As four lyrical robin girls soar into the sky.

The light of the hypernetwork slants out from the vortex of the black hole. next moment.

The girl wearing a gorgeous feathered coat with bright colors slowly descended in this ball of light.

Four golden super-materials surrounded the girl regularly.

This seemingly harmless bird elf girl also showed shocking and terrifying power at this moment!

"Finally, the effect of [Lyric Songbird-Celestite Wagtail] in the cemetery is activated."

"If this card exists in the graveyard, activate it by targeting a [Lyric Songbird] Xyz monster on your field, superimpose this card under that monster, and use it as Xyz material!"

"Moreover, [Lyric Songbird - Gathering Nightingales] can increase her attack power according to her own super materials. Each super material will increase her own attack power by 2~00 points!"

"In addition, [Lyric Songbird-Beryl Canary] is used as a material to super summon the wind attribute monster, and the attack power is increased by another 200 points!-"

【Lyrical Songbird - Gathering Nightingales】

【Excess material: 45】

【Attack power: 800100-01200】

"good......It's so awesome, I made a super monster with five materials in the blink of an eye! Yuma exclaimed excitedly.

But soon, he noticed something was wrong:"But, but, if the attack power is only 1,200, isn't this a completely unmatchable opponent?""

"......"The astral body was silent.

He knew that if it were the man in front of him, there would definitely be a way to solve this problem.

"Yes, the attack power of [Lyric Songbird - Gathering Nightingales] is indeed not as good as that of the Mecha Demon."

"but! [Lyric Songbird - Gathering Nightingales] can directly attack the opponent player!"Youcheng Judai said loudly,"Furthermore, this card holding super material can make attacks up to the maximum number of super materials in the same battle phase!"


Everyone showed surprised expressions after hearing Yujo Judai's description of the effect.

Yuma twitched his fingers in panic:"This, this means that Gathering Nightingales can attack five times in one combat stage! Gathering Nightingales' attack power is 1200, and five attacks is......"

"6000 points of combat damage."The astral body murmured to the side,"This duel is over."

"Fight!"Youcheng Judai said loudly:"[Lyric Songbird - Gathering Nightingales], attack the opponent directly!"

The words fell.

The gathered nightingales immediately spread their wings and soared, swooping down from the sky towards the Kitano River.

"Oops!" Kitano Dahe exclaimed.

The next moment, the whole person was thrown out by the gathered nightingales and hit the ground heavily.

【Kitano River: LP40002800】

"Beat continuously."Yucheng Judai raised a finger

"Damn, damn it......"Kitano Dahe struggled to get up from the ground. Before he could stand firm, the second impact of Gathering Nightingales had already arrived in front of him.


【Kitano River: LP28001600】

"Two hits in a row."

The second finger slowly raised

"You, you bastard, are you fooling me!" Kitano Dahe struggled to get up. Before he could curse, the third attack from Gathering Nightingale came to his face.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

【Kitano River: LP1600400】

"Three strikes in a row."Youcheng Judai looked calm and stretched out his third finger.


What a cruel execution.

Seeing Yujo Judai's duel, everyone watching the battle took a deep breath.

"So, Judai must have kept his hands when he dueled with us before."The corners of Yuma's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but complain.

"Even though they are enemies, I can’t stand it anymore."

"Oh my God, this is so pathetic......"

Under the compassionate gaze of my friends.

The fourth attack of the gathered nightingales finally fell from the sky.

A flying kick flew across the sky, hitting Kitano Taiga's stomach, sending him flying out and slamming into the wall.

With this kick, Haoxuan directly broke the opponent's waist.

【Kitano River: LP4000】

【Youcheng Judai: If you want to read exciting novels on WIN, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"Four hits in a row......Five companies......Eh? Why are you gone?"

Looking at the dissipating images of the duel around him, Judai Yusei looked unhappy and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that Balian's strength is indeed not that good.

He feels that he is not as strong as his old classmates..The

Balian mark on Kitano Dahe's forehead gradually disappeared after he was unconscious.

This also means that the Balian power has been completely wiped out from him.

"Amazing! He actually defeated Balian so easily!"

0request flowers 0

"too strong! Judai-kun turns out to be so good at dueling!"

"Oh oh oh, Judai-kun, do you want to join our NO club? I feel like Judai-kun's dueling skills are even better than those of Kaito and Shark!"

"Yeah yeah! If Judai-kun joins the NO club, he will definitely be able to defeat those Balians easily!"

Yuma's friends immediately gathered around, looking at Yujo Judai with adoring stars in their eyes.

It was the first time for them to watch Yuma being pinned to the ground and rubbed by Balian for a long time before he came back. Seeing someone defeat Balian so easily.

At first, everyone thought that Yujo Judai was just a passerby whom Yuma knew.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be such a powerful duelist!

This level really shocked them. The horizon is widened

"Hey hey hey, really, I am obviously the main force of NO club, right?"Seeing that he was left out, Yuma couldn't help but jumped to his feet and shouted.

"Really, I just defeated a Balian. If it were me, I would definitely win......."Yuma muttered, but did not deny that Yujo Judai was indeed very strong. aside.

The astral body silently watched Yujo Judai.

The duel just now was just the tip of the iceberg.

But the operations he demonstrated really amazed the astral body.

Every action is unnecessary.

Even every card in the hand and graveyard was put to use.

This may seem like an act of pulling out a dog, but in fact it allows Astral to feel Judai Yujo's ability to control his own deck.

For other duelists, if they can perfectly control the cards in their hand when playing cards, they are considered to be powerful duelists.

But Yujo Judai's playing cards are able to perfectly control all the cards in the entire deck!

This kind of terrifying strength is absolutely impossible for ordinary duelists to achieve!

I am afraid.

Only duelists whose strength has reached the level of the legendary duel king can do this, right?

Just as everyone celebrated defeating another Balian attack.

Shinzuki Rei, who was at the end of the crowd, stared at Yujo Judai with indifferent eyes. threaten.

From Yujo Judai, Zhenzuki Rei felt threatened.

This guy's strength cannot be underestimated.......

Maybe he will become the biggest stumbling block in his plan!.....Four..

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