Chestnut ball deck.

Although they are all decks composed of furry one-star monsters that look harmless to humans and animals.

But still the same sentence.

Most of the one-star monsters are monster-level

"my turn"

"I summon [Thief Chestnut]】!"

A black chestnut ball wearing a yellow pirate hat jumped out of the summoning array

【pirate chestnut】

【Star rating: 3】

【Demon clan】

【Attack power: 1000]

Yujo Judai continued:"Then, cover a card and the round ends."

"Is this how the round ends again?"Sentaro Ariga couldn't hold himself any longer.

You bastard, are you sincerely here to cause trouble?

"【Pirate Chestnut] At the end of the round when the summon is successful, release this card and reveal the top five cards in your deck."

Yusheng Judai took out five cards from the deck," then, choose a magic or trap card from them and add it to your hand, and send all the remaining cards to the graveyard."

"The card I chose to add to my hand is the magic card [Flashing Five Stars]! After that, send all the remaining four cards, [Chestnut Ball], [Chestnut Bead], [Machine Thunder Transformation] and [Proliferation] to the graveyard!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Four cards poured into the graveyard.

The efficiency of this pile of tombs is even comparable to that of some mainstream decks.

"At the end of the round, four more resource cards are piled into the graveyard.......So, is this the essence of this deck, which is to use the resources in the graveyard to fight the opponent in the long term?"

Astral touched his chin and seemed to have understood the operating logic of this deck.

He used the powerful ability of the chestnut balls to resist the opponent's attacks one after another.

In the gap between the opponent's attacks, the deck was The resources in the game are piled up into the graveyard.

The last attack is sure to win the deck!

Because of its powerful attack interference ability, in this melee, although Judai Yujo seems to be playing a supporting role.

But In fact, the direction and rhythm of the entire duel are all controlled by Yujo Judai!

"This guy is a master at playing with people's hearts......."The astral body couldn't help but admire

"Eh? What, what do you mean?......"Yuma looked confused.

He understood every word spoken by the astral body, but when put together, he did not understand at all.

What kind of long-term battle, what kind of playing with people’s hearts?

Isn't this just an ordinary duel?

Astral body:"......"

Sure enough, compared to a simple idiot like Yuma.

Yujo Judai has no problem playing with a hundred Yuma.

"This guy is simply an old fox who has experienced many battles. He can easily control any situation......."

"Yuma, we can't be idle here." Astral looked at Yuma,"The way to crack the comic world may be hidden somewhere, and we have to help them outside of the duel!"

"Ah, okay!"Yuma nodded repeatedly.

"Speaking of Yuma-san, out of good intentions, I noticed that the drawing book that Ariga-san always carries is no longer with him."At this time, Zhenzuki suddenly said.

It was precisely because of Zhenzuki's words, whether intentional or unintentional, that Yuma's head suddenly lit up.

"Could it be said that this duel has something to do with that painting book!"

Rarely using his brain, Yuma immediately pulled Maysuki and ran towards the school.

Shark! Judai!

If you two just hold on, we will definitely find the key to cracking this scene!

"My turn, draw a card!"

It's Ling Ya's turn.

However, even though Ling Ya already has enough means to kill his opponent.

But because of Li Xu, Ling Ya still dare not attack rashly.......

"Hey hey hey, Lingya! Quickly summon your trump card and attack me!"Sentaro Ariga has become more and more impatient.

Because of the existence of Judai Yujo, his script has been completely disrupted.

Originally, he wanted to use the effects of [Comic World] and [Comic Hero-King Arthur] to torture Lingya severely.

Unexpectedly, everyone’s plan was disrupted by this inexplicable guy.

This time, I must force Ling Ya’s no card out!


Looking at Yu Cheng Ju Dai, seeing that Yu Cheng Ju Dai still had a calm face, Ling Ya couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, do you still have to summon the no card in the end?

"I build a stacked network of three level 4 monsters on the field!"

"Super Summon!"

Raising his hand, Lingya said passionately

"Show up! No.32! The deep-sea emperor who holds the strongest and most powerful power! Use those teeth to bite everything into pieces!"

"Seabiter - Sharchardramon!"

The number 32 flashed with a scarlet light.

In the turbulent waves, Sharchardramon spread its red wings. The gray-blue waves slapped behind Sharchardramon, and the roar was like the roar of Lingya, shocking tingling in one's ears

【No.32 Seabiter-Sharcharosaurus】!

【Level: 4

【Sea Dragon Clan/Excessive】

【Excess material: 3】

【Attack power: 2800】

"Oh oh oh, it finally appeared! No card! Sentaro Ariga was overjoyed,"That's it, that's it!" Come on, please attack me quickly!"

"Hey, the sea bites the dragon! Attack【Comic Hero-King Arthur】!"Ling Ya's anger had already reached its peak.

Seeing Sentaro Ariga's shameless look, Lingya couldn't hold it in any longer and launched an attack.

"The deep sea bites!"


The sea-biting dragon roared immediately. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw it spread its arms and roared straight towards the comic hero-King Arthur.

"Yes, that’s it!"Sentaro Ariga took a deep breath, and a purple light appeared in his eyes.

At the moment when the sea biting dragon defeated the comic hero.

The effect of the field magic [comic world] will completely emerge at this moment!

On the spot [ When the"Comic Hero" monster is destroyed, the field magic [Comic World] will resurrect the"Comic Hero".

After that, the [Comic Hero]'s attack power increases by 500 points, and a magic card can be activated from the deck!

The corners of Sentaro Ariga's mouth rose slightly.

The [Upgrade Magic - Balian's Power] sleeping in his deck can be retrieved by the opponent's attack!

As long as his comic hero is upgraded to Chaos Super , with its powerful power, it is enough to destroy the God Ling Ya!

"Lingya! From the moment you summon the no card, you have already stepped into my trap! Ha ha ha ha!"

"This attack is the beginning of your failure!"

Sentaro Ariga opened his arms and laughed, waiting for Ling Ya's attack to arrive.

"Activate the effect of [Spherical Chestnut Ball] in the hand"

"When the opponent's monster declares an attack, send this card to the graveyard, and the attacking monster changes to defense position."

However, at this moment,

Yujo Judai's voice suddenly sounded.

The next moment, a small brown spherical monster suddenly popped out in front of the sea dragon that was about to collide with the comic hero King Arthur.

That little monster The monster showed its green claws and patted it lightly.

The originally vicious sea-biting dragon was immediately knocked back to Ling Ya's field, and its body involuntarily crouched down.

"Curry Curry!"

After doing all this, the spherical chestnut ball clapped its little paws with satisfaction, then turned into nothing and disappeared from the field.

Sentaro Ariga stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.


Come again?!

This Yucheng Judai, you......Damn you......

You are deliberately looking for trouble, right?

The other side.

Heartland Academy.

In the comic research department room.

Yuma and Maya finally found the picture album hidden by Sentaro Ariga.

In this comic book, Yuma and Maya also saw Kamishiro Rio imprisoned in a cage!

"Looking for it, found it!"

Looking at the pictures in the manga, Yuma and Zhenzuki suddenly became excited.

"Is this the plot set by Sentaro Ariga next?"After reading the comic plot set by Sentaro Ariga several times, the expressions of Yuma and Zhenzuki gradually became serious (Zhao Zhao's).

If the duel goes according to Sentaro Ariga's script.

Lingya's no card, it is It is the key to evolve King Arthur into Chaos Super!

Once evolved into Chaos Super, Lingya will be swallowed up by the power of darkness and defeated by Judai

"This, how can we rescue Risu from the manga!"Yuma scratched his head anxiously.

He is a human.

How could he be like Duel Elves and end up in a comic like this!

"Eh? tour......Yuma-san, this comic seems a little different from before."

Suddenly, Zhenyue discovered a clue from one of the pages of the comic.

In the picture, inside the iron cage deep in the Demon King's City, a figure that had never been seen before seemed to appear next to the unconscious Risu.

Yuma and Zhenzuki hurriedly turned the page.

Next page.

The person who appeared next to Risu also showed his face! He was wearing a red retro hero costume, a brown jellyfish head shape, and a young and handsome face. profile.

That person turned out to be......

"Ten generations?!"

Yuma and Zhenyue couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.

This guy.

When did he run into this comic!......

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