The duel to save Kamishiro Risu begins!

"This duel follows the rules of a brawl, which means that the three of us fight independently! Sentaro Ariga sneered.

"Eh? If they fight on their own, shouldn't Judai and Shark team up?"Yuma asked curiously, covering the scar on his face.

"In this case, the three people will become completely independent, right?"Zhenyue said in surprise,"Lingya-san and Ariga-san are destined to be on opposite sides, and Judaimei-kun is a character who is outside the influence of both sides."

"No matter who Judai-kun decides to help, it will be a devastating blow to the other person......."

"In the first round of a brawl duel, neither player can enter the combat phase."

"The first move belongs to me!"

Sentaro Ariga quickly pulled out a card from the deck.

Under the AR mirror, his pupils flashed a purple light, and then a strange smile broke out on his face.

"Activate the field magic card! 【Comic World】!"Showing the card in his hand, Sentaro Ariga said loudly,"This venue is the manga world I have drawn."

"In this world, all the development of the plot"927" will be carried out according to my will!"

The light gradually covered the surrounding environment.

A rather desolate comic book world gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"I summon, [Knight of the Lake-Lancelot]】!"

"Then, activate the magic card! 【Sword Oath】!"After summoning the monster, Sentaro Ariga immediately showed another card in his hand,"When there is a warrior-type monster on your field, you can special summon another level 4 warrior-type monster from your hand!"

"Come out! 【The Knight of Sad Love-Tristan】!"


After three cards went down, two warrior-type monsters holding knight swords suddenly appeared on Sentaro Ariga's field.

"There are two four-star monsters now?"

The astral body showed a serious expression,"Is it coming?"

"I will stack level 4 Lancelot and Tristan!"

The two monsters suddenly turned into two red flames and spiraled into the sky.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the two monsters outlined a black super vortex in the sky

"Build a stacked network with two monsters! Super Summon!"

"【Comic Hero-King Arthur】!" boom!

The monster holding a giant sword and wearing golden armor suddenly fell from the sky.

As the monster fell, the ground even began to tremble.

【Comic Hero-King Arthur】

【Level: 4


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 2400】

"Appeared? A hero monster without a hero field."Yucheng Judai touched his chin and murmured in a low voice.

"Cover a card, and my turn ends like this!"

Throwing down a card, Sentaro Ariga ended his turn.

"Hey, over there, it's your turn! Sentaro Ariga looked at Yujo Judai,"Summon powerful monsters to your heart's content!" Don't waste the performance space I prepared for you!"

"My turn, draw a card."

Yushiro Judai took out a card from the deck.

He glanced at Ling Ya who had a solemn expression on the side, and then at Sentaro Ariga who kept smiling sinisterly.

Yujo Judai threw down a card and said with a smile:"Summon a monster face-down. After that, cover three cards and the round ends!"

"What?!"Seeing the unfolding of Yujo Judai, Ariga Sentaro was immediately stunned.

What kind of outrageous scene is this?

One in front and three in back?

"Wait, wait a minute! Don't you have any monsters in your deck that you can use?"Sentaro Ariga had a bulging vein on his forehead.

"Sorry, there is no monster with an attack power exceeding 1500 points in my deck." Shaking the duel disk on his arm, Yujo Shidai smiled and said

"you......"Sentaro Ariga suddenly felt like he had eaten shit.

Damn it, there isn’t even a monster with an attack power of over 1,500 in the deck?

Then why are you so good at dueling?

"My turn, draw a card!"Ling Ya didn't care about that.

Seeing Yu Cheng Judai ended his turn, Ling Ya immediately drew a card from the deck without hesitation.

"I summon【Metabolic Shark】!"Lingya put a card on the duel plate.

The next moment, a column of water spurted out from Lingya Field, and a giant shark with various fancy gems on its body appeared on Lingya Field.

【metabolic shark】

【Star rating: 4

【Fish Tribe] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Attack power: 1800】

"Hey, is this a card of this level? Sentaro Ariga spat,"This can't be done!" Lingya, summon the NO card for me quickly!"

"whispering sound......"Ling Ya frowned.

Even if he wants to summon the no card, the cards in his hand really don't support him doing so....

"There is really no other way, so I can only help you a little bit, Ling Ya. Sentaro Ariga sneered,"Open the trap card!" 【Heroes suffer】!"

"When there is a [Comic Hero] monster on your field, you can activate it when your opponent summons a monster!"

"The opponent can select two monsters of the same level as that one from the deck to Special Summon!"

Help the opponent summon monsters?

What kind of weird operation is this?

Seeing Sentaro Ariga's approach, everyone was a little confused. Others tried their best to hinder the opponent's deployment of trap cards. How could this guy help his opponent deploy them?

What kind of dueling living Buddha ?

"Hey, if you don't summon the no card, you may never see your sister again, Lingya."Ariga Sentaro sneered, waved his hand, and a scene frame appeared in the sky full of manga style behind him. In the scene frame,

Jindai Risu was lying in a tightly locked iron cage, with a look of no mercy. Lingya, who was already anxious, was shocked when he looked like he was helping.


"Ha ha ha ha! see it! Now Kamishiro Risu has been firmly locked into my comic world!"Sentaro Ariga waved his hand and pointed at the majestic dark castle behind him.0

"If you don't have the ability to break through the Demon King's Castle guards, you are not even qualified to enter the Demon King's Castle! Lingya!"

"whispering sound......"Lingya gritted his teeth, eyes burning with anger.

"Come on, summon your monster! Sentaro Ariga shouted almost threateningly.

"I special summon [Hammer Shark] in the deck, and [Saber Shark]】"Ling Ya grimaced, gritted his teeth and took out two cards from the deck.

The next moment, two vicious sharks appeared on Ling Ya's field, one on the left and one on the right.

This also means that Lingya already has three level four monsters on the field!

Are you forced to summon no card?

Looking at the three monsters on the field, Ling Ya gritted his teeth and moved his right hand towards his waist.

"I will stack three level 4 monsters!"

It's finally here! No card!

Sentaro Ariga was immediately overjoyed

"Wait, open the trap card! 【Warning point】!"However, at this moment, Yujo Judai suddenly said,"It can be activated during monster summons, special summons, and reverse summons!"

"This turn, those face-up monsters cannot attack, their effects are negated, and they cannot be used as materials for Fusion, Synchro, Hyper, or Link Summons!"

The red trap card opened in response.

On the Lingya field, the two [Hammer Shark] and [Saber Shark] who were about to turn into super material suddenly screamed in the crackling electric light.


Sentaro Ariga's eyes widened and he hurriedly turned to look at Yujo Judai,"You, what are you doing!"

"oh? What, isn't this a melee duel?"Yushiro Judai looked at Sentaro Ariga pretending to be puzzled,"I just interrupted the opponent's development, couldn't I?"

Ah this......

It seems like there's really no problem.

Chapter 0.4 of Yujo Judai immediately choked Sentaro Ariga back.

"No, you......Could you please stop making trouble in this situation? It's not your turn yet, okay?"

"Besides, aren’t you with Ling Ya and the others? Why are you interrupting the unfolding of your own people!"

Ariga Sentaro's veins popped out on his forehead and he couldn't help shouting at Yujo Judai

"Who said Ling Ya and I were in the same group?"Glancing at Lingya, Yucheng Judai smiled and said,"It's a melee now, and it's not clear who will be with whom until the last moment."

Lingya glanced at Yucheng Judai, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"hateful......"Sentaro Ariga's teeth were almost broken,"It's not easy to draw out the no card."......This bastard who was just a walk-on came out and ruined my good deeds......."

Sentaro Ariga took a deep breath and looked at Yujo Judai with an increasingly unhappy look.

After I deal with Lingya......Next.

Next time, we must deal with this bastard together!......

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