No.77 Seven Sins Spider (Seven Deadly Sins).

In the original manga, Yakumo Koji's final ace!

This card can be stacked on level 10 to level 11 dark attribute Xyz monsters.

It has the ability to remove a super material instead when it is destroyed by battle or effect, and once per turn, destroy all monsters on the opponent's field and turn them into its own super material!

This monster, in the zexa1 manga, is also a terrifying existence that Kaito, Lingya, and Yuma defeated with the combined efforts of Kaito, Lingya, and Yuma.

Now, the pressure is on Kaito alone.

Now, the only way to defeat the Seven Sins Spider is to gather three eight-star monsters and super summon them.

However, Kaito didn't have a single card in his hand, Galaxy Eye was also returned to the deck, and the field was empty.

The next time he draws a card will be the last time Kaito draws a card....

"In adversity, the last draw......"Yujo Judai crossed his arms and stared at Amagi Kaito

"My turn, draw a card!"

Kaito didn't hesitate.

Ever since the battle with Amyrlin,

Kaito would no longer be confused in a duel.

Even under such desperate pressure,......

"Activate the magic card! 【Desperate Treasure Notes】(original card)!"

Kaito placed the card he drew in his hand on the duel plate.

A desperate treasure?

Yakumo Keiji was stunned for a moment.

"After this card is activated, I draw three cards from the deck!"

"After that, send all the remaining cards in the deck to the graveyard! Kaito said sternly.

Send them all to the cemetery?!

Yakumo Koji was startled by Kaito:"You, are you crazy?"! Send all the decks to the graveyard, do you really want to fight me!"

Kaito's face didn't change as he took out three cards from the deck.

The next second, all the cards in Kaito's deck flew like snowflakes and disappeared into the deck of the duel disk.

"This guy is really brave......Do you dare to use such a card?"Yubel was also shocked by Kaito's determination.

By sending all the cards to the graveyard, that means, is Kaito ready to lose this round if he doesn't win the duel?

But Yujo Ju Dai is very calm.

After all, although it seems that it is a terrible decision to send all the decks to the graveyard.

But this is Yu-Gi-Oh.

For some decks, this kind of three-drawing can also remove the cards. The card that sends all the decks to the graveyard is simply a god card, right?

Some decks really make the graveyard their home.

Of course, the Galaxy Eyes deck is not such a deck.

So Kaito uses this card, Indeed, I did it at the risk of only having one round left.

"I will completely defeat you in this round, Yakumo!

Kaito showed the card in his hand:"Activate the equipment magic card!" 【Galaxy Zero】!"

"Activate by targeting a [Photon] or [Galaxy Eye] monster in the graveyard, and that monster is Special Summoned to the field in attack position!"

"The specially summoned monster cannot attack or activate its effects, and when the equipped card leaves the field, the equipped monster's attack power becomes 0."

"The one I chose to special summon is [Photon Emperor]】!"

【Photon Emperor】

【Star rating: 8】

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 2000】

"Photon Emperor? Didn't you choose the Galaxy Eyed Photon Dragon in the graveyard?"Yakumo Xingji frowned.

"Hum, activate the continuous magic card [Galaxy Hundred Styles]】"Kaito waved his hand and the second card in his hand was already released.

"at last! Activate the quick attack magic card! 【Super Galaxy】!"Kaito said coldly,"Liberate a monster with an attack power of 2,000 on your field, and activate it targeting a monster with an attack power of 2,000 on the opponent's field!"

"That monster is freed! After that, select a [Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon] from your deck, hand, or graveyard to Special Summon!"


Kaito's words made Yakumo Xingji stunned on the spot.

Explanation...... liberation?!

As everyone knows.

Liberation can be said to be one of the strongest solutions in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Although the Seven Sins Spider has the ability to replace it with excess materials when it is destroyed, it is also unable to resist when faced with liberation!


With the roar of the giant spider, the Photon Emperor and the Seven Sin Spiders on the field were simultaneously wrapped in a white gale.

Under the dull gaze of Yakumo Koji, the two monsters were dragged into the cemetery at the same time.

And On the battlefield of Kaidou, the Milky Way Eyed Photon Dragon slowly emerged from the two winds of liberation.

【Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon】

【Star rating: 8】

【dragon clan】

【Attack power: 3000]

Yakumo Koji took a step back, the expression on his face froze.

"Are you kidding me, my ace?......"

"However, I still have 3900 health points! You can't defeat me just with your Galaxy Eyes! Yakumo Xingji suddenly thought of something and said excitedly,"That's right!" There is no card left in your deck. As long as you can't completely defeat me this turn, you will lose if I don't do anything next turn! Kaito!"

"I told you, I will completely defeat you this round."

Kaito looked at Yakumo Koji coldly.


Yakumo Koji's body stiffened

"Continuous magic card! The effect of [Galaxy Hundred Styles] is activated! Kaito said,"When you have [Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon] specially summoned on your field, you can check your opponent's extra deck!"" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"After that, select one of the cards to exclude, or select one of the NO monsters to Special Summon on your field!"


Yakumo Koji's expression was completely unbearable.

This means that......

Swish, brush—!

In an instant, all the cards in Yakumo's extra deck appeared in front of Kaito's eyes.

Seeing several NO cards among them, Kaito stretched out his hand and chose one of them [no.28 Giant God Moth]!

0 flowers requested

【no.28 Giant God Moth】

【Level: 7】


【Excess material: 0】

【Attack power: 2400】

"Quick, quick fight! wait......Wait a moment! Do we really have no chance to talk again?"Yakumo Xingji's eyes widened and he exclaimed in panic.

"Fight! The giant god moth directly attacks Yakumo Koji!"

Kaito's face was ashen and he didn't give Yakumo Kyouji any chance to talk.

The next moment, the giant god moth waved its dark yellow wings, and countless powders immediately flooded Yakumo Kyouji.


In the powder, Yakumo Koji completely lost the arrogance he had at the beginning, and was left with only bursts of pain.

【Yakumo Koji: LP39001500】

"hateful."Yakumo Koji finally got rid of the dust.

The next moment, he raised his head and saw the Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon that had already been charged up.

"Yakumo, are you ready to repent?"

"Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon! Direct attack!"

"The photon blast bomb of destruction!!!"

The light almost illuminated the entire sky.

Looking at the surging light, the corners of Yakumo Koji's mouth rose slightly, revealing a rather strange smile.

"It seems that I have indeed been defeated by you today, Kaito."

"but......" boom!

Yakumo Koji's body was instantly submerged in light waves.

The life value also returned to zero in an instant.

【Yakumo Koji: LP15000】

【Amagi Kaito:

The images around WIN gradually dispersed.

Amagi Kaito's photon form was also released.

Kaito, who had released his photon form, suddenly lost strength and fell to the ground on one knee with a thud.

"Kaito-sama!"Orbital 7 rushed over to help Kaito.

With support, Kaito slowly stood up. When he raised his head, he found that Yakumo Koji, who was supposed to be defeated by him, was nowhere to be seen!


Kaito's expression changed, and he hurriedly threw away Orbital 7 and rushed to the place where Yakumo disappeared.

However, except for the [no.28 Giant God Moth] lying quietly on the ground, there was no trace of Yakumo. Traces of Yun Xingsi!

"by that guy......ran away?"

Kaito picked up the card on the ground and clenched his fists tightly.

Damn it.

That bastard......

"At the moment of being defeated, did Yakumo Keiji use the power of the no card to block Kaito's final blow for himself?"

Yushiro Judai frowned.

It can be felt that the power to dodge the Galaxy Eye attack in the end was not Yakumo Kyouji's own ability.

Could it be that it was the goddess of despair attached to Yakumo Kyouji who made the mistake? The reason?

She saved Yakumo at the moment when he was about to be defeated?.....Spoon..

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