I am thinking in my heart.

The elevator has reached the top floor of the hospital.

In order to give his sister Lixu a good training environment, Lingya rented the best intensive care unit in the hospital for Lixu to use.

Of course, Ling Ya's financial resources alone were still unable to pay the high medical expenses.

Most medical expenses are actually provided by the IV bank behind the scenes.

Back then, in order to complete the revenge of his father Amyrlin.

Under the instructions of IV Amyrlin, he dueled with Li Xu.

But because of the Amyrlin's card, powerful power swept over IV Lixu, causing Lixu to fall into a long-term coma.

In fact, IV has always felt guilty about this.

But for the sake of revenge for the Amyrlin Seat, IV had no choice but to be cruel and take a different path from his former friend Ling Ya.

Nowadays, Amyrlin's desire for revenge has gradually calmed down under the light of Yuma. Although the conflict between IV and Lingya has not completely disappeared, at least they no longer hate each other like before.

Arrive at Li Xu’s room.

There were very few furnishings in the huge training room, making the interior of the training room look quite empty.

On the hospital bed in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Li Xu lay there with a thick gauze wrapped around his face, still in a deep coma.

The long sky-blue hair was spread out on the hospital bed, and the girl's desolate and helpless look made everyone who saw it inevitably feel heartbroken.

On the low table next to the hospital bed, 757 also placed some fruits and flowers for condolences.

It is not difficult to see that many of Risu's friends often come to visit her.

On the table, there are also photos of Li Xu and his brother Ling Ya.

In the photo, Li Xu's aura is not inferior to that of Ling Ya, but Ling Ya has his hands in his pockets, looking helpless towards Li Xu.

"Hope to recover soon."

Putting the flower basket in his hand on the table, Yujo Judai murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of opening the door behind him.

"Who are you?"

A cold voice came from behind Yujo Judai.

Yujo Judai turned around and saw a purple-haired boy with an indifferent expression standing at the door, looking at Yujo Judai with a vigilant look.

"Ah, don't get me wrong, I am a temporary guest at Yuma's house and a friend of Yuma. Today, I was entrusted by Yuma's sister Akari to come here to visit Yuma's friend!"

Youcheng Judai quickly explained.

"Yuma......"Hearing this name, Ling Ya's vigilance obviously faded a lot, but he still didn't have a good face,"If you have nothing to do, leave as soon as possible, there is no need for outsiders here."

What a troublesome little (bafj) thorn.

Yucheng Judai smiled, but he wasn't annoyed at all.

After all, he had just experienced the WDC and the attack from the Balian world. It would be strange if Ling Ya was not wary of him.

"Then I won't bother you."

Leaving the room, Yusheng Judai closed the door gently.

"What a stinking brat, how dare you talk to Judai-sama like this! Hui Liuli shouted angrily

"Ling Ya's character is always like this, he is a tsundere with a sharp mouth and a soft heart."

Yushiro Judai shrugged.

He has been facing guys like Seto Kaiba on weekdays, and he has long been used to harsh mouths like Lingya.

【Didi didi——!】

Just when Yujo Judai was about to leave the hospital.

The duel disk on his waist suddenly sounded a series of sharp beeps.

Yujo Judai and Yubel and Hailiuli beside him were shocked at the same time. They hurriedly took out the duel disk and looked at the screen display on the duel disk.

"There is the power of strange energy."

Yucheng Judai frowned.

"Could it be said that there is a NO card?"Hui Liuli became excited.

The appearance of the No card means that there can be a duel again! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, maybe it's Balian......."Yujo Judai smiled.

At this time, something suddenly flashed in his mind like lightning.

At this moment, Yujo Judai finally remembered what he had ignored in the elevator before!

"Wait, speaking of which, that guy I met in the elevator just now......Isn't it one of Yakumo Koji's subordinates, Commander Ivelda?"

Thinking of that giant-sized guy, the expressions of the ten members of Youcheng changed.

"Oops, that person couldn't be the one sent by Yakumo Koji to recover the No card from Mie Shinjo!"

"Eh eh eh? That means that the person named Xincheng Meihui is in danger now?!"Hai Liuli was also startled.

Yujo Judai immediately pressed the elevator button and hurried downstairs.

He arrived at the floor of Xincheng Mihui's ward.

As soon as he opened the elevator, the screams of Xincheng Mihui came from the corridor. Ringing inside

"Sure enough, something happened!"

Yushiro Judai immediately put on the duel plate and rushed to Xincheng Mihui's ward.

He knocked open the ward.

Yucheng Judai saw Xincheng Mihui leaning in the corner, with a wisp of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his body was covered with blood. There was a looming blood hole.

In front of the hospital bed, the tall figure like a mountain stood there, even blocking the light coming from the window.

In the darkness, the man's mechanical eyes stared with scarlet light. Yujo Judai entering the house

"Hey, hey, hey, this guy feels too much pressure!"Hai Liuli shivered in fear as she huddled behind Yujo Judai.

This is the first time they have encountered such a huge duelist, right?

"Woo......Quick, run quickly."Xincheng Mihui covered the wound on her body, coughing blood in her mouth, struggling and shouted to Yucheng Judai,"This guy......So strong......"

Yujo Judai didn't speak, just stared at the big man in front of him

"I am the commander of No. 1 Yakumo Fleet in mopping up operations, Ivelda!"Ivelda swung her cloak and showed the duel disk on her thick arm,"According to Yakumo-sama's order, recover all the no cards in Shinzono City!"

"Detected, you have the power of the no card......"The mechanical eye scanned Yucheng Judai's body up and down, and Ivelda immediately unfolded the duel disk on her arm, and the mechanical eye immediately connected to the VR mirror,"Start now to carry out annihilation operations against you!"


Yujo Judai also raised the duel plate,"But that's fine. I'll decide on the no card on your body.""

【AR image-link completed!】


【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: LP4000】

【Ivelda: LP4000】

"The first attack is mine, draw the card!"Pull out a card from the deck, Yujo Judai scanned the card in his hand,"I activate the continuous magic card! 【Black Magic Array】!"

Black magic guide array?!

Seeing the card activated by Yujo Judai, Ivelda and Kokoro Mie both showed surprised expressions.

Black Magician deck?! this...

Isn’t this a legendary and lost deck?

How could it be in his hands?!.

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