The aroma deck is a sticker deck that uses the recovery of health points as a condition to trigger monster, magic, and trap effects to suppress the opponent.

But once the aroma monsters cannot recover their health.

So for this deck, it is undoubtedly a devastating blow!

Yujo Judai also discovered this before the duel, so he immediately arranged a drug side effect in the deck to target his opponent.

Xincheng Meihui's expression froze on her face.

Looking at the [side effects of the drug] that almost hit his face.

Xincheng Meihui's expression gradually lost control

"You, you bastard!"

"it turns out......You actually used this kind of card on me!"

"never......No one has ever dared to use such a card on me!"

Her hand holding the card began to tremble, and when she saw that her scoreboard only had 3,000 LP points left, her expression became even more distorted.

"my health......My perfect health was given to me by you damn bastard......"

"hateful! hateful! hateful!"

"You ruined my perfection, you......You damn bastard......"

Xincheng Meihui's body burned with a purple flame.

She suddenly covered her face, and the purple number [87] on her white neck became more and more dazzling.

"Oops, I seem to have angered her, Judai-sama!"Hui Liuli hid behind Yucheng Judai with some fear, and just peeked out with the tip of her head,"I always feel like there is some unknown aura coming out of her!"

"Are you a duelist who wants to be perfect in everything? So that's it, the obsession in her heart is perfection......."

Yucheng Judai was heartbroken.

The NO card increases Xincheng Meihui's yearning for perfection. No matter her appearance, other people's attitude towards her, or even a duel, she must strive to win with perfection.

What she enjoyed was not the compliments paid to her by the duelists.

What she enjoys is the perfect performance of every aspect of herself!

And NO not only increased her pursuit of perfection, but also enhanced her own charm.

This is also the reason why those duelists are so obsessed with the beauty of the heart city!

But now.

Yujo Judai broke the false perfection of Shinjo Mihui, which also caused the negativity in her heart to surge, causing the NO power in her body to start to lose control!

"It seems that the big one is coming......"

Judai Yujo held the cards in his hand tightly and was ready to face his opponent's NO card! now.

Heartland Academy.

Everyone in the NO Card Club is holding a gathering this week.

It's called a gathering, but it's actually a group of friends getting together to play cards and have fun.

The astral body floated aside in silence, looking at Yuma who was engaged in a high-intensity duel with Tetsuo.

For this kind of duel between friends, Astral usually wouldn't comment on Yuma's operation.

He just doesn't allow Yuma to use the NO card in duels with ordinary people, that's all.

As for the content of the duel between them, Xing (Baec) Light Body didn't have the intention to take a closer look.

Now, he has been thinking about things about Yucheng Judai.

The look before parting left the astral body with lingering fear.

He didn't know who the man named Yujo Judai was.

If someone had seen him in that strange world before, when he had materialized, it would have been nothing.

But in this world, I am still in the soul state, but I am seen by a human under ordinary circumstances.

This is worth pondering.

That Yucheng Judai may have hidden power that ordinary people don't have.

What that power represents, the astral body does not know.

But he will never let down his guard against Yujo Judai.

Thinking deeply.

Suddenly, a familiar force came into the astral body's induction!


The astral pupils shrank.

This, this power......

Is it NO?!

Yuma, who was dueling Tetsuo, also felt this power.

He hurriedly stopped the duel and looked at the astral body for verification.

"Yuma! It’s a NO card!"

The astral body flew over and said anxiously

"How could it be possible? Haven’t the NO cards already been collected?"Yuma was also a little surprised.

Obviously after WDC, they haven't encountered NO Card for a long time.

"No, not really."The astral body shook his head,"Those fifty NO cards are just fragments of my memories scattered when I came from the astral world.......There are another fifty memory fragments, perhaps scattered across the earth before I came to this world."

During these days, the astral body has recovered most of its memories from its fifty NO cards.

And among the remaining memory fragments, there is a lot of important information about the source code hidden.

Not long ago, they The assassins of Balian encountered may be chasing their current NO cards, hoping to get some clues about the source code.

"No matter what, those NO cards must not fall into the hands of the Balians!

Astral snapped,"Yuma!" go quickly!"

"oh! I see!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yuma nodded seriously

"Yuma! We're here to help too!"Tetsuo and others also hurriedly gathered around.

Although they are not strong enough in combat, there should be no problem in being cheerleaders for Yuma.

"Tetsuo......Everyone......"Looking at the friends gathered around, Yuma felt hot in his heart and clenched his fists,"吆西! Then let's go find the NO card together!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

On the rooftop of the teaching building.

Kiragu was wearing the school uniform of Xinyuan Academy, crossing his arms and looking at Yuma and others who were running towards the outside of the academy downstairs.

"Has the NO card appeared?......"

"Huh, this is a good time to get the NO card."

A sneer rose from the corner of his mouth.

Kiragu also decided to follow up and find out the news about NO card.

If he really can encounter NO card, then he must completely get it in his hands even if he uses all his strength!

Screen 1 Turn.

At this moment, in the Xinyuan Department Store,

Xincheng Meihui gritted her teeth and stared at Yusheng Judai. The power of the NO card in her body has burned to the peak!

"I activate the effect of [Rose of Apocalypse] in the graveyard!"

Xincheng Meihui said loudly:"Except this card from the graveyard! Special Summon a Plant monster with an attack power of 2400 or more from your hand!"

"My special summons! 【Sakurahime-Thalia】!"

Swah la la la—!

At this moment, the petals were flying, and a woman wearing a black kimono holding a pink feather fan bloomed from the petals of the cherry blossoms.


【Star rating: 8】

【plant family】

【Attack power: 2800】

"Then! Liberate [Aroma Mage-Jasmine] and [Aroma Mage-Rosemary] on the field! Summon from cards in hand! 【Benihime-Chiryuhime】!"

Two whirlwinds swept away jasmine and rosemary.

As the two monsters disappeared from the field as sacrifices, a fiery red rose bloomed on the field of Heart City Meihui!

Among the petals, a girl emerged from it, opened her hands, and blew bursts of fragrant breath from her mouth.


【Star rating: 8】

【plant family】

【Attack power: 1800】

"Then, I activate the magic card! 【Resonance device】!"Heart City Meihui threw the magic card in her hand on the duel plate

"Select two monsters of the same race and attributes on your field to activate! One of the selected monsters has the same level as the other monster until the end of the turn!"

"I choose [Red Princess-Chiliu Princess] and [Aroma Mage-Yilan] who are both of the plant family and have earth attributes! Moreover, let [Aroma Mage-Yilan] change the level to the same eight-star level as [Benihime-Chiryuhime] before the end of the round!"

Swish, swish, swish!

On the field, Fragrance Mage Yilan closed her eyes, and the stars above her head were rearranged and turned into eight stars!

At this moment, Xincheng Meihui's field had already gathered three eight stars. Monster!

"There are three eight-star monsters......Coming?"Youcheng Judai murmured in a low voice

"I! Stack the Level 8 [Aroma Mage - Yilan] [Benihime - Chiruhime] [Sakurahime - Thalia]!"

Swish, swish, swish!

The three monsters suddenly turned into three soaring lights, pouring into the sky.

In the darkness, a purple number 87 flashed past.

On the neck of Xincheng Meihui, the deep purple number 87, began to burn with terrifying arrogance!

"Three eight-star monsters form a stacked network!"

"Super Summon!"

"Come out——!【NO.87-Snow Moon Flower Beauty God-Beauty under the Moon】!"......

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