Heart Garden Duel Hall.

As it gets dusk, the players in the duel room also choose to leave.

The crowd gradually disappeared, and when the last duelist was about to leave the room, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him.

"You, your performance in the duel just now was very good."

Hearing what the person in front of him said, the man was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked at the person in front of him.

Seeing that he was wearing the uniform of a junior high school student in Xinyuan Academy, the man raised his eyebrows and showed a proud smile,"Hahaha, What, do you want to duel with me?"

As he spoke, the man pointed to a scoreboard in the hall behind him,"I am the holder of the highest number of duel points today."

Zhenzuki Rei glanced at the scoreboard behind the man.

The person ranked first on the scoreboard had the words"Kitano Taiga" written on it.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhenzuki Rei's lips:"Well, it's indeed very good. Awesome......Just in time, I also want to try it, the power of this card......"

"What?"Kitano Taiga was stunned for ten seconds.

Before he could react, Zhenyue Zero had already shown the [Upgraded Magic - Balian Power] in his hand.

This power borrowed from Kiragu made me a little bit......Use it.

Scarlet light spread out from the card.

Kitano Dahe's eyes widened, as if his soul was about to be absorbed by the power in this card.

Wait until the light gradually fades.

A black Balian mark appeared on Kitano Dahe's forehead.

A red light also appeared in his eyes

"For the Balian world......"

"Target, NO card......Target, nine people and nine horses...."

Zhen Yue Ling raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth

"So that’s it, Kiragu’s card has the ability to control humans and make them gain Balian power......."

"In this case, let the lovely Yuma-kun~ clean up the mess here, hahaha."

The card in his hand gradually disappeared.

Looking at Kitano Taiga who had lost his consciousness,

Zhenzuki Rei laughed and walked towards the outside of the duel hall.

Now, he only needs to pretend to be the victim and find a way to kill him. Just lead Yuma over.

And as Rei left,

Yujo Judai, who had been silently watching Rei's mischief, also walked in from the back door.

"Is this the power of Balian? How to say......It feels quite interesting."

Yushiro Judai crossed his arms and looked at the unconscious Kitano Taiga in the hall, touching his chin curiously.

"oh? Judai, you want......"Yubel is worthy of being the soul mate who has been with Yujo Judai since childhood, and he immediately understood Yujo Judai's thoughts.

Do you want to get this Balian power in your hands?

"Judai, you are really greedy......."Yubel smiled and said teasingly.

Yujo Judai shrugged.

In order to be able to fight with thousands of masters like this, I must gather enough strength.

Of course, Balian's own power, Yucheng Judai must not miss it.

Walked to Kitano Dahe.

At this moment, Kitano Taiga has been affected by the power of Balian, and the cruelty in his heart has been completely aroused. He keeps muttering words such as"NO Ninety-nine Yuma" in the Balian world.

"You're looking for this kind of card, right?"

Taking out two cards [no.41] and [no.87] from the card box, Yujo Judai smiled and said

"If you want these two cards......Just duel with me."

At this moment, the other side. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the roller coaster circled the heart garden for a full circle, it slowly stopped at the end.

Yuma and others got off the roller coaster, one by one. Full of excitement and energy

"Ah~ It’s so interesting. I’ve always wanted to take a ride on the roller coaster of my heart."Tetsuo patted his belly and said excitedly

"Yes, yes, it’s really thanks to Yuma-san that we can play in the Heart Garden for free."The squad leader also gave Yuma a rare compliment.

"Yuma, what's wrong? You look a little unhappy."Xiaotiao noticed that Yuma had been unhappy ever since he got on the roller coaster, so he couldn't help but ask.

"duel! I want to duel!"

Yuma finally couldn't help but say what he had been holding in for a long time.

Although the roller coaster is a classic project of Xinyuan, for a card player like Yuma, is there anything more interesting in the world than a duel!


Absolutely No!

"Really, it’s hard to come to Xinyuan today, so don’t keep thinking about the duel!"Tetsuo helplessly held his forehead.

Although dueling is indeed interesting, you can't play cards 24 hours a day and 25 hours a day, right?

Yuma, your card addiction is more scary than your ice skating addiction..

Just when everyone was helplessly complaining, the Emperor's Key on Yuma's chest suddenly flashed with golden light.

The astral figure condensed on Yuma's side, and he looked in the distance with a serious expression.

"oh? Astral body, do you also want to duel?"Seeing the astral body, Yuma immediately became interested.

"No, Yuma......I felt a strange power."

The astral body shook his head, with a solemn expression,"It seems like......Balian"

"Balian?!"Yuma's expression immediately became serious, and the cheerful look just now was completely gone.

"Eh? Balian appears again!"All the friends suddenly became vigilant.

At the moment when everyone was nervous. In the distance, among the crowd, Zhenzuki Rei looked bruised and bruised, staggering towards Yuma and the others.


"Zhenyue?!"Seeing the injured Zhenzuki all over his body, Yuma and others were startled and rushed over. Yuma helped

Zhenzuki, who almost fell to the ground, and said nervously:"Shenzuki, what's wrong with you?!"

"tour......Yuma-kun, I'm sorry. Out of good intentions, I thought that Yuma-kun might want to duel or something, so I wanted to go to the duel hall to have a look.......But ugh. Zhenyue covered her chest and said with a serious injury,"There is a strange duelist who uses a very powerful card to kill me."......"


After hearing Zhen Yue Ling's words, everyone thought of Balian in their hearts.

"Damn it, I actually took Zhenyue......"Yuma's anger suddenly rose. He took out the duel disk and was about to rush towards the duel hall.

"Yuma!"The astral body hurriedly stopped him,"The enemy's strength is still unclear, so it's best to proceed with caution! Calm down first!"

"How can you be calm?"

Yuma rushed towards the duel hall without looking back.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly supported Zhenzuki Rei and followed Yuma.

Seeing that everyone was rushing towards the trap he had set, Zhenzuki Rei's A sinister sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.



Just step by step, slowly enter my trap and be cannibalized by me.......

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