At night.

In front of the hospital bed.

Ling Ya sat in front of Li Xu's bed, looking at the unconscious Li Xu with a solemn expression.

In his mind, what he saw during the day was what Yakumo Koji looked like now.

Ling Ya, Yakumo, Li Xu.

All three are orphans in the same orphanage.

Ling Ya and Li Xu were originally brothers and sisters from ordinary families.

But when they were young, Lingya and Lixu's parents died in a car accident.

Ling Ya and Li Xu were also seriously injured and fell into coma for several days before they regained consciousness.

Because their parents passed away, the brother and sister were sent to Xinyuan Orphanage, where they depended on each other.

It was at the Heart Garden Orphanage that Ling Ya and Li Xu met their childhood friend, Yakumo Xingji.

The impression of Yakumo Koji is that he is a lively and cheerful guy.

If Lingya was forced to find someone with a similar personality to Yakumo, perhaps the first person he would think of would be Yuma.

Yakumo is also a positive person, and his goal is to become a duel champion in the World Series.

However, since the duel competition, Yakumo Xingji disappeared.

Lingya hasn't seen Yakumo Xingji for many years....

Just didn't expect it.

Today's Yakumo has turned into what he is now......

Ling Ya didn't know what happened during this period.

But judging from Yakumo Koji's actions today, it seems that he is also collecting no cards.......

"Damn it, why on earth is this happening?...."

Clenching his fists, Lingya gritted his teeth. now.

My sister is unconscious.

My childhood best friend has become what he is now.

Ling Ya's heart was filled with depression and powerlessness.

The next day.

In the Heart Garden Academy, amid the melodious ringing of the school bell, Yuma, who had slept for almost a whole day, finally got rid of the prison called the classroom.

"Xixi! Let’s start today’s duel!"

He rushed out of the classroom excitedly with his schoolbag in hand. The way Yuma jumped up and down made Xiaotiao and others behind him look helpless.

"Yuma-kun is really lively. Zhen Yue Ling chuckled,"Obviously we had a duel with Balian's assassin yesterday."

"Yuma has always been like this."Tetsuo said helplessly.

Such an energetic fool, even if he just completed a thrilling comeback duel yesterday, he can still act as if nothing happened today.

If it were others, he would be so scared that he would not dare to go out today. How can I think about dueling or anything like that?

I was complaining about Yuma's big heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind Yuma.

"Hello, Kujiu Yuma-san?"

Everyone turned their heads to look.

They saw a young man wearing a Green Beret and holding a comic book under his arm standing on the steps with a strange smile on his pale face.

"Who are you......"He saw the person who stopped him.

Yuma showed a confused expression

"First time meeting me, I am Sentaro Ariga from the Manga Research Department of Love and Adventure."The young man bowed slightly, then opened his arms, with that rather fanatical smile still on his face.

"Comic research?"Tetsuo looked puzzled.

Although he is an academy student, this is the first time he has heard of this club.

"It was a department with only one member."The squad leader on the side whispered hurriedly,"And this Ariga Sentaro usually has a very gloomy personality, so few people know about him."

"So, why are the people in the comics research department looking for me? I don’t want to join any comics research department. Yuma muttered, finally staying up until school was over, he just wanted to go and play cards hard.

Sentaro Ariga was not angry either, he smiled and said,"That's it, my Manga Research Department wants to put all our efforts into it. Draw a comic book about adventure"

"And you, Yuma-kun, I want you to be the only protagonist in my manga."

"main character?"Yuma and the others all showed strange expressions.

"Yes, I wonder if Yuma-san can introduce yourself a little bit.......And, your own weaknesses and so on."

Sentaro Ariga took out a pen and paper and came over with a smile on his face.

With such a direct questioning method, normal people would definitely find Sentaro Ariga a bit strange.

But I'm sorry.

Yuma is not normal. people

"weakness? That kind of thing doesn't exist at all!"Yuma clenched his fists and giggled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


For such a shameless answer, everyone could only respond with their own speechless expressions.

"Well......You are really reliable, Yuma-kun......."Sentaro Ariga was not annoyed, he just wrote something silently, and his eyes suddenly turned to Ling Ya, who was not far away and was walking towards the outside of the school with an expression of keeping away from strangers.

"Ah, Kamishiro Ryuga-san, please wait a moment. Seeing Ling

Ya, Sentaro Ariga hurriedly chased after him,"Our manga research department wants to draw a masterpiece. Is Ling Ya willing to be the only protagonist in this work?"

Yuma:" Huh?" Didn’t you say you want me to be the protagonist?"

Unlike Yuma, an idiot.

Lingya's way of dealing with such people is much simpler and rougher.

"Go away, I'm not interested in this kind of thing!"

With a wave of his arm, Sentaro Ariga was thrown a few steps away. With a livid face, Lingya walked towards the outside of the academy.

".Hey, are you okay? Yuma and others hurried over and helped Sentaro Ariga up,"Really, are you an idiot to ask a shark?""

"Well, it doesn't matter. Speaking of which, Ling Ya seems to be very busy all the time. Sentaro Ariga smiled and said

"That's right. Shark's sister is still in a coma, so she definitely doesn't have the heart to mess with these messy things. Yuma complained.

"oh? I see......"Sentaro Ariga showed a thoughtful expression

"Anyway, I’m looking forward to your comics."Hurrying to say goodbye to this strange Sentaro Ariga, Yuma and others immediately caught up with Lingya in front,"Hey! Ling Ya, wait for us!"

Looking at the backs of Yuma and others leaving,

Sentaro Ariga's mouth raised an intriguing arc.

"God's Lingya......Kamishiro Risu."

Go back to the academy classroom. At this moment, in the classroom, a tall, dark-skinned man wearing the uniform of Shinzon Academy is already sitting on the table waiting for Sentaro Ariga.

"Are you saying (Zhao Zhao) that you want to shift from attacking Ninety-nine Yuma to pointing the finger at Kamishiro Lingya?"

Kiragu crossed his legs and looked at the guy standing respectfully in front of him.

"Yes, although I haven’t found the weakness of Kujiu Yuma yet, I already fully know the weakness of Kamida Ryoga."

"We can definitely take advantage of Kamidai Ryuga's weakness and make him and Nine-Nine Yuma fight each other.......At that time, we will be able to reap the benefits.

Sentaro Ariga bowed and said,"Please Sir Kiragu wait for the good news.""

"Oh ho? Okay, then I’ll leave this matter to you."

Kiragu's sausage mouth raised slightly,"In this way, I also have time to investigate those no cards and no hunters."

"Yes, Lord Kiragu."

Ariga Sentaro slowly raised his head, a purple light appeared in his eyes.

A purple Balian mark gradually appeared on his forehead.

"For, Balian World!".

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