
Looking at the sleeping beauty goddess Xueyuehua on the field.

Xincheng Meihui gritted her teeth and could only give up.

"That's it, my turn is over......" but.

Just wait for the next round...

"My turn, draw a card!"

Yushidai Judai pulled out a card from the deck.

On the field, the sleeping tapir, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly yawned and swallowed an excessive amount of material in one gulp.

【NO.41 Mud Sleeping Monster-Sleeping Tapir】

【Excess material: 21】

"During its own preparation phase, the Sleeping Tapir will consume an excess material on its own."

"Then I will【NO.41 Mud Sleeping Monster-Sleeping Tapir] changes to attack position."Yushidai Judai turned over the cards lying on the duel plate.

The sleeping tapir suddenly woke up from his sleep.

It yawned, and the pink mist around it gradually began to dissipate.

"......The monster has woken up?"

Looking at the beauty goddess Xue Yuehua who was gradually waking up on the field, Xincheng Meihui was a little surprised.

"Yes, the sleeping tapir can exert different effects in different states."

"When Sleeping Tapir is on the field in attack position, it will not be the target of the opponent's"Nine Nine Three" effect, nor will it be destroyed by the effect."

Yushiro Judai said, inserting the card in his hand into the duel disk,"I summon [Phantom Hero-Bionic Man]】"

Purple light condensed in front of Yujo Judai.

The next moment, a purple mechanical hero appeared on the field of Youcheng Judai

【Phantom Hero-Bionic Man】

【Star rating: 4

【Attack power: 1000】

"When the android is successfully summoned or special summoned, it will send a [Hero] monster from the deck to the graveyard."

Yucheng Judai took out a card from the deck:"I will send [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] to the graveyard, and activate the second effect of [Phantom Hero - Bionic Man]"

"Remove the [Elemental Hero-Shadowmist Girl] from the graveyard and add a fusion card from the deck to your hand!"


Seeing the fusion card in Yucheng Judai's hand, Heart City Mihui was surprised.

In this world where almost everyone is using super summons, a fusion card suddenly appeared out of nowhere. For For people in this world, the impact is undoubtedly particularly great.

"Are you kidding? This summoning method has been eliminated......."

A wisp of cold sweat ran down Xincheng Meihui's forehead,"Let me state it in advance! Only NO cards can destroy it in battle! The Sleeping Tapir on your field only has an attack power of 2100, so it cannot defeat the Snow Moon Flower Beauty God on my field!"

"Of course I know this."

Yushiro Judai said,"I will remove the [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] from the graveyard, activate its effect, and special summon the second [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] from the deck.】"


With a roar, the hero of destiny bound by iron chains emerged from the dark summoning array.

【Destiny Hero - Demonic Man】

【Star rating: 6】

【Attack power: 800】

"Then, activate the magic card [Fusion】"Showing the magic card in his hand, Yujo Shidai said loudly

"Fusion of demonic humans and bionic humans!"

"Come out! Level 6! 【Hero of Destiny-Destiny Man】!"

The merging vortex swept the two heroes into it.

The next moment, the black cloak was floating in the whirlpool.

The hero, whose whole body was shrouded in darkness, walked out of the vortex of fusion!

【Destiny Hero-Destiny Man】

【Star rating: 6】

【Attack power: 2000】

"Then, activate the effect of [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in the graveyard, remove it from the graveyard, and summon the third [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in the deck.】!"

【Destiny Hero - Demonic Man】

【Star rating: 6】

【Attack power: 800】

"This, in other words, there are two six-star monsters?!"

Xincheng Mihui immediately understood Yujo Judai's intention.

He was not going to perform a fusion summon at all!

His final purpose for the fusion summon was still a super summon!

"I stacked the Level 6 Desperate Man with the Level 6 Demonic Man!"

Yusheng Judai raised his arms, and the two heroes turned into two golden lights that cut through the sky, converging into a colorful vortex above Yucheng Judai's head.

"Two six-star monsters form a stacked network! Super Summon!"

"Come out! Level 6! [Star Holy Dragon-Ptolemaic Cluster M7】!" boom!

The colorful vortex exploded.

The giant dragon, its whole body shining with dazzling golden light, emerged proudly in this summons!

The giant dragon roared, and the terrifying pressure struck everything around it.

【Star Holy Dragon-Ptolemaic Cluster M7】

【Level: 6】

【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 2700】

"Unexpectedly, another super monster was summoned......."Heart City Meihui gritted her teeth,"But this monster's attack power is only 2700! And NO monsters cannot be defeated by non-NO monsters!"

"I know! So activate the effect of [Star Holy Dragon-Ptolemaic Cluster M7]!"

"Take out an excess material! Choose a monster from yourself, your opponent's field, or the graveyard! Return that monster to the owner's hand!"

Yushidai Judai pointed at the beauty goddess of snow, moon and flowers in the beauty field of the heart city.

"I chose to return the card to my hand!【NO.87 Snow Moon Flower Beauty God - Beauty under the Moon】!"

The golden dragon twisted its body and swallowed an excessive amount of material.

Then, accompanied by the clear dragon roar, a strong roar instantly lifted the Snow Moon Flower Beauty God on the field into the air. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Xincheng Meihui was shocked.

The NO card on her field was removed, which means that she now has no cards that can withstand the attack at all!

Now, the offense and defense are reversed!

"Fight!"Yucheng Judai clenched his fists

"first of all【NO.41 Mud Sleeping Monster - Sleeping Tapir]! Directly attack Heart City Meihui!"


The sleeping tapir suddenly showed a ferocious expression and went straight to the heart of the city.

"Activate the effect of [Wind of Grace]! Pay one thousand health points to specially summon a [Fragrance] monster from the graveyard!"

Xincheng Meihui was shocked and quickly activated the permanent trap card beside her.

【Heart City Beauty: LP30002000】

"I'm special summoning in defense position! 【Aroma Master-Jasmine】!"Heart City Meihui hurriedly went to get the card from the Duel Disk Graveyard. Without the protection of the NO card, she no longer had the grace she had before.

The charm of his body is even infinitely close to 0.

If it weren't for the fact that the duelists around her who admired her were all lying on the ground sleeping like dead pigs. 0

Then the way they look at Shinjo Mihui now, it's not much different from that of online dating, right?

"Still want to struggle? Sorry, I won't give you this chance."

Yushiro Judai showed the last card in his hand:"Quick Attack Magic [The Namer of the Grave]】!"

"Target a monster in the opponent's graveyard and banish it! Until the end of the next turn, the effects of the monster removed by this effect, as well as the original monster with the same card name as that monster, are negated!"


【Aroma Mage - Jasmine] was about to be taken by Heart City Meihui.

However, a finger suddenly stretched out from the tomb appeared in front of Xincheng Meihui.

Her last hope suddenly disappeared.

"How......how so......"

Heart City Meihui wants to cry but has no tears.

The next moment, Sleeping Tapir had arrived in front of Xincheng Meihui, picked up the wine bottle in his hand and threw it away.


Accompanied byA shrill scream.

Xincheng Meihui was sent flying straight away, fell to the ground in an extremely inelegant posture, and passed out.

【Heart City Beauty: LP20000】

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: WIN drops to 0 as the health value drops.

The surrounding images gradually faded away.

Yujo Judai opened his hand, and a flashing silver card flew out from Shinjo Mie's chest and landed in Yujo Judai's hand.

【NO.87 Snow, Moon and Flower Goddess - Beauty under the Moon].

Recycling successful!

Satisfied, he put the card into his card box.

Yucheng Judai glanced at the people sleeping on the ground around him, silently took out the camera on his waist, and took a photo of the sleepy people on the floor.

"Ah, very good"

"Not only was the NO card recovered, but also the news materials Akari needed were obtained......"

"As for the name of the material?......"

"The quality of sleep of young people is good, but they just fall asleep?"

"Or is it that a famous card shop openly sleeps in broad daylight?"5.3

Looking at these photos in his camera, Yujo Judai clicked his tongue and left the card shop slowly.

After Yujo Judai left,

Yuma and others finally arrived.

Looking at the room full of sleepy people Everyone who was unconscious, Yuma and others showed shocked expressions

"How is this going? What's wrong with everyone!"

"Is it because of the NO card?"

"Hey, wake up! Wake up!"

Looking at Yuma and the others who were shaking the sleeping duelists, the astral body floated silently in front of Heart City Mihui.

From her body, the astral body could feel the remnants of some power.

This person, previously It is definitely the carrier of the NO card.

The astral body opened its hand and started sensing.

However, he did not find any trace of the NO card on Xincheng Meihui.

"Oops......It's late, the NO card has been taken away in advance!"The astral body said seriously.


Hearing Astral's words, Yuma and others immediately stopped what they were doing.

NO card......Was it taken away?

Could it be that someone is eyeing NO Card again?.

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