmph, don't worry, you two will never meet me until you meet me. "

Well??? what do you mean by this, this seahorse president is going to engage in naked shady scenes for his own card addiction.

"Ahem, that's it for today, I'll go back first. "

The tournament will start tomorrow, and before that, You Tian still has to sort out the deck, which is a sign of respect for all the duelists who participate.

A high-end villa.

This is a special gift from the president of Haima to You Tian, just so that when he is addicted to cards, he can find You Tian to play cards in time.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you travel to the sky, who doesn't want the villa for nothing.

"System, open the lottery interface. "

Before the start of the KC Cup tomorrow, You Tian decided to draw all the points first.

After experiencing the battle of Dazi, the battle of the Light Dao Dragon, and the miscellaneous fish of yesterday's battle.

The duelist points in the system have come to 15,700 points, of which Dazi himself accounts for 10,000 points.

"In this way, Dazi is not useless, at least it is still quite valuable. "

Darts: I'm thankful for the compliment.

I can smoke five times in a row, and every time I get to this time, You Tian is very excited.

After all, who doesn't like the feeling of opening a card pack, especially when you draw the card you want, it feels heavenly.

"Give me a lottery!"

The big turntable squeaks and squeaks, and the rewards here are so beautiful.

Along with the cheerful children's songs, the first prize was also freshly baked.

[Congratulations to the duelist for obtaining the skill upgrade: Dark Duel Immunity]

Hmm?skill upgrades?what the hell?

You Tian hurriedly made an overview of his skill interface and checked the upgraded Dark Duel immunity.

[Dark Duel Master: After upgrading, the duelist is not only immune to the effects of the dark duel, but also can freely open the dark duel. 】

That's good, that's a good reward.

You Tian Han Shi is very satisfied with this reward, with this ability, in the face of an uncle like before, he can directly give punishment.

"Continue the lottery and give me a thunder essence, autumn pear paste (please)!"

The turntable continued to spin, and after a frantic acceleration, it finally slowly froze on top of a deck.

Wow, Golden Legends!

As soon as he heard this, You Tian's heart suddenly felt cold.

[Congratulations to the duelist for obtaining the deck Kamen Yin Xiong]

Kang of the hero deck, how can it be called Kang, it has to be called an excellent chain.

Although it's not a thunder spirit deck, Youtian is still quite satisfied. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At least this set of decks is also considered a serious deck, even if there are more pits, which is also a serious deck.

"Hey, hey, hey, you can use this deck to teach and teach the two kids, Juyo and Ed. "

After putting away the deck, You Tian has already begun to fantasize about the scene of educating the two heroes in the future.

Yucheng Shidai: I fused the Hot Girl and Wingman to summon the Flame Wingman.

Amity: I used three Heroes of Destiny as sacrifices to summon the Heroes of Destiny Doctrine.

You Tian: Unleash the Rapid Attack Magic Super Fusion, fuse the Sky Man on my field with your two monsters, and specially summon the Phantom Hero Trinity.

The picture was so beautiful that You Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Ahem, no, treat the juniors gently, the system will give me three consecutive pumps!"

The wheel began to spin again, and soon three prizes surfaced in quick succession.

Wow, Golden Legends!

[Congratulations to the duelist for obtaining the card deck Chaos Emperor Dragon Eight Tai Wu]

Well!!??? when he saw this set of cards, You Tian was shocked.

Isn't this the deck that once made a lot of noise in the OCG and even won an early world championship... 0

However, after winning the championship this time, it seems that Yatai Wu will enter the table...

However, You Tianyou's absence in OCG naturally does not affect his use.

In this world, the three skills are drawn and he will be down, what K society bans the card table, and the card is not forbidden, and it doesn't work if the king of heaven and Lao Tzu comes.

After sighing, You Tian continued to look at the next reward.

Wow, Golden Legends!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the card deck needleworm chipping card.] 】

Well..... Seeing this deck, You Tian didn't know what to say for a while.

Today is surprising.,I actually gave so many card sets at once.,And....

"This is too retro, isn't it, what age do you still use needleworms to cut cards?"

It's a complaint, but it's okay to use it, after all, Youtian hasn't used the chipping card set until now.

Is it okay to wait until the KC cup is used to bring a slight whistle to everyone?

The last remaining reward is the classic Extinction King Frog Egg, this time a full fifty pounds!

"Now Janice, they're going to be happy again. "

On the day of the start of the KC Cup

The entire Seahorse Park is so crowded that you can't see the edge at a glance.

Our protagonist You Tian, it's a little late today, it just so happens that the KC Cup is opening, and a group of people blocked on the street are about to be late.

"I knew I had Seahorse send a helicopter to pick me up. "

Looking at the endless traffic, You Tian couldn't help but sigh.

But now it's useless to say anything, he's stuck in the middle of the road.

0.0" I don't know how long it will be blocked. "

Just as You Tian was sitting in the car complaining, the roof of his car suddenly slammed, as if something had fallen.

After that, all the passers-by looked at the roof of the car and were amazed.

"What is this, it looks like a motorcycle. "

"You see there's a dueling disc on the car, it's not going to be a new product from Seahorse. "

You Tian seemed to understand, if he guessed correctly, the thing they said should be called the D round.

Could it be that Haima Company developed a perpetual motion machine in advance?

With this mood, You Tian opened the car door, and the scene in front of him made him understand what was going on with this D round.

"Hey, hey, I haven't seen you for a long time. "

I saw a young man with a jellyfish head, facing Youtian, smirking hehehehe.

And next to him is the ghost fire boy who drives the D-wheel and has a crab head.

Well,Riding the D wheel should also be considered a ghost fire.。。

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